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Taehyung stared at his shoes the whole while.

The human mind, is indeed a marvellous thing, able to accomplish practically the impossible in face of reality. The example of a young boy considered a dunce in school, and growing up to discover the mass energy equation. Two brothers owning a bicycle shop, and ending up constructing the world's first aeroplane. A broken soul, led to the false hope of recovery, only to unknowingly, end up cutting his own wrist.

It had been only Jungkook that had been keeping him going, keeping up the false pretense that the world was going to change for better, keeping his heart beating and his brain, his apparent marvellous brain, working.

Unknowingly and abhorrently causing damage to himself, while still being conscious, was an act he was considering illegal himself, wherein it really was not.

After the disorder's initiation, Taehyung had concocted a schedule of sorts, having deduced his other self to some extent, at least. Having figured out he, himself, was nocturnal, while the other identity was conscious throughout the day. That had calmed him down, if only a little. However, this latest monstrosity that had commenced, caused Taehyung's hackles to rise in an alarming way, caused his heart to shake in ways he hadn't anticipated. The reality that his other self could pounce whenever he wanted now, whenever he wished, scared Taehyung. Scared him a lot.

"Do you understand, Taehyung?"

The said boy snapped out of his thoughts, realizing his palms had curled into fists, veins popping out, calluses turned a stark white.

"Sorry, what?" The fear was too much to bear.

"I asked you if you understood what I have been lecturing you on for about the last half hour." Seokjin pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, brow furrowed in agitation.

"You pay me for this, the least you can do is remain attentive, lest your money goes to waste."

"I'm sorry, I was just......thinking." Taehyung, abashed, uncurled his trembling digits.

The latter noticed, and sympathy replaced the irritation in his brown irises. He had known the boy for a long time now, had been his psychologist ever since the accident occurred. It was natural for some sort of connection to form between the two. In a way, Seokjin had been Taehyung's guardian without any of the legality procedures.

Placing a, what he hoped was a reassuring, hand on Taehyung's shoulder, he murmured, "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

He expected some sort of resistance, some denial, some indication from the latter that he was fine, privy to the breakdown. What he did not expect, however, was Taehyung lifting his gaze, droplets sparkling against his curling lashes, unshed and unsure of release, breath; coming out in short gasps, cheeks; drained of any and all hue, pale in contrast to the overly red lips, who, in question, were parted and trembling very slightly.

It wasn't what he expected. However, it was what he was hoping for.

Kim Seokjin had been a qualified and excelled psychologist for twenty years now. He had advanced to the top, not without satisfaction, since it resulted in him becoming one of the most well-known doctors in his field for miles around. Therefore, he knew what his patients wanted, in return for which they gave him what he desired. No, not money. Seokjin wasn't greedy. He was happy how his life had turned out. No, what he desired was result. A clear pinpoint to indicate that his attempts at their recovery had been fruitful.

Taehyung, on the other hand, hadn't provided him with any sort of positive feedback concerned with his recovery, opting to only get worse and worse at his condition. Maybe that's why Seokjin had gotten so close to the boy.

For whichever reason, he was glad that the latter was finally attempting to reveal his innermost private mentalities with him. It was clearly underlined in his tear filled eyes at that very instant.


The first drop cascaded down his cheek, leaving a glistening path in it's wake.

"I-I'm just......"

Now the second one, following in the first's wake.

Seokjin felt a queer lurch of discomfort as the latter bent forward, burying his face behind his trembling hands, the fingers trying to wipe away the sudden onrush of tears, but failing miserably, resulting in the droplets smearing across his cheeks.

"You just what?" He asked, in a calm octave.

To his immediate displeasure, Taehyung took a deep, shuddering breath, straightened, a smile plastered across his cheeks once more, no sign of the tears except those which had already fallen.

"Nothing." The boxy smile hid the fact of his almost broken form. "I meant, I'm just glad I have you to talk to, that's all."

Seokjin's eye twitched in irritation, but he forced his voice to stay calm as he smiled as well. "And I shall be here to listen for however long you need, okay?"

Taehyung nodded, his smile becoming impossibly wider.


"Mr. Jeon, can I talk to you for a second?"

Jungkook and Taehyung both turned their gazes towards the source, at the form of Seokjin, returning their curious glances with a steady one of his own.

"Uh, yeah, of course." Jungkook gestured at Taehyung to exit the waiting room, and made towards the doctor himself.

Leading him to a secluded corner, Seokjin turned towards the younger, easily towering over him. Jungkook, for some reason, acquired a really bad gut feeling.

"Jungkook." Seokjin's stare bore into his eye sockets.


"You wish the best for him, don't you?"

Automatically assuming 'him' meant Taehyung, Jungkook nodded, wondering where this was going.

"And you really want him to get better, right?"

A nod again.

He knows all this, why is he asking?

"Then, I want you to do something for me. A favour, of sorts? Something of which both of us can gain from."

".....which is?"

Seokjin inhaled and exhaled out slowly, before staring ahead at the younger again; only this time, the gaze was not demanding. It was simply....requesting.

The bad gut feeling returned.

"I want you to kiss him."

A/N; plot twist i guess?

u decide *shrug*

MIC Drop remix is legitt

Also, I figured out the title!

So, someone once told me how koalas look really cute and cuddly but can be EXTREMELY aggressive if angered n stuff

Kinda like Tae in this story, yknow? With his dual personalities

Peace ✌

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