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"Wow, the weather is so nice!" Seyong says as he throws his head back, enjoying the sun.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" JunQ suddenly asks, turning to Gunwoo.

"Why?" Gunwoo responds

"To get to the idiot's house."

"Knock knock." JunQ continues.

"Who's there?" Gunwoo asks.

"It's the chicken" JunQ answers.

Gunwoo shoves JunQ, then proceeds to fling a handful of sand at him. Which Seyong responds to with a returned handful of sand, almost trigger a full-on sand war.

"Hey, stop fighting children." Insoo chides before he playfully tackles Gunwoo. Then as he sat back up he thought out loud, "Has anybody heard from Chaejin? He was supposed to come with you JunQ."

"I thought he was with you. He told me he had to stop by his mom's shop first."

"He brought beer!" Insoo and Seyong interrupt JunQ when he notices Chaejin approaching while carrying a convenience store bag. He jumps up to meet Chaejin, grabbing the bag out of his hand.

"Hey, there's only one in here—oh my god, Chaejin, what happened to your face?!?" Seyong exclaimed when he looked up at him. Gunwoo notices the blood on his face and walks toward the standing boys to reach for Chaejin's chin. He turns his face towards him, examining his split lip.

"Chaejin, who did this?" Gunwoo asks evenly, looking calm, but Chaejin could see the anger in his eyes. He doesn't say anything, except point back the way he came, mumbling out something that faintly sounded like "men" and "store". But Gunwoo had already stormed down the path towards the shop before he could finish.

He quickly picked up his pace along the pebbly walkway; arriving at the shop in only a few minutes. Sitting outside, around the tables drinking, were five men with two sitting on the floor playing cards. I mean who drinks in the afternoon, Gunwoo thinks to himself as he storms past the two on the floor, towards the man in the middle of the table.

Gunwoo lunges to punch the man in the middle, immediately following it with a dodge to miss a punch from the man on the left. One of the men on the ground comes up behind him, and tries to grab him, but Gunwoo shoves him to the ground. Then the man on right lands a kick in Gunwoo's stomach, while another man catches him from falling; holding his wrists behind his back. Gunwoo manages to kick the first man before he hits him again, effectively breaking the hold the other man has on his hands. He pushes the man to the ground once his hands are completely free. Before he can turn back round the last man tackles him, laying him out on the pavement. He then proceeds to kick Gunwoo in the stomach and face, until he hears someone walk up to the shop behind him. All the men glance back, and Gunwoo looks up to see Insoo stroll in loosening his tie with Seyong and JunQ following closely, with Chaejin behind them.

"Sorry, I'm late," Insoo smirks down at Gunwoo, as the other boys chuckle behind him, except for Chaejin who looks nervous.

"Nah, you're just in time, Bro," Gunwoo laughs as he rolls to his feet, "You ready?" but before he can even finish his question Insoo has charged at the man closest to him, punching him square in the jaw. At this, all the boys jumped into action. Gunwoo went at the man to his right. JunQ and Seyong split into opposite directions, each taking on a man, and Chaejin fell back behind the group a few steps, being chased by the last man who was originally playing cards on the ground.

While all four boys are fighting, the man is chasing Chaejin around a pole. He jumps towards Chaejin, but misses when Chaejin leans out of the way, and hits his head on the pole, successfully knocking himself out. Chaejin comes out from behind the pole to see the first man creeping up behind Gunwoo.

With a rushed shout of, "Gunwoo! Watch out!" Gunwoo turns quickly, delivering a roundhouse kick to the man's gut; ending the fight.

"C'mon, Rocky, let's go buy some more beer," Insoo says, steering Gunwoo toward the entrance of the convenience store. He claps a hand down on Gunwoo's shoulder, causing the very bruised boy to wince.

"Mrs. Seok is gonna be soo mad at us," JunQ snickered as he held the door open for the others.

He was right. Before they were all even inside the store, she was onto them.

"Oh My! Chaejin, what have you boys been into. Didn't I tell you no more fighting? You're all bruised and cut up. Get to the back right now and go wash up."

"Yes ma'am. Sorry Mrs. Seok." All the boys sang together, excluding Chaejin, he said mom.

Once in the back room of the store, theboys all sat down at the little table in the corner of the room, while Insoo opened to the cabinet under the sink to get the first aid kit.

"SoOo, Chaejin," Gunwoo paused when Chaejin looked up at him, and to build tension because Gunwoo's dramatic, "What happened with those guys outside?"

"They knew my father" Chaejin mumbled as he took a seat on the counter by the sink, letting Insoo help him clean out his cuts on his face. All the other boys looked at each other knowingly. Chaejin's father had died almost three years ago. But before that, he owed a gang money, after racking up some debt gambling. He died of natural causes, an heart attack, before he could even try to start paying off his debts, not that he would have with his addiction. But he left all of it in the hands of his wife and his child. Now every once in a while the gangsters terrorize Mrs. Seok and Chaejin, trying to force them to pay off the debt they can't afford. 

"Well, we really got them, didn't we?" JunQ asked, trying to lighten the mood. Gunwoo immediately brightened at the thought of the fight. 

 "Yeah, did you see the way I kicked that guy? He went straight down." He talked animatedly as he tried to reenact a roundhouse kick in the small,  crowded room.

"Yes, Gunnie, we saw. You saved us all. We would be no where without you. Now let's go help Mrs. Seok restock the store." Seyong said, grabbing Gunwoo's shoulder, and steering him back into the main part of the store.

While he finished putting a band-aid on Chaejin's forehead, Insoo stood up. He started making his way towards the door as he spoke, " Ok boys, you're on your own restocking. I have to get down to the docks; my shift starts soon."

"But Insooo," Gunwoo whined loudly as he passed him, "Who will carry all the heavy boxes? You're all strong and we're all sad." He pouted over dramatically. 

"Too bad." Insoo laughed as he walked out the door, leaving the four boys grumpily carry boxes for the rest of the afternoon. 

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