Part 12: Wake up, Sunshine

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"SHERLOCK, WAIT! SHERLOCK, WOULD YOU JUST WAIT FIVE-" Strange chased after Sherlock and managed to grab his shoulder. "Sherlock, just wait. We can figure this out."


Sherlock stomped away infuriated. His heart ached like never before. All that was on his mind was John. Why did you need to show off, you solved the case! Why couldn't you have just been satisfied with that and let the police handle the rest. AND NOW JOHN IS GONE! Sherlock felt horrible. And it was not the first time.

He couldn't go back to pick up Rosie. He couldn't bare finishing the rest of the case. But there was one thing he was sure of. He needed to get out of this place. So he stomped onward. He stomped right out of there and ignored anything that Strange had to say. Suddenly he noticed he was walking in a circle. Not purposely, obviously. But Strange casted a spell on him. And eventually he quit being stubborn and turned to look at the sorcerer.

"I know you're upset, Sherlock. I would be too. But we have to be rational about this. Do not let your emotions cloud your judgement. Mordo wouldn't kill John. At least I don't think." Strange regretted saying that last part as soon as it escaped his mouth.

It grabbed Sherlock's attention. He looked at Strange, shocked at what he just said. At least I don't think. He had no words. John could be dead at this very moment, at the hands of some rogue wizard.

"What did you say, Strange?"

"I don't know the man that took your friend. I thought I did, but it seems he has changed from the last time we spoke. He's... unpredictable."

Sherlock quivered. He hated that word. Unpredictable. Though predictability is boring, Sherlock found this a common trend in most people and didn't mind. But unpredictability could make or break a case. Unpredictability could change everything. Unpredictability could mean the difference whether John lived or died.

"Well seems at the moment that you have just as much of an idea of where Mordo might be as I do. So perhaps I should go and find John on my own and save us all the drama," Sherlock exclaimed.

He began to walk faster, but Strange matched his stride. Both men walked with their collars sticking up and the heads held high, into the distance. They weren't too sure where they were going but neither of them were ready to lose face and admit it.

Eventually they stopped when they noticed they were standing in the middle of a landfill.

"Oh my, look at where our arrogance lead us. Perhaps we are quite similar after all Sherlock..." Strange laughed to which Sherlock responded with a glare.

"I need to go home and think, Strange..." Sherlock told him. Sherlock began to pace back and fourth with his hands pressed together against his lips. "STRANGE DO YOU EVEN HEAR ME?"

"Yes but what about Mr. Pangborn? What about the rest of the case. John could be in another dimension how will you even get there without my-"

"Oh don't be so needy! You can tag along. I just need some peace and quiet. In case you haven't noticed, we're standing on a mountain of trash. And tractors are roaming around like birds." Sherlock noticed.

Strange put his hand out and began to make a clockwise circle motion. Suddenly orange sparks appeared. And they formed a circle around Sherlock's from door.

"221B" read the window on top. Sherlock walked through the portal and took a deep breath. It smelled like home. And he felt comforted. Strange reached to open the door. But Sherlock shook his head and told him that Mrs. Hudson was coming down the stairway already.

"SHERLOCK! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK! Where's John?" Mrs. Hudson asked almost right after she saw Sherlock.

"Oh... John went out to get a few things. Now off we go, I need to think!" Sherlock announced as he shooed away Mrs. Hudson and Strange. He slammed the door in their confused faces. And proceeded to head upstairs. He took his violin a began to play "Cantabile in D Major"

Sherlock closed his eyes and let his hands guide him through the song. He heard the door open and slam shut, not bothering to open his eyes.

"Sherlock what in the world was that?!" Strange spat out.

"I must agree, Sherlock. That was quite rude!" Mrs. Hudson agreed.

Sherlock ignored them and continued playing. He thought about asking John to escort them out of the building, but then he remembered and a pang of sadness struck his chest. Suddenly he heard the tiny CRT television that him and John had gotten a few months ago, turn on. He heard cheering and screaming.

"He's watching a sports game. While John is missing! How obscene," Sherlock thought. But he continued to play. And he tuned everything out.


"...lock. Sherlock. Sherlock. Sherlock. SHERLOCK. SHERLOCK!" Strange was yelling now.

"What is it?" Sherlock rolled his eyes as he continued to stare out the window.

How long was I out this time? Couldn't have been more than an hour.

"Look!" Strange turned Sherlock towards the TV. Mrs. Hudson was chewing her nails uncontrollably and Strange looked uneasy. The headline read "Man claiming to wizard is holding an entire hospital hostage." Sherlock froze.

"A man claiming to have supernatural abilities is holding an entire hospital as his hostage. He's asking for 'Strange's friend' to come forward. Investigators have yet to understand what that means, but believes that the man is in some kind of cult. The FBI is trying to bring him out safely, but hostages that have been released claim that he seems extremely unstable," the newscaster says, "He says if 'Strange's friend' does not show up in one hour, he will start to kill people. Stay tuned for more information."


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