Chapter 8 - Sick

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Much to his surprise, She opened the mouth and allowed him to feed the hot delicacy flow inside her mouth and the flavours dance on her vapid tongue.

He fed the entire bowl with his hands and she silently finished the soup followed by a small plate of chicken rice. When she was done, he offered her a glass of water. She drank it swiftly like a parched refuge.

"Want some more?"

"No." She whispered.

"Wanna go back to sleep?"


" Go ahead." He lended the comforter. She looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Don't worry. I will take the floor." He stated while leaving, clearing the plates.

After having his dinner alone, he went to sleep on the rug. So it was a progressive day after all. At work it was more of a promotion, a huge achievement. And here at home it was a bit forward moving. It was the most he had ever got out of Diana.

She listened to him, had dinner with his hands and obeyed when he asked her to sleep on the bed. Over all everything is advancing. He allowed his eyes to rest with a smile on his face (which was a big progress in itself) and mentally taking a note to buy a couch at least (another progress)

Something was borned today.

Somethings existance was created today.
He was ready to face the new day, to hear the pretty morning bells and little birds calling out his name. Calling him to get up and get ready to take the world in his hands.

With high expectations he dived in the slumber. A long one.

But the noise that woke him up next day wasn't exactly pretty. A loud cry was his alarm for the next morning.


That was unexpected. But then again, when had his expectations ever been met. A quite, beautiful morning with bright sun dazing him was his expectations.

But the events that woke him up were not at all quite, nor beautiful. Definitely not the sun shining because it was not even morning. The deadly darkness in the room said that.

The noise was very unpleasant. Loud burbling and heavy gasps. Zayn rummaged under the pillow to find his phone. When he pressed the home button the screen said 4.40 a.m.

That's when the sound became more clear, making him abruptly stand up. Turning on the lights, running his sleep deprived eyes, he managed to walk towards the source of the sound.

The bathroom's door was ajar and that's where the suspirations sound was coming from. It took less than a moment for him to agnize that it was Diana's voice.

He panicked. He panicked like never before.

All the decency went down the drain as he swiftly opened the door, knowing it was unbefitting to just do that without knocking, what if she was underdressed, but the horrible sounds that she was making was more of a vexation then that.

He was greeted by Diana's wilted figure curled up on the bathroom floor, her head being held by her hands. It reeked of barf in there. Rim of her eyes and bridge of nose as red as cherry, water leaking through them bit by bit.

Her breaths coming out rough and heavy. A few strong hiccups and spasmadic breathing later she regorged again, throwing out all the last night's dinner into the waste pipe. One hand moving across her neck and chest, while the other attempting to hold back her falling hair out of the ponytail that eventually got loose with all the vomiting.

He was baffled by the sight. He stood frozen with bewilderment for a minute, until his moral senses kicked him out of it. Grabbing a towel, he rushed last her not knowing what to do next.

"Hey! Are you okay?" His mouth uttered the words before be realised what a dumb question that was.

Good! Can you get any more wooden-headed? He mentally cursed himself.

He tried to rub his hand on her back to soothe or hold back her hair but it all felt lame.

As the puking stop, She rested her head back on the wall she was leaning onto. He fetched a glass of water and offered her. Having a sip and two, she splashed the water on her face, cleaning her tears and nose she wiped it with the offered towel as well.

"Do you want to go back to bed ?" He inquired very gently, like a mother soothing a little child.

She shook her head in denial. Not knowing what else to do, he sat down beside her right on the floor, trying not to cringe at the stench of puke.

"Since how long have you been up ?" He tried breaking the silence. He wanted to know that. He wanted to know what cause her sickness. Was it the Chinese food ? Or the fact that she had heavy dinner after staying hungry for whole day? Or was she feeling ill even before that? Is that why she didn't eat anything? Is that why she slept at 6.p.m already ? He wanted to know everything. But only if she bothers to tell.

"Hour or so. I don't remember." She shrugged uninterestingly.

" Since when are you feeling sick?

"Why do you care ? Stop acting like you do." She snapped at him.
He was taken aback by the sudden change in her mood, but didn't allow the bitterness to melt on his tongue.

"I am genuinely worried." He stated.

She curled her fists, like she was trying to hold back some hurtful words, "Please! Just go back to sleep." She cried out, rolling her eyes.

"Fine. Let me take you to bed then. "

"I can walk on my own. Thank you very much."
This caused him to jump on his feet and he stomped out feeling angry and humiliated.

He went back to where he was previously sleeping and laid down, staring at the slowly rotating ceiling fan, he thought what is wrong with her?

As on cue, She came out of the bathroom walking meekly towards him, making him curious, standing straight in from of him, taking a deep sigh she commanded, " Can you go back to your place? I want to sleep here." Her eyeballs rotating here and there, from rug to bed, to and fro.

When she got no response, she insisted, " Well." Her eyebrows pushed up and feet tapping on the floor, losing patience.

"I ain't taking that attitude Dude. Get on the bed now, will you?" She hissed, failing to maintain the anger within her.

"No." He responded without taking his eyes off the ceiling, surprising more to himself then her.

"What?" She exclaimed, utterly shocked at his denial.

"How.... Why are you doing this ?" She almost shouted. He didn't had to look at her to know if she was angry. He can sense it. She was furious.

"Why do I have to explain it to you? Didn't we had an unspoken, unwritten deal about 'not talking to each other?'' He didn't know where this was coming from. He was as much shocked with his own words as Diana was.

Recovering from the shock, She narrowed her eyes at him. "Yes. And that deal also says that I sleep here and you on the bed."

"I guess that's about to change now. You changed it, remember? Last night?" He wrapped his blanket around himself and turned to his side, his back facing her, signalling the end of discussion, leaving her stand there hopelessly, seething with anger and helplessness.

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