Chapter 11 - Hospital

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       " I didn't needed a couch." Diana muttered as soon as Zayn got inside the home.

   " Good! That's not for you. That's for me." Zayn replied without looking at her.

    " What do you mean?"

  " It's clear. I mean you will sleep on the bed while I take the couch." Zayn explained.

     She fumed with anger. Biting her tongue to stop it from spitting out curses, she demanded, "Who do you think you are? What makes you think you can boss around me?"

   " I am not. I am simply stating. Now if you don't mind please excuse me. I am really tired and my bones are begging to sleep." He dismissed her and after showering hopped on the brand new couch and in a flash fall asleep.


     What a rude piece of junk! She thought as she layed down on the bed. She didn't needed his hospitality or his sympathy. He is just a big pretentious who likes yo think of himself as a benignant.


     What makes you think he is not benignant ? What if he is ?  Kind and gracious. That could only be his nature.

        Her doomed conscience suddenly spoke up. She was in awe. That thing was dead and buried deep. She killed it with her own bare hands. It was this. This redeeming conscience which has caused it all in the first place.

     She didn't needed a snarky voice always pecking at her. What's right? What's wrong? She didn't needed it's opinion.

     Like Voldemort, it had possessed her head, always arguing and demanding. So one day, when all hell went loose, when she had enough, when she was done with the world and the cruel humans surviving in it, she decided it was time to get rid of her conscience too. And so she did.

     But now it is back. Before it demands back it's existence she has to make sure she kill it again. Not a single word from it about him will she hear.

     Get lost you cranky little bitch! She claimed.


     If there's one thing that Zayn noted from the very little time he spend at home was that she looked different. She looked sick. Which was actually a good sign.

    Being sick would mean there's a life in the body.

    If you look back at the past days she resembled a corpse. So dull and lifeless. A walking corpse. But these days she was arguing and hopping mad. Quite the opposite of the deadly silent she was.

    But then again it's a sickness. And no matter what the situation is nobody prefers sickness. Being sick is also the sign of concern. Her body seemed weak and the constant trips to the bathroom are unenviable.


    Therefore after a mini little argument with himself, he finally spoke out loud.

    " Hey! What's wrong?"

    As expected she answered, "Nothing."

   " I can clearly see you are not well. If you can elaborate we can seek medical help. You wouldn't want to worsen the situation. After all, it's your health we are talking about. There should be no compromise with one's health." Zayn foretold.

   " I said I am fine." She sighed tiredly and went back to bed.

   " Fine. Have it your way then." He retorted and walked away.

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