Big Three More Like Big Ego

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So since this is my book, I'm the hero. Right? In all good hero stories you learn EVERYTHING that the kids been through. In Hercules (ironic I mentioned him, am I right) we learn what happened from when he was born up until he ditched the gods to be mortal with some chick, (I'm talking movie version if that didn't actually happen) so I better run you through what I've been through up until the point I decided to write this thing.

Gabe seemed like a bit of a brat from the beginning in all honestly, we were greeted by this horse legged man at the gateway. Gods that was one weird night. Camp half blood this place is called, it's a camp for the children of gods and mortals; they call 'us' demigods. We were both shoved into cabin eleven, that's where the children of Hermes live. You see, after you arrive at this place you have to wait until you're claimed by your godly parent, it's kinda like waiting at the lobby in the doctors. Gabe was claimed by Apollo after a week, I wasn't surprised, he never did stop looking at himself. I spent two years of my life in that godforsaken cabin, up until just after my thirteenth birthday. There was rumour a daughter of one of the 'big three' were being tracked down by monsters in Brooklyn, of course this was all anyone could talk about at camp. A group of five half bloods were going to be picked to help in a rescue mission, at the time this didn't seen very exciting to me; (although I was very worried about one of my good friends Hayley being picked, I wouldn't want her being hurt) surprisingly, I was picked. Along with Hadley, Flora, Mia and Elsa. We were escorted to the city by two Satyr's. Everyone was equip with a walkie talkie. I tried to stay out of the action, sticking to back streets and bad neighbourhoods. The places you wouldn't expect to find demigods. Midday came and left, and nothing happened. Afternoon came and left, and nothing happened. The sun came and left, and nothing happened. The moon came up, and something happened. I remember a figure in the sky catching my attention, and the way my body instinctively set off to save them. Like I was built to be a hero. By the time I got there she had brought herself down. This whole situation was like going to the shops and buying much more than needed. I promise there's a point to this story, I'm not just reminiscing in my heroism.

Anyway, the girl was down and they looked kind of, scared? Which was odd I thought, I was only there to help her. Suddenly, the girl ran at me, I raised my arms in defence, holding my eyes shut and hoping the situation would fade. I heard a pipe burst, breathing in sharply and hesitantly opening my eyes. To my astonishment, it was me who burst the pipe. My whole body was flowing with energy, like when you wake up from a nap perfect nap. I was holding this young girl in a bubble of water, rain started pouting down; but no lightning. I could almost feel someone smirking in my head at the "no lightning" comment. It didn't feel like I was holding the bubble, it didn't even strain me that much; it was more like a warm up stretch rather than anything difficult. To my surprise, a hologram of a trident appeared over my head. I completely lost my focus and dropped the bubble; luckily the girl was already unconscious. I turned around just in time to see Flora standing there. Her usual bored expression was replaced with a look of surprise. Hadley came running up, probably having heard all the commotion, letting out a simple "oh" as she examined the scene.

It was time for someone to break the silence, so I pulled out my walkie talkie, buzzing in and leaving a message for all of those back at camp. I spoke loudly, suddenly feeling a surge of confidence; "Callista Snowdon here, I've found the big three daughter; and I have a pretty good idea of their godly father, and mine as well. It's been an eventful evening for all of us. Over and out."

I was proud of the way I conveyed my message, I would never normally have enough confidence to do that. We met back up with Mia and Elsa, Flora rushed straight to my side. Hermes kids are sneaky, but they'll be there for you.

Hadley rushed straight to Elsa, filling her in on the earlier events. Elsa and I were very close, we'd spent time together in cabin eleven before she was claimed by Khione. Elsa didn't seem very phased by the situation, although I did hear her whisper "finally", which brought a smile to my face. At that same moment I remembered when Hadley first came to camp, I had been her mentor for awhile. She had packed only boyish clothes, I can recall how shocked Rowan and Adriana were; I can still remember Rowan's face of disappoint. I almost burst out laughing, but held my mouth shut; only letting out a quiet snort, gaining the attention of the rest of my party.

