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After a full grueling 25 minutes of stocking shelves, filled with Gunwoo complaining and bickering with Seyong, Gunwoo checked the time on his phone. When he noticed it was almost 15 past 2, he struggled to hurriedly untie his apron, getting tangled up in the process/

"Woah... What's the rush Gunwoo?" JunQ asked, as his fried tripped over a stray box on his way out the door.

"I'm gonna be late to my first day on the job, bro," Gunwoo answered as he ran out the door.

"Omg, did Gunwoo actually manage to get a job?"

"Did you actually just say Omg out loud JunQ?" Seyong said disappointingly, causing JunQ glare back at him.

"Where do you think he's working?" Chaejin chimed in while still diligently sorting the brands of ramyun onto the shelf. "He probably joined the circus." he mumbled to himself before the other boys could answer, his comment causing the them to laugh. 

"Do you think he became a clown?" JunQ asked handing Chaejin another box of noodles to sort through.

"Nah, he's the guy that shovels the animal's poop in between acts," Seyong shouted from two aisles over. 


 Gunwoo ran down the dirt path parallel to the beach, occasionally slipping on loose sand and repeatedly apologizing to people he dodged on the walkway. Finally making it to his apartment building after earning a few shouts and many glares from the old folks at the beach this fine afternoon. He stopped momentarily at the foot of the staircase, heaving a hefty out of breath sigh, he started up to the 6th floor to the apartment he shared with Seyong. "I will remember to make Seyong  complain about the broken elevator to the landlord tonight," he swore to himself making it to the third floor already. 

He paused again so he could pretend to cry for a second, then immediately continued to run up the remaining flights of stairs. Gunwoo picked his pace back up when his front door came into sight, even though the thought of "I literally might die" crossed his mind and his thighs were burning. 

Gunwoo didn't slow down as he reached the door, running straight into it as he aggressively jiggled the handle, the loud bang of his poor left hip hitting the door will probably earn him a filed complaint from Mrs. Kim, the old lady who glares at him while she waters her hydrangeas across the hall.  After roughly 12 more knob jiggles, Gunwoo realized Seyong had indeed remembered to lock the door, something Gunwoo never does, and as per usual Gunwoo didn't have his keys in his pocket (he did find a chewed piece of gum wrapped in a receipt so now his hands sticky.)

 Gunwoo lunged to the other side of the hall. He quickly reached under Mrs. Kim's flower pot grabbing a spare key he had hid there when they moved in, that he used very frequently. Before returning to his own door he wiped his dirty hand down Mrs. Kim's door, leaving a majority of the sticky residue on his dear neighbor's side of the hall. 

He used the key to unlock the door, finally gaining entry into his home. Checking the digital clock on the kitchen counter, he read that it was already 2:31. Gunwoo started running again towards his room, tripping on someone's tennis shoe in the corridor. 

As he entered his room he stripped out of his dirty, slightly bloody uniform, stopping at his dresser to spray a thick fog of deodorant on himself to mask the smell of sprinting down the beach multiple times today. Then he tore open the door to his wardrobe, digging through all the dirty clothes to the back, where his only suit was hanging.

He tugged on the pants, and shoved his arms through into the shirt buttoning it up. After snatching the jacket up from where it had fallen on the floor, Gunwoo rushed back into the hallway. He glanced back over at the clock as he passed. 2:39, so he had 20 minutes to make it to his job on time.  He pulled his dress shoes off the rack by the door before putting them on and running back out the door, not bothering to lock it back. 

The journey down the stairs was much less tiring and passed very easily in Gunwoo's opinion.  Reaching the bottom fairly quickly, and heading out the building's main entrance, he followed the sidewalk to the alleyway that led him to the community park. Nearing the fencing around the park, Gunwoo spotted a man in a suit wearing sunglasses. 

"Hello sir, I'm Lee Gunwoo, the new recruit," Gunwoo saiad, bowing as soon as he approached the man. The man kicked off the gate, then put out his cigarette on it. Then he turned to Gunwoo,

"Follow," was all he said as he started walking in the opposite direction than what Gunwoo had came, making Gunwoo jog to catch up to him.

"We are meeting two others behind the gambling house, someone informed us the owners have been withholding profits from us. The others are bringing the nark, you're job is to follow us into the lounge and you will trash the place. Understood?" The man relayed all this without even looking back at Gunwoo, all while keeping a pace Gunwoo was certain would kill him after all those stairs he climbed in the last half hour. 

"Got it," He responded anyway, trying desperately to keep his lack of breath out of his voice and continue to keep up with his new boss. 

After what felt like an eternity of semi-jogging, the pair turned into another alleyway, coming face-to-face with two more men in suits. Each were holding an arm of a bloodied man who looked only half-conscious. 

"Good job, boys," The man in sunglasses lit another cigarette, then grabbed the bloody man by the back of his collar. "Alright, you guys ready?" he rhetorically asked looking back at Gunwoo.

"Yes, sir," the two men said in unison, while Gunwoo just nodded. 

The man in the sunglasses kicked open the back door, dragging the bloody man into the gambling house with him. The other two men in suits followed him, prompting Gunwoo to follow after them.  The first man dropped the bloody man to the ground, earning the attention of everyone in the lounge, then flicked his cigarette in the direction of the security guard. 

Gunwoo tried his hardest to make his face look edgy, now that he could breathe normally, and he smirked at the other guards that were staring at him while the sunglasses man had a staring contest with the guard who looked to be in charge. 

Suddenly it all went down, causing Gunwoo to rush to catch up again. The man next to sunglass man jumped onto a table, sunglass man punched the head guard, and the other man pulled a bat out of who knows where and started smashing down tables. One guard threw a punch at Gunwoo, which he easily dodged. Another man jumped on a chair, lunging towards him, Gunwoo quickly kicked the chair out from under him, causing him to topple to the floor. Gunwoo then stopped the last two guards with his famous roundhouse kicks, that dare he say he has had to use too many times for one day. 

Gunwoo looked around to see that his other men had already left, leaving him in the lounge alone. So he wasted no time briskly walking through the exit. Once outside, he passed the boss, who slapped a stack of bills into his chest. Gunwoo nodded as he grabbed the money and pocketed it as he kept walking down the steps that led out of the park. Reaching the bottom step, he noticed a black car with tinted windows parked, illegally might he add, on the curb in front of him. As he looked up at it though, it sped off. 

"Creepy," Gunwoo mumbled under his breath.  Nevertheless, he continued across the street into the ally that would lead to his apartment, where upon his arrival Seyong would undoubtedly yell at them for leaving the store in a rush and making a mess in the already untidy apartment. 

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