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*** Last Week in the Grocery Store***

Seyong had been elected as primary box carrier "because he was the strongest".  It had been about twenty minutes since Insoo and Gunwoo had abandoned him, and it had been twenty minutes of listening to JunQ and Chaejin's non-stop bickering.

"Chaejin! The red ramen goes on the top shelf, this ramen goes on the bottom," Seyong heard JunQ shout at Chaejin as he carried yet another box into the store room.

"Why are you even telling me where things go? This is my store," Chaejin snatched the ramen packet out of JunQ's hand. Seyong huffed as he dropped the box he was carrying next to the two wrestling boys. As he turned back to finish unloading the endless amount of boxes, his cell phone dinged with a text notification. Seyong checked his messages.

Unknown Number:

Meet me at the dock at 3:30 sharp.

His eyebrows knit together as he read it. Seyong looked around the back room in confusion.

why who is this?

Seyong received an answer to his text almost immediately.

Unknown Number:

I have a job you might be interested in.

Unknown Number:

And I know about your little friend Gunwoo.

The prospect of a job sounded nice, it would definitely help Seyong pay rent, but his curiosity is what got the best of him. Whoever this was, no matter how creepy they sound, might know what Gunwoo's super secret new job is.  Seyong sent a final text to the mysterious number: OK I'll be there.

As he slid his phone back into his pocket, Seyong looked up at the clock on the break room wall. It read 3:07. Seyong grumbled to himself as he jogged back into the main part of the store.

"Hey, JunQ, Chaejin, I have to go right now," Seyong announced as he walked in on the two boys wrestling over the merchandise again. As he was shrugging on his jacket, JunQ replied,

"First Insoo and Gunwoo, now you too Seyong. Is everyone gonna abandon me today?" He whined, making Chaejin gasp.

"I'm still here with you Jun" he grumbled while glaring at JunQ.

"Yea, well, it's your store so you have to be here Jinnie." Seyong just walked out the door, leaving the two boys to their bickering.

He started making his way down the grassy path towards the docks. About halfway through his little journey, Seyong realized he would be having this sketchy meet up were Insoo would be working. Part of him felt slightly relieved, because if he was about to get jumped at least maybe his super buff friend would be nearby to tap in. But he was mostly terrified of Insoo catching him meeting whoever had texted him, the whole situation had a weird vibe and he didn't want his friends thinking he got mixed in with a bad crowd.

He didn't have long to stress himself out worrying, before he knew it he was walking onto the docks. He quickly realized he didn't know who he was looking for, but the panic was short lived as he saw a man in a suit get out of a large black car, that he honestly should have noticed faster.

"Hello, Seyong, It's nice to finally meet you," the man said giving Seyong a very business-like smile, "I'm Oh Injung"

"Nice to meet you Mr. Oh" Seyong said bowing.

"So let's get straight to business, I would like you to start working for me. I want to offer you a position with my team."

"Um, can I... ask what it is you do? What I would be doing?" The man laughed at Seyong, and Seyong didn't know if he was laughing at his question or his nervousness.

"First, you'll have to meet the boss.After that he'll just give you some business to take care of here and there. Talking to people, maybe collecting debts to be payed if you can handle it."

Sounds super sketchy Seyong thought to himself. Nonetheless, he nodded.

"Sure that sounds good" he lied it didn't sound good at all to him, and he was still shaking with nervousness, but he continued, "What about Gunwoo? You said you knew about him in the text."

"We'll all I can tell you about your little friend is that he also got himself a job, similar to yours. Meet me outside the restaurant on 2nd street in tomorrow at noon, alright?" Seyong nodded without thinking and Mr. Oh roughly clapped him on the back, almost knocking the boy over. The man wordlessly got into the car, and it started driving away before the door had even slammed shut.

Seyong turned around and started making his way back to the walking path and back to the store. The journey passed very quickly as Seyong was busy thinking about everything that had happened recently, between Gunwoo acting strange and him meeting Mr. Oh. Seyong arrived back at the store, and he felt relieved to see JunQ and Chaejin still arguing. At least some things were still normal. 

"Will you quit putting all the soda on the top shelf? Drinks go over here," Chaejin tried to gesture wildly while he snatched cola bottles off the shelves. Seyong decided to step in and interrupt before JunQ could throw the hissy fit Seyong saw brewing. 

"Jun, how about you go stock up the candy counter? Jinnie I'll help you move the drinks, ok?"

Chaejin nodded, slightly smugly, as JunQ dramatically sighed and stomped towards the front of the store.  

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