Chapter 17

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"What do you mean I can't see her!?"

"Exactly that, you can't see her!"

"She's my mate, I can see her when I want to see her!"

"No, you can't! I don't care if you're Alpha or not. What you did to her is unacceptable! You're lucky she even accepted you as her mate!"


I heard someone storm up the stairs and into my room. I sat up in the bed when the door flew open. Nick stood in the doorway clearly mad. Rick showed up behind him and dragged him back to the living room. I followed them down and watched as they began to fight. Both of them were about to kill each other, so I tried to stop them.

Nick lunged at Rick and was about to rip Rick's throat out, when I broke down. I screamed and sobbed unable to keep it contained any longer. Nick ran over to me, but when he tried to hold me, I flinched and refused his touch. He ran his hands through his hair and groaned out of aggravation.

"See, now she won't even let me touch her," Nick said to Rick, "And it's all your fault."

"How is it my fault?" Rick said raising his voice.

"You're the one who wouldn't let me see her, which led to me trying to kill you in front of her!"

"You're the one who keeps hurting her, you dick!"

"I never hurt her!"

"Stop!" I yelled, "You may have been drunk but that's no excuse for you to cheat in me with a whore, at your party, in our old house. Because you know what Nick, I don't want to live with someone who keeps giving me reasons to be their enemy once again. So please, leave."

"Baby, no, I would never hurt you. Please don't leave me, I need you."

"You always say that you wont hurt me but you always do. From now on Nick Jones, we are enemies. And we will stay this way until you can prove to me that you actually care about be and my feelings."

"No, baby, please don't do this." He begged me, tears threatening to spill.

"Get out." I whispered, tears flowing.

"Alex." He pleaded.

"Please Nick, just go."

"Fine." He said, and walked out the front door. I fell to the floor and cried. The pain in my chest wouldn't go away, all I wanted was to be in his arms. I wanted him to tell me that it was all just a dream and none of it was real, but it was and there was nothing anyone but Nick could do about the pain in my chest.


It's been four weeks of hell for me without Nick. He may have cheated on me, but I can't live without him. His smile, his laugh, his eyes, his everything.

Four weeks of barely eating. Four weeks of not being out of bed. Four weeks of crying. Four weeks of not letting anyone back into my life. Four weeks of wanting him back

School starts tomorrow, but I know he'll be there. He hasn't come to see me, so what's the point in going to see him. I want him back and every night I pray that the Moon Goddess keeps us together until we work this out. Rick is the only one who knows what's going on. Katie and Riley are too busy spending time with their mate to even worry about me.

~ Nick's POV~

Four weeks since she told me to leave. Four weeks of nothing but hell. Four weeks of not eating. Four weeks of having my Beta and Third in Command do all the pack work. Four weeks of not seeing her. Four weeks of crying. Four weeks of pain in my chest. Four weeks of not moving. Four weeks of only thinking of her and all her perfection.

I can't live without her. Every night I pray that we aren't given another mate. I just want to work things out with her. I didn't mean to kiss that girl, I was just so drunk that they almost looked the same. As soon as she kissed me though, I knew it wasn't Alex.

School starts tomorrow and I should probably go to scope out the school, but Alex probably doesn't want to see me at all. My father asked me to come out of my room and take care of some pack stuff, but without her, I feel nothing. I'm completely empty inside and the pain in my chest won't subside.

"Get up." I heard my father say.

"I'm nothing without her." I whispered on the verge of crying once more.

"If you don't get up yourself, I'll make you get up." He threatened.

He walked over to me and threw me over his shoulder with ease. I didn't fight back because without her, I had no strength or energy. He carried me out of the house and put me in the car. He drove off, while I sat there not moving. I want paying attention to anything until I saw her house.

"Get out of the car."

"Why are we here?" I asked bewildered.

My father did not answer me, he only walked away. I followed him as he walked up the steps. Instead of knocking, he just walked right in. My father grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs. He opened a door that Rick was standing by and threw me in. I fell on the floor and heard the door lock.

It took me a minute for my vision to adjust to the dark room I was thrown into. When it did, I saw her. My true love. I got up and walked toward her. She heard me and sat up in her bed.


"Alex, I'm so-" I started, but she cut me off, slamming her lips into mine. It took me a second to respond to the kiss, but when I did, it felt better than anything else. She was finally back in my arms again. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around my neck. How could I have ever let her leave me?

~ Alex's POV ~


"Alex, I'm so-" He started, but I cut him off by cleaning my lips into his. It took him a second to respond to the kiss, but once he did, it felt better than anything else. I finally had him back. He slid his arms around my waist at the same time I wrapped mine around his neck. How could I have ever let him go?

We broke away from the kiss once we had to breathe and pressed our foreheads together. He pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear, "I'll never let you go again. I'll die before that happens."

His touch and his words made me cry into his shoulder. I felt something wet on my shoulder and soon realized that he was crying, too.

"I'll protect you and the pack with my life. I'm ready to become the Luna." I told Nick, looking him straight in the eye.

"You'll be the perfect Luna, I'm sure." He said pulling me back into his embrace. The door suddenly opened and Mr. Jones and Rick walked in.

"Finally, the Alpha and Luna can run the pack." Mr. Jones sighed in relief.

"Mr. Jones, why are you here?" I asked surprised.

"First, call me dad and second, I'm the one who brought him here. You two were like Yin and Yang when their not together."

"Mr. - Dad, thank you." I said, bowing my head to him. Nick put his fingers under my chin and lifted my head up. Everyone laughed because I didn't get it.

"You don't bow to him because he's your dad and your above him in status." Nick laughed.

Realization covered my face and I blushed. I hid my face in Nick's chest to hide my embarrassment. Nick picked me up bridal style and carried me into the bathroom. Let's just say, needing a shower was an understatement.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was out of town with no internet and I'm starting a new story. I get my cast off Friday, yay! Luv ya <3.


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