Chapter 6 - Furtherance

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    So it was all a boomerang. Things turned back to their initial positions. Who would have thought ? That life played boomerang as well. And it was perfect at it. Not a single movement unchanged.

    It started as exanimate Diana and it ended their as well. It started as a lone hand Zayn and concluded as itself.

    But the mystery remained unveiled.

  How can a girl and boy who as much don't even look at each other, suddenly be intimate with each other ?

    It was vexing for him. If only he knew what happened. But the chances of finding it out is null.

    In a few spare minutes of lunch break he granted himself, he went through his phone, and randomly opened his Facebook App. After which he realised what a self torture in itself Facebook was. Why do he even bother opening it?

     The newsfeed was full of people showing off their dressed up children like some kind of trophy they have won, holding their spouses while posing on the camera like a priceless possession they've incurred, activities of the film they are currently watching in a lavish cinema and places they're dining at. He rolled his eyes at the app and logged out of it, silently making a deal with himself to never open it back again.

   " Sir! A good news for you. The dealer has sealed the deal for that new store you were eyeing on." Announced Kaiden joyfully and proudly, breathing a new wave of life and joy in Zayn.

   Kaiden knew how badly he wanted a new store, to expand his business, to display his work, a large space where he can both work and sell simultaneously. The little shop was smothering, it was hard for talent to stay in little places. Talent and hard work deserves to be out in the world. For people to see. For people to appreciate.

     " How many times do I have to tell you? Stop calling me Sir! My name is just fine. "  Zayn smiled affectionately at Kaiden. Kaiden was a young boy almost 18 working  for Zayn.

      He met him at a coffee shop where he previously worked as a waiter. Where Zayn was a regular customer. His joyous nature never went unattended by anyone. But when Zayn met him, he saw something else in him. A connection he felt towards him was no surprise.

     As Zayn, Kaiden was also an orphan. The only difference was, he didn't get opportunity to study. He worked very hard at the coffee shop to fill in the finances.

       Kaiden was a diligent chap. Zayn always noted that. So when one day Zayn thought he was earning enough and he can use a pair of helping hands, he offered Kaiden the job to work under him.

    Kaiden always complained about his low wages in spite of his day and night travailing. So when Zayn opened a new door for him, he was more than glad and didn't even waited for a second to accept it.

   And because Zayn was few years older than him and now that he was his boss, even back when Zayn came to the coffee shop, he used to call him 'Sir'. At that time it was out of habit,  while now it was out of respect. Despite of all the warnings he received from Zayn,  he never called him by his name.

   " It doesn't set fine with me. Seems rude."  Kaiden would politely smile.

   Now that his designed clothes were selling fast and new orders came rapid in, it was difficult to keep up in a small space.

    Zayn always wanted to put his sewed dresses on the display. The thought itself of  those transparent glasses that don't even look like theirs a glass in the first place, displaying flawless mannequins with the craziest wigs and bright sunnies  with his designed gowns and dresses has always tempted him.

    When a new shopping arcade got built in the city, a three storey store in it was more than Zayn had ever asked for. Located in the heart of city, capturing the city shoppers with the right amount of hustle and bustle,  this store was perfect for him.

        He send e-mails to the dealers and called him personally couple of times, showing his interest in buying the particular store, only to hear the same answer each time.

   " We'll revert you back in few days."

    But they never did. At that point Zayn almost left hope.

   But today on hearing this news, he felt jubilant. Like something good is finally happening. His life is not exactly cursed, as he thought.

      Kaiden was surprised when his arms suddenly applied pressure on his,  embracing him.

    Pulling out of the short spanned hug, Zayn mumbled, " Okay, I agree that was a tad bit awkward, wasn't it ? "

     " Nope! Definitely Not. It was cringeworthy. Good thing you ended it before I tag it as a bromance hug. " Kaiden replied nonchalantly, rolling his eyes.

       Zayn laughed and slapped his shoulder,  " You Moron! Are you a homo, who pretends to be weirded out but silently love man hugs ? "

     "Well Yes. That definitely explains lack of girl in my life." He shrugged without batting his eye, for a moment making Zayn believe it.

    "Before you run your wild horses, No! I am not! Man! Can a guy joke here?  He faked the hurt expression so lamely that Zayn laughed out loudly.

      This was how they celebrated their furtherance. After that jumped back to work with double enthusiasm and strived harder.


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