Chapter One

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Will wanted me down at the infirmary, so I went. He's been... Clingy. We're not together. He'd just clingy in general. So I figured he was going to try to ask me out again and not get far with it. He's been doing it for six months.

"Oh, thank gods, you made it!" Will said as I saw Annabeth's was here, too. "Sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing, but Chiron ordered me to get you guys here and do a full body exam and mental exam. He won't tell me why."

"Um, okay." I remarked. It can't be much worse than a check up. A few scans. Whatever. "Do I have to fill out paperwork or...?"

"Yeah!" He assured me as one of his sister's took Annabeth. Will handed me a paperclip and brought me to one of the basic rooms. I sat down and filled it out.

Will um... He showed up the summer after I came here. He thinks he came before me but he didn't. And there's this one question that I wasn't sure how to answer.

"Hey, Will," I said, getting his attention. "For the whole unexpected death thing. My sister died unexpectedly, but it wasn't because of a sickness."

"What happened?"

"A monster killed her." I explained. "What do I put?"


It probably took another five minutes to fill out everything and he looked over it quick.

"Alright," he said as I sat on the weird bed thing. "So I'm going to let you choose. Do you want to get the awkward part out of the way now or save it for last?"

I looked at him for a second, unsure as to what that meant.

"How awkward are we talking?"

"You're going to be naked."

"Do I have to be?"


I thought about that for a minute. It'd be nice to have a different doctor for this, knowing Will likes me and all. But I don't have much of a choice, and if he keeps professional.

"If you even try to do anything," I informed the son of Apollo, "I'll hurt you."

"Well duh." He told me as I sighed and slipped off my jacket and shirt. Which was probably harder to do than taking off my pants and underwear. And he seemed interested in my dick for a solid few seconds before he took more interest in my arms.

I don't cut anymore. But I used to. And between those scars and the things from the wars all along my chest... Being on the run, too. That's where most of my skinniness comes from. Losing that weight and just having trouble gaining it back because when I'm here, you work out so much it's hard to gain weight.

"Is there anything I should know of going into this?" Will asked me. "Do you self harm? Are you anorexic? Do you purge or do drugs are anything? And yes, weed is a drug."

"Um... I don't think so." I answered his question. "Well, I've smoked weed like a  few times. I'm underweight because of like living on the streets for a while, but I eat fine. I don't cut or anything like that. Yeah."

"Alright." He remarked and grabbed a tape measure from a drawer. "Are you sexually active? Just a warning, I'm measuring your penis."

"Okay, and no." I told him, preparing myself as he told me how to hold my penis because he just needed to hold the tape, not my dick. I appreciated that. "I'm not."

He wrote something down.

"Do you masturbate?"

He asked me this and I didn't feel too bad answering because I once walked in to him masturbating. Luckily, under a sheet.

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