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Kristan woke up in Jack's bed. She opened her eyes to see Jack at the end of the bed, He was putting on a Shirt. 

She tried to act like she was sleeping but there was no use Jack turned his head and smiled. "Morning." He smirked. She smiled lightly "Did you sleep in this bed?" She asked immediately. "No. You never gave me permission. That'd be considered rude, I slept on the couch." Jack smirked. 

"You better go downstairs, I'll meet you." Kristan smiled. Jack walked over to her and kissed her forehead lightly. "Alright. Meet you down." He walked out and closed the door. 

She stood up and seen extra clothes on the bed with a note. "I looked in your closet and there was no clothes, here's some of mine. -- Jack" 

She opened the door and went to the bathroom, She took a shower and brushed her teeth. She took an extra towel and wrapped it around her hair.  Kristen walked back in Jack's room. It smelled of deodorant and slightly of Rose's. She had one towel around her hair and one around her body. She locked Jack's door and dried herself and got dressed. She was wearing Baggy Yoga pants and a gray shirt. She unlocked the door and went downstairs for breakfast. 

It smelled of Pancakes and Syrup and as always Vanilla. She seen an empty spot by Jack and she sat by him. Her hair was down and she tossed her half dry hair behind her and waited to be served by the chef. They had their own maid and their own chef, Which were both awfully nice. 

Jack smiled at her and she smiled back. She hardly would wear makeup most likely because she liked to keep herself as natural as possible. 

The chef came around to her and Jack. "There you are Ma'am." The chef smiled and went back into the kitchen. Mark looked over at Kristan and gave a jealous look. Then Fawn interrupted the awkward silence with something about skateboarding. "Fawn you aren't very lady like." Mable giggled. "Well at least I don't act like I'm like a billion years old." Fawn smirked. Mable and Fawn started arguing over what people should act like. 

Kristan finished breakfast and while the arguing continued she took out her plate to the kitchen, Mark followed. 

They passed their dishes to the chef and then Mark grabbed her hand yanking her into a bathroom. The bathroom was in the dining room but he was quick and sneaky so nobody noticed. He locked the door and turned on the bathroom lights. Kristan's heart pounded and her breathing quickened, She was scared of what Mark had in mind. 

"Why were you in Jack's room last night?" Mark shot out. "We were watching A movie, I fell asleep half way through and he slept on the couch. Why?" Kristan shot back just as quick. "Because I don't like you around him. Stay away from him he's not safe. Okay?" Mark smiled lightly and grabbed Kristan's hand slowly and carefully not wanting to hurt her. Kristan pulled back just as quick. "You have no say in what I can and cannot do. You kidnapped me, Erased my memories and now are telling me I can't hang around somebody you live with. I don't think I can trust you to be quite honest. Now if you excuse me I'll be leaving." 

Kristan grabbed the door handle and then Mark pulled her hand back. "Listen to me!" Mark said in a firm voice. "Stay away from him." Mark was still holding onto Kristan's wrist and then all a sudden Kristan screamed. She started to panic and broke down crying and screaming. 

Jack began banging on the door and all a sudden the door flung open. Jack used his demonic powers to tear off the door. He seen mark hold Kristan's wrist while Kristan was crying a begging for him to let go. Jack hauled off and punched Mark directly between the eyes. Mark fell to the ground and passed out while Kristan dropped to the floor holding her wrist and crying. 

Jack sat down with her and cradled her comforting her. He carried Kristan to his room and put on a movie. This time it was a Comedy movie and he comforted her while they watched it and eventually she fell asleep during that too. 

Kristan woke up with Jack asleep on an air mattress on the floor. She sat at the end of his bed to face him and then he opened his eyes looking at her. "How's your wrist?" Jack asked. "Bruised." Kristan replied. "Don't worry he is most likely bruised as well." Kristan laughed a little at that. Jack got up and stretched. "I'll get supper and we'll eat up here." Kristan nodded her head and waited. Jack came up with Taco's and Water. He had it all on a mini table. They sat up and ate on the Air mattress using the mini table. They watched some old Rom-Com Kristan rented and then Kristan explained what Mark had done to her. "That damn..." Jack was outraged. "Calm down. I think he won't try it again because of the mark that reminded him of what he done." Jack laughed at the reminder. 

After supper Jack took it downstairs and Jack never returned for a bit. Kristan walked out and downstairs to find him and found Jack punching Mark. Blood was coming from Mark's nose and mouth. Fawn and Mable were yelling for Jack to stop. Finally Jack lifted his head to see Kristan. He stopped and went over to Kristan. "Kristan.. I'm sorry.." Kristan nodded her head and looked at Mark, Blood flowed from his nose and mouth and Fawn and Mable were cleaning him up. He was groaning in pain. Kristan couldn't stand the smell of blood so she walked outside and sat under a tree. Jack followed, They talked while Jack apologized and once everything was done and over with they went to sleep.

Kristen went to her room and Went to sleep and Jack slept in his room and everyone else was in their own room. Mark stayed up half the night taking pain killers cause of the pain Jack caused him. He knew his anger would grow and he refused to believe he was jealous of Jack and had feelings for Kristan. 

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