The Games Day 1: Taylor Byrd

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The clock counts the seconds before the Games begin. About 20 seconds in the boy from 7, Jake, I think it was, falls off his platform and blows up. We haven't even begun and someone's died. I feel bad, he was the one person here who seemed like he had not lost his conscience yet. But there's no time to feel bad. The clock counts down until it's almost time. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1. The clock reaches 0 and everyone takes off toward the cornucopia. I run and manage to grab a pack of knives, 2 swords, and a backpack. I run off into the forest and don't stop running until my legs give out. I sit for a moment before leaving to find my allies. I walk for a bit before finding Jadynn. We start walking together, keeping an eye out for enemies. We don't run across anyone unfamiliar, which is good. Because I don't feel up to killing just yet. As we are walking, we do manage to find Josh and Abby, who had the good sense to keep an eye on each other once the timer went off. We eventually track down everyone in our alliance except for Alyson. We can't find her anywhere. We're about to give up before we here a sigh coming from a nearby tree. We turn to look as Alyson steps out from behind the tree. "WHAT!" Josh practically explodes, " YOU WERE BEHIND THAT TREE THE WHOLE TIME AND YOU DIDN'T COME OUT! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TIME WE'VE WASTED LOOKING FOR YOU! I'M SO-" Just then, Jadynn tackled him to the ground and covered his mouth. Josh, indignant, tried to push her off, but failed. She eventually removed her hand, and helped Josh up. But he was still angry. "WHAT WAS THAT-" he started to tell but was cut off by Jadynn's hand again. "Look," she said, " I know your angry, but you can not yell like that. It will give our position away to every other person in the arena. If you yell like that again, I will not hesitate to kill you. Nod if you understand, and quit talking, because, quite frankly, you're very annoying even when you aren't yelling." Josh nodded, and Jadynn took away her hand. He started to open his mouth, but wisely closed it without saying anything. I can already tell this is going to be fun.

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