Taking A Fortress

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At the next cabin leaders meeting it was decided we would launch an attack on the traitor base. Jenna, a daughter of Tyche, the goddess of luck, told us that this battle would be the last for some of us. It's not that she could tell the future or anything, but she could sense our chances in this fight. Not many people were phased by these odds, we'd lost enough to be able to deal with it.

The capture the flag game had been on Tuesday, it was Thursday now and the day of the attack. Everyone was training around the clock. Trigger and Tatum had been sent out on Wednesday to find the traitor base, which they did in little time. They described it a new looking house, so we assume they murdered the original inhabitants. That brings me to where we are now, trudging through the forest in the direction of this 'base'. I led the our group, I'm the oldest at camp so it's only appropriate. The campers closest to me were Aella, Dy, Savannah, Rowan, Hadley, Colette, Sera, Jenna, Alison, Erica, Tasmin and Crystal. Everyone else seemed to be falling a bit behind.

We continued walking for awhile, until we had their base in our sights. There were guards, tons of them. It looked like everyone was outside except Darren. So there was no sneaky tactic to use; I looked between my friends, taking in their faces and hoping this was not the last time I would be able to do that. Alison nodded to us from her position, and that's when we began our strike.

Tasmin dived straight into battle, drawing her daggers on Aslynn. Her usual weapon was her enchanted bow and arrow, a gift from her mother Athena, but bows aren't a hand on combat weapon. Aslynn and Tas were evenly matched in their battle skills, although both were suffering blows throughout their encounter. Their blonde and brown hair mirrored their differences, they were almost polar opposites. Tasmin's every move was strategic and planned out, while Aslynn moved on the spot, improvising each of her reactions. I honestly couldn't pick a winner, they might be going at this for awhile.

A bit further from the battle scene I could see Cosette and Hadley fighting off a few hellhounds that had lunged at Savannah and Rowan. Cosette took the first one down, stabbing one of Hadley's daggers into its eye then her own sword through its back and out its stomach. Hadley is a daughter of Aphrodite, but the way she killed the second hellhound might make you think otherwise. She had picked up the sword of a fallen demigod and sliced the head of one of those mutts clean off. Rowan was busy fighting off a red headed traitor when one of the dogs threw itself at her, her reaction had a seconds delay which cost her part of her left arm. Although she took a lot more of that from the hellhound.

I could see Kit amongst the traitors, he only arrived at camp a day before the capture the flag game, I actually helped him find his way here. He left that night, straight after being claimed. He and Aella were battling it out, their powerful moves matching each other's, both of them were anger filled, naturally, although I think Aella's anger levels would outdo Kit's any day. I can insult Aella all I want during camp games, but she's amazing in battle. Kit's sword turned to rubber in his hands, Aella was smirking much too obviously. Kit was out of it for a moment, and during that moment Aella glanced across the battle field, I could tell when the scene of Wendy fighting Savannah came into her view, because that smirk was wiped straight off her face.

Wendy looked to have met Aella's gaze for a moment, which Sav took as an opportunity to take a swipe at Wendy's face, cutting a clean swipe down her cheek. Uh oh. Wendy's pissed. Not her beautiful face! Although I can't say that sarcastically, for an Ares kid, Wendy is okay looking; and by that I mean she's not an overgrown man-woman. Savannah's huntress reflexes were helping her to stay unharmed for the fight so far, until Wendy realised Sav's tactics and pretended to swing at her face while stabbing her sword straight into Savannah's stomach. I pushed myself into this battle, holding myself infront of Sav defensively and swinging at Wendy warningly.

"You like being a traitor, Wendy? Does it make you feel good to attack people you used to call your friends?" I said, Wendy ignored my comment and took lunged at my chest, I barely escaped the hit. We went on for a few minutes before being interrupted by Aella's yell of anger, which distracted Wendy for a moment. Maybe she does have feelings. During that moment Sav rammed the end of one of her daggers against Wendy's skull, knocking her out cold.

Erica had her sword up against Max's. Erica was clearly winning, each of her hits were perfect. Typical daughter of Tyche. Erica's hair was blue today, with bits sticking out and stray hairs flying across her face. Max's hair looked much neater than hers. It was in almost perfect shape, Zeus kids take a lot of pride in everything about themselves.

The vision of Kal and Alison fighting was one you had to see for yourself. They were each delivering perfect shots, deadly shots as well. But each of their shots were matched by a predictable maneuver to avoid the blow. Alison was fighting gracefully, she matched her twin sisters agility even without any enchanted abilities. When looking past Alison's outer she'll of planned out battle moves you could see determination in her eyes. Kal matched Alison's determination with anger. What was she angry about? I'm not sure. I'd known Kal for awhile before she joined the traitors, my friendship with Sera brought us together. Kal was always stubborn, but I like to think I helped her form her protective side.

Just behind Kal I could see Julie and Crystal, they were fighting intently and keeping up with each other perfectly. It was like neither of them wanted to hurt the other, but they didn't want to get hurt themselves. They were putting on quite the show, and I'm sure they were fooling everyone else. Crystal blew a gust of ice over Julie, while Julie moved Crystal's mind into a state of exhaustion.

I heard a small wiz behind me, my huntress reflexes immediately taking over and turning me to face my foe. When looking over their stern face and dark brown hair, which curved inwards over her features I recalled what happened at capture the flag the other day. Flora isn't one to take kindly to losing.

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