Chapter Nine

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A few weeks later and life got a little better. I could eat regularly. I would get hungry.

Sleeping was still a weird schedule. My brain keeps me awake a lot. But having Nico there helps a lot. Chiron's been really nice about letting him stay in my cabin. For that, I was grateful.

I ended up testing positive for depression, though. And PTSD. Aside that, there wasn't anything new. Apollo told me that the meds should help my depression out quite a bit. The PTSD would be harder because it's so deeply rooted, but he said it's possible to make me kind of normal again.

To be honest, I didn't care about that right now. I was more nervous about what to wear on this date I had with Nico tonight.

It was important, okay? It's our one month anniversary.

This was the one night I wasn't going to feel like absolute shit.


We were walking around camp, Frank and I had been. And we ran into a girl. Looked a little lost, right around camp borders.

"Hey," Frank said, noticing her before I did. She looked over at us, and she seemed like I should know her. "Are you lost? Do you need help?"

"What? Oh, hi!" She said, not expecting the help. "A little. Would you know where Percy Jackson is? Or Annabeth Chase? Grover would work, too."

"Yeah, we do." I insisted. "Percy is out for a few hours. But Grover's here. Come on. Are you new?"

"No, not really." She told us as we walked towards the Big House. It was like a ten minute walk. "I was here once a few years ago. I kind of died, but it's okay. I'm back for reasons unknown."

"You're not the first." I assured her. "We have a daughter of Pluto here. Hades, whatever you want to call it. Staying in cabin 13, which is Hades cabin. But she died a long time ago. Like 80 years ago. She's cool, though. And she keeps her brother happy."

"That's good," she remarked. "Does the guy have depression or something?"

Frank shook his head.

"No, just a shitty few years." Frank explained to her. "We just found out about it, but it's not like he was hiding it. He just never talked about it. But when he first came here, he lost his sister and his mom was already dead so he was alone and that sucked. So last year Hazel showed up and according to Percy, who really has no room to talk, said she helped turn his life around."

"Why can't Percy talk?"

"Because he's even shittier than Nico ever was." I told her and she slowly nodded her head. "Like out of nowhere he just got really depressed and it's gotten better. Of course we're worried and we try to help him out as much as we can. He's had a super shitty summer. Between being raped by his ex girlfriend and developing depression. But you know, Nico helps Percy out a lot. Now that he's okay with what happened to his sister and whatnot."

We walked for a few minutes in silence after that, and I figured there was no harm in asking.

"What's your name?" I asked her, and made up an excuse for asking. "Chiron will want to know."

"Bianca!" She answered. And the name just seemed familiar. Frank recognized it, too.

But we brought her to Grover, and he was happy to see her. Figured that while Nico was out, she could meet Hazel.

That went well. They seemed to hit it off, and she met more people. Grover explained that she was Nico's sister. The one that had died not long after being recruited here. On a quest.

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