Chapter 4 - Blow Out Of The Water

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Something that started as a gab, which was usually not my forte, reversed into a severe conversation. Most shocking facts were revealed, he being my father's best friend, only friend I suppose. They both studied in the same school back in India's small city. They weren't exactly good friends, just casual when they were kids.

It's when their fathers ( one of which My grandfather) decided to move to England, and they were the only Asian kids in school overflowing with English kids, that's when their friendship inflated. Their friendship or kinship ( That's what Mr.Jordan emphasise to call) was substantial. They studied together and finished off their university. They even worked together in a company as paid interns. They were inseparable, or that's what they thought.

"But life doesn't always work in our concert. " He wailed, reminiscently. " Just a month after your father got married to your mother, a girl he loved passionately, she was gravid with a child, thats you. You were just a year old when your mother was caught up in pangs of Schemic heart disease. Javadd moved to Birmingham with family for her treatment and settled there forever. But he did called me religiously. After 6 months or so she passed away." I looked at him, bewildered, my mind trying to reel on this spic-and-span information. His words were like a blow to me. A blow that would have brought me down to my knees, if I were standing. But thankfully we were seated.

This was extremely new to me. I had never, ever heard about my mother before. Ever. Not even my aunt who brought me up, ever spoke about my mother. And this sudden information about her, this very little that I just heard about her, is capturing my every bit.

Striking me. Making it hard to contemplate as to what shall I feel. A moment I feel all kinds of emotions and the next I feel hollow, empty.

But looks like Mr.Jordan was not done bewildering me. He continued, " Your father was devastated. His love for your mother was no mundane. He tried to get over the shock, survive without her, for you , but I guess his heart failed, in a matter of 7 months. It was my turn to be left desolated now. I came to the city for you, because I knew you were an orphan now, all alone. You were my ally's only child. It was my responsibility to look after you. But I was informed that an old lady living next to you, took you in and moved somewhere else to give you a new life. Since I knew nothing about that woman, it became impossible to find you." He concluded, sighing sadly, his voice painted with remorse and guilt.

Oh! So it turns out the woman who I thought was my aunt, my only relative who too passed away few years ago, was never my aunt. Just some kind lady who decided to give me home and not to forget a bond. I don't know what to feel.

Numb and senseless is all I feel. Except for a grave headache and several pangs in my stomach and heart.

Just when I thought this would be the most shocking thing ever, I found out he was Diana's father. It just randomly came in conversations while we were talking about studies and school. I was stating him about my high school and that's when he revealed that his daughter went to the same school. And her name was Diana.

Now this left me intensely dazed. He loomed astonished too at this point. Who would have though? Definitely not me. Never in my wildest dreams.

" Do you know her ? Are guys friends or something ? " He proposed. I almost let out a sad laughter, while politely declining. I just saw her in canteens and campus. We never shared a class, for that matter.

What day is this today? I'm getting shocks after shocks and surprises after surprises. Some of which were totally unbelievable.

After a while, he finally took leave, but not before exchanging addresses and phone numbers and even promises to stay in touch.

For the first time in my life, I met someone who looked genuinely happy and relieved to see me, know me. Someone who cared for me.

'Care'. What an alien word that sounded to me. It felt weird on my tongue and even repeating in my mind seemed foreign. It truly was a foreign concept for me.

And for the first time, I saw a ray of hope in my dark gloomy world. A ray that symbolized I am not alone.

At least not that alone as I think I am. It felt good to know someone was there for me in this world. Someone who knew about my parents. Doesn't matter if that someone is the person I just met. Or someone I may never see again.

But something told me Jordan Uncle's ( he forced me this tag) promises were not fake. He looked like a man of true words. He will not elope away after giving me the blows after blows and a bowl of good hope.


Hey loves! How's everything going? I know this chapter was a bit short. But that's how it was suppose to end. 😊

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