Training Day 1: Taylor Byrd

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I wake up, hoping my wish from last night came true. It didnt, and I am, unfortunately, still in the Capital. Ugh.
I quickly get dressed in the clothes laid out for me and head to breakfast. While Crystal still seems miffed about my behavior last night, Chase seems to have moved on. I sit down and nibble at some fruit, feeling too nervous to eat. James notices and tells me that I need to eat, to keep my strength up today. He also tells us to find out strengths and weaknesses, and only work on our weaknesses. "Work on the things you're not good at," he says, " and save the impressive stuff for the gamemakers. " It's good advice, and I think I just might listen this time.
After breakfast, we take the elevator down to the training center, underground. We immediately separate to do our own things.
While most people go to the weapons, I try for survival skills, as I'm not particularly good in those areas. While learning how to make a fire I see the boy from 2 also trying. He stops and states at me for a moment, and then continues. Several more times he does this, and right when I'm about to tell him to back off, he walks up to me. He sticks his hand out and says, "Hi, I'm Josh Gillespie, District 2." I shake his hand and reply,"Taylor Byrd, District 4. "
"Got any allies yet, Taylor Byrd?"
"No, do you?"
"Well the girl from my district, Abby, and I are partners. Would you like to join us?"
"Which one is she again?"
He points her out, at the archery station. I observe her a moment, and realize that she's really good. I think she can help me. "Sure, I'd like that. I say, as it's clear Josh is getting impatient.
I wasn't planning on allies, but then again, I wasn't planning on getting reaped, either. Things don't always turn out how you want. But, maybe it's for the best. I just might win.

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