// chapter seven //

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"When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too." - Paulo Coelho

Chapter 7

SHIELD Hellicarrier, 2012


It was hard coming back. It isn't something I thought I'd face when I pointed the nose of the plane downwards. To join SHIELD, reuniting with an old friend; everything.

I haven't forgotten what Charity had done for me all those years back. Doctor Erskine wasn't planning on telling me about how he had found me. But in the end, he confessed that Charity told him how - and I quote - "worthy" I was of being his subject in an experiment of his. And which I am eternally grateful to her.

I never knew anyone that would go to such lengths for my own happiness. Even Bucky, who tried to talk me out of enlisting. In a way, I kind of disliked him for that. He was putting down my dreams and instead put the attention on himself and forced me out on dates; where I clearly was unwanted anyway.

Charity, even though I only knew her for a short while, I consider her my best friend. It was because of her that my life ended up the way it had. And she was indeed correct of the outcome. My happiness has shone through.

Although, I do miss my loved ones that most likely passed away while I was in the ice. I couldn't help but think about Peggy from time to time. But as long as she lived a joyous life, I am content.

Things seemed to be going downhill fast around the hellicarrier. Agents were working nonstop for Fury, doing their very best to try and track down Loki and the two missing Avengers.

In the process of Loki's escape, we lost a man whom - I have to admit - seemed unlike other agents in the establishment. He could be family, one who I could go to when I'm in need of something. Phil Coulson, I think his name was.

I also found that Charity had gone with Loki. She was spotted by cameras that were lined in the halls, helping Loki escape. It seemed unlike her to do such a thing; I thought she was on our side. But when Fury explained further about her life, I came to the conclusion that she was on neither side. She was not a threat, but she was something SHIELD had to keep an eye on.

I felt terrible that I had not went to visit her in her cell. I hadn't even tried to convince the Director to let her out of the glass prison. I acted as if she wasn't there at all, too focused on all the work I had to do. At least that is what I told myself.

I stood in the room the cells were held in, thinking about the man we had lost when I heard the door open from behind me. I didn't bother to turn and look at who it may be, the heavy footsteps gave away that it was Stark.

He didn't greet me or attempt to start a conversation. Perhaps he came here to do the same thing as I was: to mourn over a man we barely knew. But being that this is Tony, the possibility was slim.

Suddenly, wanting to know more about the deceased man, I asked Tony, "was he married?"

Tony didn't look at me as he leaned against the metal railing. "No. There was a, uh, cellist I think."

"I'm sorry," I said, staring blankly at the glass cages. "He seemed like a good man."

"He was an idiot."

"Why? For believing?"

Tony sighed. "For taking on Loki alone."

I didn't nod my head like I had wanted to. I simply stared at nothing, lost in thought of the agent I never had the chance to have a good conversation with. "He was doing his job."

"He was out of his league," Tony retorted, his frustration building up almost to the brim. "He should have waited. He should have..."

"Is this the first time you've ever lost a soldier?" Stopping Tony from walking away in anger. He turned sharply, glaring daggers at me.

If looks could kill, I'd die only to be revived and killed again, over and over.

"We are not soldiers!" he spat, emotions dripping from his words. "I am not marching to Fury's fife."

Feeding off of the sudden change of attitude, I shouted back, "Neither am I! He's got the same blood on his hands as Loki does! Right now we have to put that aside and get this done. Now, Loki needs a power source. If we put together a list..."

The tension in the cold room seemed to lower to a minimum as Tony replied, while staring at the blood stained wall, "he made it personal."

I shook my head at the billionaire, "that's not the point."

"That is the point," Tony objected. "That's Loki's point. He hits us all where we live. Why?"

I could sense that Tony was getting somewhere, so I went along and did my best to dig deeper and think harder. "To tear us apart."

"He had to conquer his greed, but he knows he has to take us out to win, right? That's what he wants. He wants to beat us and he wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience."


The Avengers- save Bruce and Thor - were currently seated around a table with the SHIELD logo stamped smack in the middle. Fury had called us in to inform us about a slight change he was making in the group, almost right after Tony and I had figured out where Loki was most likely going to attack.

The four of us were all silent, awaiting for Fury's arrival and his news. I was a bit nervous to say the least. Although I shook it off, with me being a soldier, just as the door slid open.

Fury was not alone. He had two women behind him, staring in awe at us who we're staring back with confusion.

They looked alike; very alike. Except each of them had one strip of hair that was a different color.

The one to my right had a paper white strip, hanging in front of her blue eyes. She fidgeted under my gaze as I examined her further, and I willed myself to look to the girl next to her.

This one had a black strip that barely stood out considering she had dark, chocolate brown hair. Her eyes, however, were a deep, dark purple in which I got lost in immediately.

"I want to you to meet your new teammates," Fury stated, getting straight to the point. "Girls, introduce yourselves."

"My name is Kennedy Hines," the woman with the white strip said, sending all of us a small smile. "And this is my sister, Shayla."

"But you can call me Shay." I looked over, standing up to say hello in return.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," I smile, jutting my hand out to the two girls. They shook my hand gently. "My name is Steve Rogers, and welcome to the team."

"Tony," Stark said, suddenly appearing at my side. "Tony Stark."

"Ah, yes," Kennedy smirked, "the...billionaire that owns that stupid tower in New York."

Tony glared at her, going back to take his seat at the glass table. After Clint and Natasha introduced themselves, Fury spoke once again.

"I've brought these two in here once Thor and Banner went missing. I didn't know if we would get them back before Loki would strike, so I called them immediately. Why don't you two explain your abilities?"

Kennedy was the first to speak, tucking her white hair back behind her ear. "I can control electricity; which explains the white hair a bit. I have super speed, I can wall-crawl, telepathy, memory manipulation, and I can create force fields."

Shay shifted in her seat before she took a deep breath and began, her purple eyes fixed on the table. "I can allow you to see illusions, I have super senses, I can teleport, I have telepathy, I can control gravity, and I have what's called psychometry. It means when I touch things, I can learn about the past or future through it."

I found her powers fairly interesting, but she didn't bring up the hair and why hers was black. No one seemed to notice, so I left it be for later.

"Welcome to the Avengers."


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