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Gunwoo was right.

"What the Heckies, Gunwoo? Were you ever actually going to tell me that you got a job? And Mrs. Kim told the landlord you were making a bunch of noise earlier and that you woke up her cat. She also yelled at me because apparently her door is covered in something sticky and she's somehow convinced we have something to do with it," Seyong hit him with the nagging as soon as he heard Gunwoo turn the doorknob. Gunwoo took off his shoes quietly in the doorway, not listening, just practicing his puppy-dog face so he could look sad when he walked into the kitchen and saw Seyong. 

It didn't work, though.

Not because he doesn't look sad, but because Seyong has a cold heart Gunwoo thinks. 

"Don't try to pout your way out of this, Gunnie," Seyong tries to glare from his place by the fridge, but Gunwoo can see through it. Maybe Seyong's heart isn't completely frozen. 

"I sure am sorry I left you to stock, all alone, by yourself, with both Chaejin and JunQ. And I was going to tell you I got the job, but I only found out yesterday, and you know how forgetful I am, Yonggie. As for Mrs. Kim's door, I have no clue what happened."

Seyong narrowed his eyes.

"Ok, fine. I got gum on my hand, and wiped my hand on it," Gunwoo sighed. Seyong chuckled, then high-fived Gunwoo. 

"Nice one, man. Oh by the way, I noticed you used your spare key, it's on the counter you should go put it back so you can use it next time. But hey, you should also start remembering your actual key so, I mean.. you know... what do I know? Am I right?" Seyong still continued to nag, even though Gunwoo thought it was over. He rolled his eyes though as he snatched the key off the counter anyway. Beacuse even though he wouldn't say it, Seyong is always right.

Gunwoo traveled into the hallway, making sure to keep his door unlocked so he could make a quick get away. He bent over, tilting the plant over a little in order to slide the key under the pot. Right as he was about to stand back up, he heard the door in front of him swing open, and his poor little heart skipped a beat when he heard what he thought in that moment was the voice of death itself shout at him,

"And what do you think you are doing with my hydrangeas?"

Gunwoo was more than relieved when he looked up (after falling on his butt in fear) to see Mrs. Kim instead of Satan himself (debatable).

"Oh Mrs. Kim!" He said, standing up to bow at her, "You sure gave me a fright. It's so nice to see you," Gunwoo overly-friendly smiled up at her. "I was just checking your pretty little flower's soil. You know what they say, 'Healthy soil makes for healthy roots'. And if I may say so, those roots are looking great Mrs. Kim, keep up the great gardening," He sent her a thumbs up and another dramatic smile, as he slowly back up towards his door while she disbelievingly glared at him.

"Wait, Byunwoo, I was gonna ask if you if you knew why my door would be sticky?" She stopped him from his almost successful clean get away. Also calling him by the wrong name, as she has been for the last three years, even though Gunwoo has heard her complaining to the landlord calling him Gunwoo. 

"Whaat? Gross, who would want to wipe god-knows-what on people's doors? Oh! You know what, I bet it was those kids down the hall in 6B, they're always eating candy," Nice save Gunwoo, you got her, He thought to himself; high-fiving himself in his mind. 

"You're right, Byunwoo. Only a child would think to use a door as a napkin," She nodded at him condescendingly, then slammed the door shut before he could think of a comeback.

"Rude, I'm not childish," Gunwoo mumbled, sticking his tongue out at the door, before turning and going back into his apartment. "The stupid key's back under the stupid plant," He called into the apartment at Seyong.

"What took so long?" He heard Seyong shout back.

"Mrs. Kim stopped me, she called me childish," Gunwoo sulked as he walked to the couch where Seyong was sitting watching t.v., making Seyong laugh at his pouting friend. 

"So, how was work?" He asked after Gunwoo made himself comfortable on the other end of the couch. Gunwoo's face immediately lit back up, and he started digging around in his pockets. Seyong's eyes widened as he pulled out a thick, crumpled, stack of dollars. 

"I already got my first payment. I was thinking all of us should have a nice meal tonight. We'll pay rent, then the rest can go to Mrs. Seok." Gunwoo said as he put the money on the coffee table in front of them. 

"Am I allowed to ask again what job you got?" Seyong asked as he looked between Gunwoo and the stack on the table. 

"Oh you know, here and there," there was a pause as Seyong looked at Gunwoo like he was lying, ad Gunwoo avoided eye contact. "Anyway, text the boys, I'm going to change out of this suit, bro," Gunwoo let out a forced chuckle as he walked to his room. 

Seyong's eyes follwed him as he walked, concern all over his face. Nonetheless, he texted the boys to meet them outside the shop. Because right now, they were going to all going to get together to have a fun, carefree dinner; like old times. 

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