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   The night was crisp. Darkness had covered the sky like a black blanket with bright diamonds studded on it. The icy breeze blowing left every animate being quivering and throbbing. Every present leaf on trees refused to move in apprehension of falling on stone cold ground.

    But her tactile sensations were acting strikingly odd today. She was feeling red-hot, fiery, the exact opposite of what the world was feeling. What is wrong with my goddamned body? She thought, pouring herself yet another glass of red wine. This was the sixth glass she was having of this expensive drink, however she was not allayed yet.

   Her body was desiring more. Her body was wanting more. Something more hot, something more strong, something more pleasurable, something more gratifying. This was what her body was yearning for, but wine was playing a very little part in meeting up with the requirements of her body. She needed something more than wine or precisely someone more than wine.

She emptied the glass down her throat in a second. The familiar burning sensation was acting like a fuel on her fire like already hot body.

   Fuck! This thing is just not helping. She muttered as she placed the pink stained empty glass back on the kitchen counter. Soon her thin full sleeved black T-shirt felt very thick to bear. Sweat beads glistened on her forehead and before she can think further, her hands removed her own black T-shirt, revealing her black lace brassiere. She eyed down towards her black skin tight yoga pants. For a moment she thought of removing them too but something in the back of her mind stopped her in doing so.

She climbed up on the small bed and opened the window, allowing the frosty fierce breeze to attack the small room without any harbours. Her thick ebony black hair blew back forming an attractive structures with her soft curls.

The contact of the air rushing past her hot bare body made her feel somewhat better. She closed her eyes in pleasure and sucked in deep breath.

" Diana? " A soothing masculine voice called out her language unit. Suddenly the simple call out caused an extravagant effect on her body and her lips turned into a smile.

His voice was like melting hot chocolate, something which she was desiring right now. She had never paid any heed to his voice before, because he barely spoke to her. Not his fault anyways, because whenever he tried to reach out for her she used to block him out and close the doors for him. Even though they were living together in small room they were million miles apart from each other. Whenever he tried to make a conversation with her, he miserably failed. Because she always avoided him. But today she felt like it was time for a little change. But little did she know what an enormous drastic change she was going to bring in their life after this night.

This dark cold night was going to change everything. This silence and peace was like a tranquillity that comes before the dangerous storm. Storm was definitely going to arrive. But now the big question was: Will it bring good tiding or bad? That was for the fate to decide.

Fate was already very cruel to both of them. It was already playing a sick game with their lives. Things were already bad between them. Now it's upto the fate to worsen the situation or to improve it.

" Diana? " His angelic voice came out in a small whisper. Confusion, shock and surprise failed to hide themselves in his voice.

He frequently found himself perplexed and confused when he saw her sitting on his bed with windows wide open. He never saw her utilising his bed, even though he begged her to sleep on bed whilst he take the floor but she never changed her opinion. She always slept on the floor, every night causing hurt and guilt to him.

To say he was utterly astonished when he saw her upper body covered only in a black bra would be an understatement of the century. The wide open windows added another reason to his confusion. This was the first time that he saw this beauty uncovered. Usually she was very careful around him. She always wore baggy pants and long sleeved loose T-shirts. She never cared to make herself presentable.

His hot body found another reason to get extreme hot. Even his feelings were being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected. His body had demanded him to take a shower in this icy atmosphere. Which was quite strange. What is wrong with my goddamned body? He had this same thought a few minutes before when he was standing in a warm shower.

He turned the water cold but still it didn't seem to work on the opposite sensations of his body. He didn't cared to wipe the water off his body and slipped on his underwear and black night dress pants. For some another weird reason he didn't feel like putting on a shirt. Which was again very unusual of him to do. Because he never dressed inappropriate as he cared about her feelings. She may not like him if he dressed inappropriately. He wanted to be a decent guy for her, not an indecorous one.

Is she feeling the same ? He thought as he took long steps towards her with concern. She felt the mattress dip as he climbed on the bed accompanying her.

" Hey Diana. What's wrong?" Asked his amazing voice. Damn! His voice is really sexy, very smooth, unlike that raspy one, she was used to hear.

" Hmm... " She hummed.

" You okay? " He asked, his voice wrapped with concern for her. She shifted her eyelids towards him, and his heart literally skipped a bit. Her eyesight lingered on him for a bit longer and he was not sure whether she was checking him out.

She cannot stop herself from comparing his body to his. He was really strong built. His body was like honey and caramel while his was creamy, milky white. His was pure plain beauty and his was tasselled with tattoos. Although she was in love with those inked designs once, now the thought itself brought a blend of feelings like pure disgust, hatred and sadness.

No, Diana. You promised you won't think of him ever again. She looked back in his brown eyes. They were so different from his green one's. So many emotions were flickering in his eyes at this moment, but she cannot point out their names.

The distance between the two bodies was minimising tardily. His hot breathe was fanning her face, but he didn't move further. He had never touched her before. And he was afraid to touch her even now that she might get angry and hurt.

He expected to be pushed away harshly by her any moment, but in the pit of his stomach something said she won't do that today.

She wanted him to come closer and closer but was too shy to actually make a move herself. They stared each other for a long time without moving a bit, both waiting for each other, for some positive response from each other.

The cool storm blew harshly past them, that they might get closer, but in vain. The rain drops tried to help them by coming unleash through the window and wetting them, again in vain. Lastly the thunder thought to give a try and it made a loud roaring voice. This made her jump and fall into his arms. And he was more than happy to welcome her in his arms.

Her hands snaked around his bare torso, head in the crook of his neck and the wild beating of her heart that he felt on his chest was too cosy for him. He couldn't resist the urge to wrap his arms around her and comfort her with his warmth. When she felt his arms around her she knew that was what she needed. That's it. Nothing else could have been better. She snuggled more and more into him like her life depended on him.

" It's okay." He murmured softly in her ears. His soft breath on her ears sent tingling sensations all over her body and she clutched him even more tightly.

Her waist-lenght hair rippled on his hand and he had this sudden urge to touch her soft curls. His hands dived in the depth of her dark curls and they felt so soft and smooth. He closed his eyes, took a long breath and buried his nose in her hair. His hands kept on caressing the curls and his deep breaths inhaled the heavenly extinct smell of hers.

The soft touches, bare bodies, heat radiating through those bodies, sparks flying between them, cold harsh atmosphere, their need for each others bodies led one thing to another.

   At first it started with his small kisses in her hair and her soft moans and uneven breathing. It took not long enough for their lips to collide. Both their lips were made in such a way that they perfectly fitted into each other. As if their lips were just made for each other. Their bodies perfectly snuggled into each others as if they were two large pieces of a  zigzaw puzzle.

They were lying peacefully on the bed in each others warmth, not caring for the world. But little did they know the storm was right between them. It would just take a moment for them to open their eyes and BAM! Their world is upside down now.

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