// chapter twelve //

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"And right now there's a war between the vanities, but all I see is you and me. A fight for you is all I've ever known..." - OneRepublic from "Come Home"

Chapter 12

New York City, 2012


I stood up straight as Loki's gaze intensified. Tony glanced cautiously between the two of us, reluctantly setting his drink down onto the counter.

"You leave me with no choice."

Tony advanced over to Loki, who broke eye contact to glare at him. Tony raised his right arm, and threw his clenched fist at Loki's face.


Loki stopped Tony's fist before it collided with his face. With a scowl, he twisted Tony's arm behind his back, earning a groan of pain from the billionaire. Loki took his scepter and placed it across Tony's neck, digging the pointed tip into his skin.

"Loki, that's enough," I said, my voice coming out more firm than I anticipated.

Something behind the two caught my eye. Through the tall window, down in the streets, I saw an explosion of some sort. It was like dark fog, reaching out in search of a victim.

I ran up to the window to inspect further. I saw Kennedy yelling at the darkness, backing away to the other side of the street. Steve was also there, holding up his shield in a defensive manner. I turned to Loki, who had released his hold on Tony to stare at the havoc below.

"What is that?" I asked him.

Loki glanced at me, shaking his head as if telling me he had no idea. I looked to Tony, who seemed deep in thought as he watched the dark fog in the streets.

"It's Shay."

Shay? As in SHIELD's new recruit? This is absurd, she could kill someone out there! She's driving away both Steve and Kennedy. Making the decision that I need to be down there, I gave Tony a look and ran out to the balcony.

What I was about to do, I haven't done in a very long time. I stared down at the street below, suddenly becoming scared of heights. I clenched and unclenched my fists, taking deep breaths.

I turned back to Loki and Stark, who were staring straight at me in confusion. Then, realizing what I was about to do, Loki dropped his scepter and raced out onto the balcony.

"What do you think you're doing?" he shouted, looking at me with longing and confusion in his eyes.

"I can't run all the way down, Loki," I conceded. "By the time I get to the streets, Steve and Kennedy would already be dead."

Thunder could be heard in the distance, clashing with the lightning. Loki shook his head at me, holding his hands out as if trying to pull me back to him.

"Flying isn't one of your abilities," he said, his fingers stretching out. "You can't possibly conduct enough air particles to keep you airborne."

His words started to make me doubt myself. Stark Tower was indeed huge. Falling from such heights could kill me, even if I am presumed to be immortal. But what else am I to do? Taking the elevator is out of the question. There was nothing else I could do but this.

"If I don't make it then," I smiled, inching closer to the edge, "promise me something."

Loki looked at me, panic in his eyes. The tears could easily be seen building up, and I could tell that he didn't want to let them fall. I smiled another sad smile.


"Promise me - and I know that this is a lot to ask from you right now - that you'll change. That you'll forgive, and see that people really do care. And if it's not you you're changing for, then have it be for me. Because I care, and I want the best for you."

Loki said nothing. But a single tear made its way down his pale cheek. I couldn't help myself as I ran to him, arms open as I engulfed him in a hug. I thought about this being our last hug, picturing myself lying broken on the sidewalk. I shuddered at the thought.

"I love you," he mumbled into my hair, pulling me closer into him. "Just don't do it. Tony can handle it; he's already flying down there. Just stay up here where it's safe, please. I'm begging you, Charity."

I pulled away, looking up at him with silent tears of my own sliding down my cheeks. I shook my head, walking back over to the edge of the balcony. Turning back to Loki, I muttered, "I love you."

And then I fell back.

(A/N: I decided to be mean and leave you guys with a cliffhanger God, I'm so evil! >.

I hope you enjoyed this chappie! You got to see a bit of drama between Loki and Charity. Also, what do you think is going to happen with Shay? Maybe it will make up for my absence...?

QOTD: Do you guys hate me for not updating?

I have not decided about the sequel yet. I'm such a bad person, I know! I'm just gonna wait and see where this story goes. Maybe I won't write a sequel. Gosh, I am so sorry!

Thank you for reading even though I suck at this stuff,

- Mikayla x


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