Part 3: Friendly Greetings

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After the man said the name "Strange", Sherlock began to remember details from about a year ago, He was watching the news and a story about a doctor named Stephen Strange appeared. Sherlock only paid attention because John was a making a big fuss about it.

"Sherlock!" John exclaimed. "One of the world's best surgeons has gone missing."

"Boring!" Sherlock called out.

"Sherlock, his name was Stephen Strange. He was a world-class neurosurgeon who saved hundreds of lives."

"John, I simply have no interest," Sherlock told him, waiting for his cup of tea to steep.

"Sherlock, he was driving home one night when he got in a car accident. It was in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night." John took a piece of his English muffin and spread a thin layer of jam across it. "His car fell off a cliff and he managed to survive. Only to go missing a few days later. Nobody followed up, Sherlock! A couple witnesses mentioned some peculiar sightings at the hospital, but everyone just thought they were crazy."

"And what exactly would you like me to do, John?"

"I don't know, solve it!"

"No, it just doesn't interest me." And that was it.


Of course Sherlock remembered the Doctor's picture from the news a year ago. And at the time he saw the picture, he made a few deductions that suit the man sitting in front of him today.

"Doctor? Well that's an awfully flattering title for someone's who's disappeared off the face of the earth. And I'm fairly certain that wizards don't practice medicine," Sherlock scoffed.

"Oh, Mr. Holmes, I remember a time in which I was just like you. Having such a grandiose sense of self-worth and lost with no true purpose on this earth," Doctor Strange replied, smirking as if he knew something that Sherlock didn't.

"Well, Doctor. Grandiosity refers to an unrealistic sense of self superiority. But I know that I am superior the vast majority of our idiotic population. Perhaps yourself included."

"Ha ha I don't mind you. You remind me of someone I used to know." Doctor Strange took a moment, as memories flooded his brain. And just as quickly, he snapped out of it. "But I think it's time for us to get to the point."

"You are awaiting an imminent attack. Perhaps you suspect I am a Trojan horse of sorts. Well I'm here on behalf of Jonathan Pangborn."

"Ah, Really? And how is Mr. Pangborn?"

"Well he-"

There was a sudden crash through the window. Sherlock looked to Doctor Strange only to find an empty seat. He decided to investigate the source of the noise. Though his common sense told him not to, his curiosity overtook him.

He grabbed his coat collar and pulled it up to his neck. "The game is on!"

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