In chains

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My eyes fluttered open just to be met by an unknown room. I had no idea how long I was out. Couldn't comprehend if it had been days, but my body felt sore as if it had been years. The room bed, my hand pushed on the mattress, it was actually comfortable. I sat up to look around. A painful groan left my lips as my whole body ached. My eyes scanned the room and landed on the bars. No locks. That probably meant that some Metal controller must be close, maybe even Evangeline.

That woman would probably even trade her powers to be the one to push me here. On my left, I noticed a table with two chairs. I guess for visitors, a comical snort left me. What a joke, no people that she would really want to see would be allowed to visit. Behind was a bookshelf with some of Julian's books I recognized from his study. Maven wanted to pretend I was not a prisoner. But no amount of tinsel would change she was here against her will. My eyes scanned the room urgently only to notice the closed doors all the way to my right.

I stood up and then my eyes fell on the chains at my wrists. It was long enough for me to walk around this room. I was like a bird in a cage. The sudden rage overtook my body. Warming my skin, I wanted to strike this whole place down. My hands balled into fists so I wouldn't start screaming. I walked to the door and opened them almost timidly. A small part of me was hopeful that it would be the door to lead me out of here. Naively enough. I see a small bathroom. Walking in my eyes rested on the mirror. Seeing myself I let out a gasp at my horrific look. Leaning onto the sink that was before the mirror I gulped. I had dark circles under my eyes as if I hadn't slept in days. A dark purple bruise was on my cheek, in fact, my cheek was swollen, a small part of her wanted to poke it and see if something would spill out.

I backed out of the room, just to fall like a house of cards next to my bed. My hands clawed at my throat nervously. My brain felt as if it was thumbing it. Or maybe my heart was making such an echo inside this room. The silent stone was too strong for me now. My head pounded even more now that I thought of the reason why my powers seemed empty. I felt as if I would choke on the lump in my throat. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. This room made me feel claustrophobic. It all flashed before my eyes, Cal lying behind the bars when Maven pulled us down from the sky. Then Kilorn's look, begging not to go. Tears start to fall from my eyes. I open my eyes and bend my head, and try to blink them away. The white concrete beneath me does nothing to distract me and a wrecking sob escapes me.

To distract myself I stand up. My head spins, and before I steady myself by putting my hands on the bed. And then I feel it, some bits of electricity. Something was in this room. I turned around, almost spinning in a circle searching for it. Then my eyes settled on the camera, following my every move, in the corner behind the bars. I felt the electricity sizzle, almost as if it was calling towards me. A twinge of hope swirls inside me, maybe it will help. A man walks in, and I can feel how he's weakening me. My lips curl in anger as my body starts to hurt even more. He is a silencer. I wrack my brain for the name, and then it hits me, Arven.

"Stand up!" I hear him hiss at me. Another man walks in and steps towards me cautiously. He gestures with his head towards the handcuffs. I feel the anger inside me bubble but I raise my hands towards him so he can remove them. Clearly Magnetron. Arven grabs my arm roughly and pushes me out of my prison. But I know better than to hope. I know that they will hardly release me since Maven imagines me as his trophy. I feel relief wash over me once we step into more distance from the room, but the dose of power chill that runs through me is not enough for me to send a bolt of lightning. The silencer is working his best. They led me through the castle. Pulling me along as if I was a disobedient dog. I'm trying to remember every door, every turn, but it's too hard to concentrate. Everything spins.

We walk in front of a monstrosity of a door, one that I can barely recognize. I can scarcely remember anything around here, it has been long since I've been here. The Magnetron knocks, and when we hear a small "come in". The Magnetron stays outside and the only one who walks in with me is¨the Arven. Who pulls me along with him with an angry swagger. Maven's back is to me. With his hands behind his back, he stood almost like a king. He was looking out from the window as if no one just walked through his door.

"Leave us!" I hear him command to the Arven. The man lets go of my arm and walks out of the door. Still walking as confidently as ever, but he closes the door behind him softly, like a scolded child. Maven turns to me, his eyes sliding over my face, eyes flashing with pity. He doesn't utter a single word as he sits in his chair.

A small smirk appears on his lips as he breaks his silence, "How do you like your room?" He leaned onto his arm, almost as if we were casually chatting like friends.

"It's perfect, thank you," I answer with sarcasm. I raise my hands with the chains, "And what a great jewelry you have given me." My voice drips with venom.

"You will be interrogated by my cousin Samson, any information about the Scarlet Guard will be useful to us. Let's say it will be much more pleasant for you if you speak by yourself." He quirks an eyebrow at me, but those eyes of his tell the truth. No matter how much he makes it seem he wants to hurt me, his eyes seem to gaze at me with guilt, or maybe he just wanted me to feel like that.

I scoff, "Oh please don't say you wouldn't gladly torture me yourself!" He looks down at his desk, glaring holes into the wood. With his power, he could probably set it to flames.

"Of course, I wouldn't!" He stands up and walks straight to the door. Walking past me without uttering a word.

His head only pokes out as he bellows, "Take her to her cell, give her some food and a new dress" -as they grabbed me he commanded them- "and let her wash for fucks sake."

I get dragged along but tug on my chains in between the doors and my voice comes out feebly, "How long was I down there?!" He smiled like it was the funniest thing he ever heard before answering, "A week, something else?"

I gulped, "Yes, did you let them go?" I need to know the truth, to know that I'm not here for nothing. That all this suffering and ongoing drain of my powers will bring freedom to the people I love.

"I am a man of my word if I want to be!" He implies. With that, the Arven walks me back to my cell, not wasting a second. Dragging me like an animal. The metal controller locks the bars behind me and commands me to take a shower. I almost bare my teeth at him but do as he says. My lips curled and with words being grumbled under my breath I walked into the bathroom.

The water falls onto my face, washing away all of my sorrows. Washing away the painful ache of my muscles. I must say that for a moment I forget about my chains. My calm gets interrupted by the doors opening. I push myself into the wall and do my best to cover myself. The woman doesn't even turn to look at me. Not uttering a word. Before I could ask something she walks out of the room. I stop the water and wrap a towel around me.

I look at the clothes, it's not a dress which I was counting with, but it's social black pants with a red belt and a white shirt. A knock breaks me out of my concentration on trying to put my clothes on. A voice follows it, "Three minutes,". I take the band and do a ponytail so my hair won't look so messy. But regret it when my hands hurt from keeping them up. I walk out of the door. The Arven looks at me his face void of emotion, and then he unlocks my chains.His hand once again grabs me roughly, this time at my wrist almost as if reminding me that the chains will be put back on. He walks me to the throne room. I can see the cameras looking at me. My eyes meet Maven's and I plead with him. Not this. He looks away, at his fingers, and taps them. The man who has blue eyes like Maven and Queen Elara, I expect to be Samson, walks towards me.

"You murdered my sister," he whispers next to my ear and pulls back. He gives me a sinister grin, and then I see his fingers stretch. Then I feel the pain and feel every memory being pulled to the surface. By such force, she never felt such stabbing pain.


Hope you like it. Sorry for the grammar, I will try my best to write the best I can comment if you find anything so I can correct it later. And I will also try to upload and edit.PS: My editing self is cringing right now

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