116 Pickels please

27 6 1

At the studio

Rowan - will you stop jax and ben are good kids pey

Oh Peyton it what he thought about it

Peyton - I don't think so row

Going into the studio to find Corey running around the studio

Rowan and Peyton - Cor what's going on 

He couldn't stop

Corey - sorry can't talk now gotta go

Still running to get pickles

Rowan and Peyton - and what was that about

Amir comes to explain

Amir - sab wants pickles and she is going to be pissed if she doesn't get any pickels

Yes she would be so mad


Corey runs back with picks

Rowan and Peyton - oh

Sabrina waddles over to them

Sabrina - not a WORD BOYS I MEAN IT

She growing so fast really fast

Amir and Peyton - of course not 

They back away

Corey - look look honey pickles yay

Rowan hugs Sabrina

Rowan - how's the baby

The baby had been kicking a lot more then usually lately

Sabrina - kicking away

Sabrina got pickels to eat she took a bite

Rowan - aww sweet baby hi it's aunt row how are you

The baby kicks again

Sabrina - aunt Rowan is loved

Sabrina eats pickles

Sabrina - thank you honey

A Kiss for Corey

Corey - you're welcome 

Corey got Sabrina to calm down

Rowan and Peyton - pickles and she is good again

Her mood swings famous especially when at home

Amir - you know I think it's about Corey

Michael comes back

Michael - is she settled now

Michael got a look from Sabrina and it was fire

Michael - sorry sorry so sorry

He really was sorry

Ceci - un-huh we know

Sabrina smiles

Michael - she's smiling let's get started before she stops please  please I'm  begging  here

They smile

Michael - thank you

And with that they getting started

Rumor Has It Reyton By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now