The satyr carried the girl, not growing tired for the whole journey back to camp. Mia and Elsa took care of any monsters that caught our scent, while Hadley stayed with the sisters; ready to charm speak them back to sleep if they stirred. Flora and I led the group. We arrived back at camp to roars of celebration, they were probably just happy none of us died; it would mean quite a lot of work, and a few angry godly parents. The satyr brought the girl to the infirmary, I began making my way to them before I was stopped in my tracks by Chiron (the horse legged man). I guess I was expecting this, a lecture on the dangers of discovering your godly gifts; I was pleasantly surprised as his lips parted into a proud smile.

"Oh gods, finally Callista. We'd all been quite sure of your father since you arrived! My only worry was why it took so long for you to be claimed." He began leading himself off topic, I waited a moment before he found his point. "Ah, yes. Poseidon, you'll be moved to cabin three straight away; Dynemia is quite excited, but do be patient with Natalie." He lowered his voice, looking around with a concerned expression plastered across his face. "She's a squib, and a bit defensive about it too." I nodded at his statement, turning my back on him and making my way to cabin eleven.

Everyone said their goodbyes, it wasn't too emotional, seeing as I was just moving to a different cabin. Sera came in to help me pack, I was careful not to say anything that might upset her. Sera and I are good friends, you see, but she's a daughter of Hephaestus; piss her off and she'll light herself on fire. We're packing my clothes, so now was a time to be extra careful. With her help it didn't take long to finish, she even helped me drag my bag across to the lake. I noticed how long and low the cabin was, not paying much attention. I was overwhelmed with a feeling of relaxation from being so close to the water; I thanked Sera and took my bag, making my way down to the cabin.

Hesitantly, I raised my my fist to the door and gave it a small knock. Were Natalie and Dynemia even in there? Should I wait? I fought with myself in my head, deciding to open the door and quietly make my way inside. A small blonde girl jumped up in surprise she looked about eight, maybe nine. Of course I knew that was Dynemia. She walked over to me, a skip in her steps. My palms were sweating, why am I so nervous? Is it the fact she's just staring at me? Did I do something wrong? Her lips curled into a smile, she spoke comfortingly, which calmed me to the point that I let myself breathe.

"Welcome to your new home, I'll show you your room. We've got heaps of room since it's just the three of us and we always get first pick of the horses and pegasus.." She seemed to go on for a while, I was interested, don't get me wrong. But I had to give myself a moment to take in my newly found sisters, my newly found father, and my newly found personal space. I groaned internally, remembered the squishy small area of cabin eleven. I sat down on my bed in the room Dynemia had showed me; apparently I could call her Dy is I wanted, which made me smile. I'm not sure why, but I felt accepted here.

I spent the night getting settled in, just as I laid down to rest, a darker haired girl peered through the gap in my door. She stepped inside, she seemed nervous; but she definitely didn't want me to know that. I waited for her to speak up, examining her features, trying not to seem creepy, she looked younger than Dy, I guessed that she was seven. "Welcome to cabin three!" She was wary of herself, as though she was trying to sound like someone else. I smiled nonetheless, any kind of welcome around here got me giggly. "Thanks, Natalie, right? I hope I got that right. I'm sorry, I'm so nervous." She giggled, looking more confident in herself. "Don't be nervous, we're sisters." She chirped up, making me smile even wider. "Hey! I could look after you! I can help you get settled in and everything!" Although I was five years older than her, I agreed. She almost flew out of the room, her excitement was bursting from her.

Leaving me to finally rest, I laid back on my pillow. Looking up at the ceiling I noticed all kinds of minor details; like the sea plants handing from walls and little pots. Some words were carved in Greek into the roof, "Family", "Trust", "Loyalty". All the morals that you could think of, I was relaxed, everything was simple and I was finally going to get some sleep.

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