Part 9: Off We Go

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"So- So many questions. I don't even know where to start," mumbled John.

"Mrs. Hudson, would you be able to drive Rosie over to Molly's? I'm sure she's not too busy," asked Sherlock.

"Dear I'm not-"

"Mrs. Hudson, we would really appreciate it. We just need a bit of time to sort out our affairs," added John

"Well... Alright. I'll see you boys later."

"Goodbye Mrs. Hudson" they said in unison.

"Dad?" Rosie asked.

"Yes?" they both replied

"Why can't I come along? Please, please can I join!"

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry no. I don't want you to get hurt. And you'll have lots of fun at aunt Molly's. And I'm sure she'll let you play with Fluffy and Mittens and what was the other one called?" asked John.

"Sherlock," Rosie replied.

"Ah... Yes." John was a bit concerned.

"Ok... I love you, dad! And you too, dad"

"Love you, Rosie!"

Rosie frolicked over to Mrs. Hudson, who was holding open their door. She waved goodbye to Sherlock and John. And slammed the door shut. In that instant, Strange appeared in front of the two men.

"Quite a family you've got there, Holmes," stated Strange

"And who might you be?" Demanded John as he stepped forward so that he was right in between Strange and Sherlock

"Doctor Stephen Stange."

"The world famous surgeon who disappeared 2 years ago?" John raised his eyebrows.


"And Sherlock, where did you get that... Stick thing?"

"I got it from the New York Sanctum. Apparently it's stuck with me or something to that affect," Sherlock rolled his eyes.

John walked over to the living room. He sat down on his chair and put his hands on his face. He shook his head over and over. Finally he looked up, but he just couldn't accept what was happening and decided to keep his head in his hands.

"John?" Sherlock asked shyly.

"Yes, Sherlock?" John replied, his voice muffled by his hands.

"Are you... Alright?" Sherlock asked him.

John was just so tired of scolding Sherlock. And he knew that Sherlock was trying his best. But bringing a strange man (literally) to their home. And just blindly accepting whatever he proposed.

"Yes, thank you, Sherlock. I just need a minute to process this," John finally replied.

Sherlock never knew how to help John deal with his emotions. He can barely do it himself. But he knew John was disappointed. So Sherlock sat on the floor in front of him. And waited for John to lift his head again.

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