Chapter Eight

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I felt like shit after Percy ran off. But even worse when Leo got back.

"He didn't say much," the son of Hephaestus explained to us. "Uh... He said it wasn't your fault, Jason. It just happened while house were talking. He said he was sorry. He just couldn't stay. He wouldn't tell me why."

At least we sent Nico to him. Hopefully he'd be able to help. And we asked Grover if he was okay.

"Yeah!" Grover insisted. "Percy just... He's always had this guilt problem and sometimes it just gets to him. He's gone through it before. He'll be okay. He did the same thing after Bianca died. There was a few days where he just didn't do much of anything. He'll pull through, though. He might've liked about it being because of Jason, though. Sorry dude. But he wouldn't do that with Leo or Frank. Or the others."

"What... Did I say something?" Suddenly I was worried, because I don't want to seem like an ass. Especially if he's going through something. Which he is. He was raped a week ago. And he says he's okay. But we're not dumb. He just doesn't want us to worry.

"Well, it's..." Grover tried to make this sound as nice as possible. "It's nothing you knew about, Jason. It's nothing that you could've figured was a bad idea to bring up. You were just being real with us. It just happened to be the thing that crossed Percy's line. It was going to happen. I promise."

"What do you mean he wouldn't know?" Hazel asked. "That doesn't make sense."

Grover opened his mouth and shut it again. He let off a sad smile.

This was just eating away at him. The satyr looked at me as if I were a lost puppy. Tears on his eyes.

"Jason," he started off. "How badly do you want to meet your mom?"

"I'd kill for it, Grover." I've wanted to know about my family for so long. What Grover said gave me hope. That maybe he knew.

What's the worst that happens? She's in jail and I have to go during visiting hours?

Piper for whatever his vibe was. She took my hand. Just to be safe.

"Why?" I asked, hopeful. "Do you know where she is?"

He had tears in his eyes. To him, I was a lost child. I just wanted my mommy.

"I am so sorry, Jason," Grover clung to the wooden bench. "But your... Mom. Your mom died six years ago, in a car crash. She was an alcoholic. That's why Thalia ran away. The drinking took over and uh... About 4½ years after running away, Beryl died. That's why Percy walked away. He knew, and he couldn't listen to you talk about her like she was still alive and still out there."


So Percy was suicidal. Hazel was acting weird around me. Jason was now unsure what to do with himself because his mom was dead. Frank didn't ever say much to me anymore. Sticking with Hazel. Piper was always there for Jason. Grover was kind of on his own if he wasn't with Percy.

And me. I'm either alone or with Percy. I'm scared to leave him alone, but he still needs personal space and that was a thin line. Sally and Gabe knew about everything. They're being kept fully up to date. By me, by Grover, and by Chiron. Just in case any of us miss anything.

I just hate to see him like this.

"Percy, please," this was the first time I had to go this far with him. He hasn't left his cabin in over a day. Just to finish that exam. They redid the entirety of it. Waiting on the results. "Just... You didn't eat breakfast this morning."

"I'm not hungry, Nico."

"I don't care if you're not hungry," I wasn't even going to try to make him think he was hungry. "Percy, you need food to live."

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