furry daddy: hey u shits what's up
furry daddy: oh shit my name
gayroth: ur name is the reason i nutted today
furry daddy: where tf is our baby boy wth
rainbow dick slut has joined the chat
rainbow dick slut: here i am u pigs
gayroth: laurance stfu ur fursona is a hog
rainbow dick slut: i-
rainbow dick slut: harry is not just my fursona he is my life and soul
furry daddy: stfu gene texted me saying he wanted to fuck all three of us
furry daddy: i'm adding him to this chat
big dick daddy has been added to the chat
big dick daddy: hey babes
gayroth: everyone loves laurance i will not take no as an answer
furry daddy: ^^
big dick daddy: ^^^
white haired dick has joined the chat
white haired dick: ^^^^
white haired dick has left the chat
rainbow dick slut: i hate you all
big dick daddy: kys
rainbow dick slut: kinky
furry daddy: [ jared kleinman voice ] kINkY
big dick daddy: get ur rp ass outta here
rainbow dick slut: ^^
gayroth: ^^^
furry daddy: guess where gonna have kinky sex then
gayroth: ^^
rainbow dick slut: ^^^
big dick daddy: ^^^^
big dick daddy: my place now sluts
furry daddy has left the chat
gayroth has left the chat
rainbow dick slut has left the chat
big dick daddy has left the chat