Chapter 5 P2-The date?

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 for not uploading yesterday either, I was with my dad (My parents are divorce lol). well let's start. And it's going to be narrated in 1st person now.

"(F/N)! Dan's here!" i yelled through the door ."Alright i'll edit your video, but i'll teach you later, fine?"(F/N) said, while i was running trought the stairs.

I opened the door, and saw a good-looking Daniel howell smiling, god that smile was perfect, and those dimples. "Hey" he said, while hugging you. "Hi!" I said, hugging him  back. He smelled so good. "So, come on, let's go to my flat." he said while watching you, wich was kinda weird,but you looked at him all the time. "Alright" I finally said


OMG. I CAN'T STOP LOOKING AT HER WHAT'S MY PROBLEM?!?...okay, fine, it's okay, since we're walking in a very awkawrd silence. Should i say something?Yes. "So..what did you do today?" i finally said."umm I made my first video, didn't upload it yet." she looked at the sky while talking. "What? Video?" i asked, confused. "A youtube video" She mumbled. Did she said.. youtube and videos..okay try to play it cool. "Oh really, i make youtube videos too" i said pretending to be chill "Oh!What's your username?" she said, looking at me. "Daniel Howell" i answered. I noticed a bit of blush in her cheeks, it may be makeup or whatever.

We finally arrived to the flat. "Hey, I have a roomate so he's going to be around" I said to (Y/N) "alright" She answered. 

*Time skip*

I already showed her the house, she was so cute while looking around. "Well, what do you want to eat, and or drink?" I asked her "Umm some tea and..what do you have to eat?" she asked curiously. "I can cook you a pancake if you want" i mumbled "You joking? That would be lovely!" She excitedly said.

I was cooking the pancakes as he took pictures of me "(Y/N)! Stop!" i said while laughing, i then suddenly made a flip, succesed surprisingly. "That photo was awesome!" she gasped. "And here's your pancake" I said smoothly and winked, was that inappropriate or just sexy? god I dont know. She started sipping her tea,quickly. God, why? what did I do? "You o-okay?" I asked. "Yep" she answered putting the cup down.

*Time Skip*

We finished our tea, and we were talking way too muh about our childhood and other funny/embarrassing stories. "Omg (Y/N) you'll be a great youtuber, you're way to funny" I said. "You say so?" she said as she giggled. "Of course" I insisted. "Well thanks dan" She looked down and then looked at me. We stared at each other,blushing. It was way too long, and i loved it, in a weird way. "Umm,, I have to go it's a bit late. Had a great time!"she said. I looked at my phone, 7:30 jesus. "Okay, do you want me to walk you home?" i asked "Sure!" (Y/N) said.

We walked through the dark streets of London. It was cold, but with (Y/N) looked beautiful while she looked at the sky. "Why are you always looking at the sky that why?" i asked "What?" she asked back. "You know like this" I said while doing an exaggerated pose "Come on,Dan" she giggled "No, seriously!" I was intrigued "Nothing special, tell you later" she said while opening the door. "Wait!" I said. "What,Dan?" She asked

*Your Pov*

"What, Dan?" I asked. He looked at me, like he wanted to say something. "Would you like to take a selfie?" he asked . "Sure!" i said as we took the selfie. I feel like he wanted to say something else. I guess. I said goodbye and entered to my house and then, to my bedroom. 




I'm really in love with him.

So, hey! sorry I didn't upload something. So...long chapter!

It's you, It's me// Dan howell x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now