TFTFML - Chapter 1

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It was another morning for Tzuyu until she felt that familiar pull in her chest again, she quickly go out of bed and went to the bathroom not forgetting to lock the door just in case someone would go in, after a few minutes Tzuyu stared at the petals floating around the toilet bowl 'Dammnit it happened again' Tzuyu then reached out to get a tissue and used it to wipe her mouth after a few seconds she then heard a knock on the door "wait a minute!!" she washed her face she then coughed again and a small red petal landed on the sink she picked it up and smiled at her reflection in the mirror and heaved out a sigh. "You'll be okay" she told herself, out loud. 'Will I?'

Tzuyu recently found out she has the Hanahaki disease, she found out a week ago when she started coughing and got surprised when she saw a few petals in her palm she instantly searched in the internet and found out, she looked if their was a cure, it said that you needed surgery and it said that It wasn't a difficult process since it was just a simple disease was and it was so common nowadays that surgery was quick and efficient with short amount of time, she sighed in relief but frowned once she saw the next paragraph, it said that it would also mean she'd lose her feelings for Sana. She though she could tell her manager ask to book a schedule in the hospital and take it out before it became worse but the bad part is her feelings for Sana would disappear too

It was about a week later when Nayeon went up to her on the couch, pressing up against her side "Tzuyu have you heard?" When Tzuyu glanced raising an eyebrow Nayeon jaw dropped her voice into a dramatic whisper, even though no one else was in the dorm. "I heard that the hanahaki disease is getting worse, I heard one idol got the surgery once they found out she was coughing out flowers and gave her the surgery, I heard the surgery took her feelings too"

Tzuyu raised an eyebrow, she widened her eyes when she felt the familiar throb in her chest she then cleared her voice "I-is she okay?"

Nayeon shrugged and looked at the tv. "I don't know, I heard it wasn't a difficult surgery probably the bad part was just she lost her feelings for whoever it was, but it probably wasn't that bad I mean, It's better to just lose the feelings than to die from it, right?" Nayeon chuckled

Tzuyu felt her chest tighten again and she realized she needed to go to the bathroom or else she was going to be throwing up petals all over the living room and probably Nayeon "Y-yeah I guess it's probably not t-that bad"

Before Tzuyu could stand up she ended up coughing, her body shaking hard enough for Nayeon to look at her Tzuyu couldn't hold it anymore and rose petals spilled from his lips, falling onto Nayeon's face and lap

Tzuyu widened her eyes and Nayeon shouted with her eyes wide too "Tzuyu!" She cried before Nayeon could scream any longer Tzuyu clasped her palm on her mouth. Nayeon shoved her hand and brushed the petals of her lap and sofa Nayeon looked around but before she could say anything Tzuyu shook her head Nayeon was about to ask sometime but stopped with wide eyes seeing Tzuyu cough up more rose petals "Tzuyu, when- when did this start-" Nayeon got cut off "two weeks ago" Nayeon ran her hand through hair in frustration "why didn't you tell me sooner oh god we have to tell the others and our manage-" Tzuyu clasped her hand on Nayeon mouth again

"Dont!' Tzuyu said she looked down and got surprised at the amount of petals on the floor, she widened her eyes and started sweating thinking where to put all these petals "Nayeon unnie, please no I've got this"

She lied. She got surprised at how the amount of rose petals increased Nayeon looked at her and at the petals scattered on the floor "How?! How are you so sure you've got this?! Tzuyu tell me!" Nayeon slammed the side of the couch "Look how many petals there are on the floor Tzuyu!"

"Nayeon unnie im fine really, I've got this I just don't want to lose my feelings for Sa- that person" Tzuyu put her head down and was on the verge of crying

Nayeon wipes her face in annoyance "Tzuyu, I know you're going to lose those feelings if you die but remember we're going to lose YOU if you die what will you do?! What will WE do, the group?! What.. w-what will i do..?!" Nayeon stood up and stomped the floor violently "I have to tell our manager right now or maybe jihyo..yeah I'll tell her she-she'll know what to do" Nayeon looks like an insane person because of Tzuyu right now

Tzuyu grabbed Nayeon wrist before she leaves. "No Nayeon unnie I'm begging you don't do it, bear it with me please just act like you didn't see anything that's all I'm asking for you"

"That's all?! That's all you're asking me to do?! Chou Tzuyu?!" Nayeon looked completely wrecked her fists were clenched tightly to her side and tears dripping from her eyes to her cheeks "Tzuyu how-how could you ask me to just stand there act like nothing happened and watch you slowly die everyday huh?" Nayeon clenched her eyes feeling more tears come out "HOW?!"

Tzuyu paused for a brief moment Nayeon looked scared it was very obvious she was shaking the whole time " Nayeon unnie listen to me please," Tzuyu's voice got gentle when she spoke and she grabbed both Nayeon hands. "I'm not dying okay?"

Nayeon growled and shook Tzuyu's hands away from hers and rubbed her eyes angrily "You are Tzuyu YOU ARE. Take a long look at how many petals there are on the floor you're going to suffocate from them" she moved closer until she was standing right next to Tzuyu, close enough to wrap her arms around Tzuyu waist and tug her closer into a tight hug.

Tzuyu knew that Nayeon calmed down already and Nayeon never had been able to win when both of them have a battle after all. She stood up to pat Nayeon head. "They won't kill me I promise, come on get your ass up and help me clean this mess up cry baby"

Nayeon agreed and knelt beside Tzuyu and picked up a few petals in her hands. "What flowers are they?" Nayeon looked at Tzuyu "Roses" Tzuyu answered, picking up a bunch of petals. Nayeon stopped and rubbed a petal in between her fingers. "Nayeon unnie, thank you."

"If you die," Nayeon said, voice suddenly got colder but still soft, "I'll never forgive you." Tzuyu let out a chuckle before grabbing both Nayeon's hands

"trust me. i won't"

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