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"We're going on a trip, We got no clue when we'll be back." Mark yelled. Kristan had a dufflebag swung over her arm, There was food and clothes and entertainment in the bag. Mark took the bag from her and walked to their car, He tossed it in the trunk and away they went. 

They started driving and stopped in the middle of the forest. "Why the hold up?" Kristan asked a bit confused. "Well, I have got no clue where this guy is and the witches should know." 

Not that far from where they parked, a small village sat. Kristan and Mark went up to one of the house doors and knocked. A beautiful women with one small wart on her chin. She smiled and looked at Kristan then at Mark. "Hey, Lanita meet Kristan." Mark smiled. "Pleasure to meet you!" Lanita put out a hand and Kristan shook it. 

"Come on in." Lanita walked in then continued. "So what brings you here?" Lanita askes. 

Mark explained every detail and then Lanita nodded the whole way through it. Finally Lanita spoke. "You can find him in the village called Laowa."

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