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credits to @cypherose for the english translation
english translation of this amazing thread that @glorystigma did

kpop stans have been really brave talking about other groups achievements to dismerit bts. So I'm going to give my opinion and idgaf if you don't agree with me, it's my account and I tweet what I want

bts are not the first kpop artists to try break the USA's barriers. Of course not! kpop has always tried to enter in the most important industries, USA and Japan, so it's logical that they are not the first ones.
But are they the ones who have gotten the furthest? I could say so

kpop had a peak in 2012 with psy. It had started before, but it began to be noticed in 2012 due to the hit that Gangnam Style was.
I ask you, what made Gangnam Style a hit? It wasn't the lyrics, it wasn't a complex composition, it wasn't an impressive rap, nor admirable vocals

not even good visuals.
So, what did it? The fact that the foreign industry saw it as a circus. It was a catchy song, Psy was "funny", the MV seemed like a parody, and the dance was strange and something that wasn't seen in artists on this side of the globe.

It didn't achieve an appreciation for the genre. It wasn't something you would see and say "Woah, kpop is good music." No, it was funny and catchy. that's it. When I say that the Gangnam Style got me into kpop, I'm not saying it was because I appreciated it musically.

In fact it was the ft with Hyuna. What can I say, my gay ass was showing and I was in love with the girl, that's why I looked for her, then I started listening to 4minute and now I'm here.
This brings me to the next point.

Another artists that have broken the barriers a bit, are Girls Generation. Literally, someone talks about kpop and the first thing that comes to mind (back in that time) were them.
What did they have to offer? The foreign audience remembers them as the group with almost 20 girls

that look alike, were cutes and danced. They probably only listened to Gee, like me in 2013.
So, what do they all have in common? let's add Fantastic Baby by Big Bang, that was somehow famous and people danced it at otaku conventions (ah, the memories)

They all have in common that kpop was seen as a circus. There it is, it wasn't appreciated as music, rather as funny MVs and asians that danced catchy music. that was it

When PSY started to blow up in the US due to his hit, I don't know if yall watched the interwiews and performances but he was seen as a phenomenon, like a circus

A simple trendy entertainment for the masses because, who didn't like doing the horse riding dance with their friends without worrying about knowing who the fuck psy was and if he was a good artist or not?

Psy tried to make similar songs to Gangnam Style to maintain his status, but he didn't succeed. Sadly, he ended up being a one hit wonder. Was it his fault? Not at all.

The American industry is like a circus audience, you entertain them and then they throw you away. They weren't going to keep him in the cusp, because they weren't interested in him as an artist

You didn't see him in the interviews being interviewed (forgive the redundancy) as an artist, nor a person, rather as the funny Asian from Gangnam Style. I'll use this point of the industry a little bit later.

So, we have Wonder Girls who came before. The girls were very loved in Korea, and they wanted to go for more. They signed in the US, made a song in english, promoted there, and kaboom.
They achieved things (the Hot100, for example.) But did they represent kpop?

Kalokohan ng Bangtan Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon