Go home, you're drunk

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King Dice giggled, hiccuping and holding the empty bottle close to his chest. He had the worse headache one could ever imagine, but he was too tipsy to notice it. The back of his throat burned from the liquor, the alcohol taste sticking to his tongue. It still tasted strong and bitter all at the same time.

The Devil smirked with satisfaction, he'd earned this after all. Dice hadn't only rolled snake eyes, it was on his first try. The Devil doesn't cheat, what makes you think that? ...Okay, maybe a little.

Dice groaned, slouching against the counter of the bar. His cheeks were bright and his expression and posture slacked. The Devil chuckled, softly resting a hand on his back. "Well, a good game indeed, Dice. You're looking a bit ill..."

"I'm fine!" King Dice exclaimed, sitting up a little. His limbs felt heavy. "I'm just a lil'... Sleepy."

"Sleepy? It's not that late, is it?" He pondered the time, tapping on Dice's back. "Well, get up then! Can't you carry yourself to rest?"

"...No." Dice replied, throwing a dazed glare at the Devil before laughing to himself and pushing the bottle aside. "I don't think I can stand without tippin', Boss."

The Devil rolled his eyes, grumbling and sliding out of his chairs with a slight slouch in his stance. "Come on then, I'll help you." He offered his hand to Dice, which he most graciously took. He pulled him up, his feet stumbling beneath him. "...Can you stand without my help?"

Dice blinked lazily, suddenly taking interest in the Devil's hands. He shrugged, "I dunno, Boss."

The Devil growled- I guess there were downsides to alcohol. He hesitated before scooping Dice into his arms bridal style, Dice squeaking in reaction. "What." The Devil asked blankly, his brows furrowing.

"N-nothing!" He chuckled, his cheeks only flushing brighter. Apparently a fear of falling was heightened when he was drunk, so he moved himself as close to the Devil as he could. "I'm alright."

The Devil grumbled, beginning to carry him to where he could sleep. He wouldn't carry him all the way home, preposterous! Just to a couch in his office maybe.

Dice blinked sleepily, squinting at everything as the world went a bit fuzzy with the alcohol. He wasn't going to pass out, but he felt like he wouldn't remember the next day. Right now, actually. "Ya know Boss," He murmured, still sounding giggly. "You're not that bad a guy."

The Devil rolled his eyes, "Thank you, Dice."

"Like, you're tha best boss I eva had."

"Thank you. Again."

"I like you."


"No no, wait- I mean, I love you." Dice stumbled over his words like a true drunk, holding onto the Devil as he felt his eyes get heavy with sleep.

That caught the Devil by surprise, almost stumbling over his own feet. Did he just...? Is he...? Drunken slander, that's all. King Dice wouldn't be like that.

The Devil shook his head, eventually laying Dice on an ornamental couch. "Goodnight, Jackass."

"Goodnight, handsome." Dice giggled once more.

Somebody help him.

have another chapter/flashback thingy?? Idk pfft???

Just enjoy XD


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