Chapter 12 - Terminate

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   " You are going to become parents! I was dubious at first, but I kinda knew that would be the case. The symptoms were obvious. But it could also have been a stomach flu, so I cannot announce that without proper reports on hands. That's the reason I called you here. To be sure. And now with positive  reports on hands, I am hundred percent sure." The doctor continued to explain. "And therefore Mrs.Nancy Stone, our gynaceologist will handle your case."

      Like an interviewee, who is giving the most important interview of his life listens intently to what the interviewer says, Zayn listened to the doctor, pondering on his each and every word. Hoping he was wrong.

      Hoping he would smile sheepishly saying, 'Sorry, I was just joking'. Hoping he would recheck the reports and guiltily admit they were the wrong ones, My bad. So he waited and waited,  but nothing of that sort happened.

     Instead the doctor stared at them waiting for their reaction. And was disappointed as well. None of the two reacted. They were too shock to react. Just then the nurse barged in without warning, asking him for his presence which was instantly needed in the emergency room.

   Dr.Andrew rushed through the door but not before giving them the details of the gynacs consultation room.

    Zayn sat there waiting for the worst. Prepared for the swingeing reaction of her. He decided to take everything, anything that she would strike him with right now without questioning. Without even a single 'ugh', he will take it all.

    But unmapped that she was, she remained still. Stunned but still. He wanted to scream at her, 'Why are you so silent? Didn't you hear what he said? What are we supposed to do now?'

     He wanted to shake her, pull her out of that God knows what world she is living in and bring her back to harsh reality that they've just been struck with. He wanted to see what's going on in that head of hers, but he too remained still.

      Slowly and steadily and terrifyingly he tried to process the news. Pregnancy! A nine month journey. Nine months ticking... tick... tick.... tick... And then Boom! The bomb! A child!

     Is he even ready for it? Is she? What would the baby do? A baby is not just a baby. It's a little bud. It's supposed to be nurtured with love and care, watered with kindness and quality time. It will need sunshine of a loving atmosphere for it's good upbringing. How will he bring that?

     The little bud will be crushed by the dark, doom atmosphere the parents will provide. What will he do amidst the robotic parents? No. This cannot be done.

     He always regretted that night. Whenever he thought about it, he instantly felt hangdog. But then he used to console himself saying, what's done is done. It's all over. Things were back to normal. No circumstances left to face.

     Things were anything but normal now. Little did he know about this. If only he could travel back to that night. He would have cut his hands off before touching her. If only he knew. But what now? He wanted to hit his head hard on the table.

      "What now?" A scream left his lips before he can even stop it, making her gasp.

   "What do we do now?" He whispered gently to moderate the blow. Running his hands through his hair furiously, tugging them harshly, rubbing his forehead in attempt to ease the growing headache, he pondered what to say next. Taking a deep breath he began,

    "Look, you don't have to do this. I am really sorry. Hell! If only I can do something, anything in my power... I.. I am extremely sorry." Tears threatened to spill out of his  sad, sorry eyes.

    "You... You don't have to do this." He repeated himself. At this point, he only seem to have one option. So he uttered the word  he never thought he will ever use. Never in his wildest dreams.

     "You can... you can..." He struggled looking for a decent word, "terminate the pregnancy." The word rolled out of his tongue making him cringe for a moment.

   "We'll talk to the doctor and ask her the details. We can do this right now. Why wait at all? Come on. Let's go." He stood up but she refused to budge.

   "Please say something." He begged.

   " I don't know. I just don't know." She whispered and broke into tears. He swallowed the lump in his throat and said, "You go sit in the car. I will ask the doctor to prescribe some abortion pills. Or whatever it needs. I don't know how it works."


    A very slow and torturous week later, what Zayn had noticed was that Diana still don't look okay. If anything her morning sickness seemed to worsen. And her vomiting has increased to the state that she couldn't put a morsel in her stomach.

     Anything she ate was sure to pushed out of her mouth. Like someone punching the food out of her stomach. Claiming her stomach to be it's home. Not allowing any food to stay in her stomach. Selfish enough to not share the place with food. It deeply worried Zayn.

        But today it was to such extent that she was rushed to the hospital urgently and was instantly admitted.

    Many reports and scans later the doctor explained that the foetus was unscathed and surprisingly the pills had no effect on it.

         " It happens sometimes. And in these cases we have to remove the baby through a surgical process." She had explained further. " I can perform the process right now in an hour or so. I will just need you to sign some paperwork." 

        Zayn nodded. And the doctor left saying she will see them in an hour. In the meantime Zayn made sure that he filled up all the paperwork and signed where he was needed to.

      He sat in the chair of the hospital room where Diana layed in the bed. Her vomiting ceased down due to the glucose and injections. They made no eye contact and no attempt of conversation. In short, they were in their usual normal behaviour, which none of the two seem to mind. Things were going to be okay now.

      So when Doctor Stone returned, as promised, suffice to say, every person present in the room was shocked when Diana said, " I would like to keep the baby."


    Very very sleepy right now. Too tired to write an authors note. 😥😥

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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