Chapter 10. CHRISTMAS

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After that text.. your head got more questions. "It's that a date?" and "Wtf is dan doing to my head?" where passing through your mind. "Hey (Y/N) pizza's here" (F/N) announced. Then she proceed to see you and sigh. "Hey what's wrong?" she questioned. you unlocked your phone and gave it to her, showing your chat with Dan. "(Y/N) this is amazing! Why you sad?" she asked confused. "I'm.. I'm not sad, I'm just confused. What does Dan sees me as? his friend? his girlfiend? or just, somebody that he used to date" I mumbled. "Oh come on, (Y/N), you can't be serious, If he just asked you out for a date, he likes you, (Y/N). Don't be silly! Come on! Let's go eat some pizza!" she praised. "I love you" you exclaimed.


You both were eating the pizza and you decided to check your youtube. You opened your channel, to see your subscribers, and almost chocked with the pizza. "What's wrong?" (F/N) asked looking at you freaked out. "I have 1500 subscribers." You gasped. (F/N) gasped and hugged you. "Woah, (Y/N) you did it so fast! I told you, you're really funny!" she pointed out. "Thanks, I have to post a video now." you grabbed a plate and another portion of pizza, grabbed the camara and went to your room. You thinked the right words to do a script of. Just be sincere and speak with your heart for once. Bought some things for the video. And drinke several cups of tea.


Ok, you were ready to film. "Konichiwa mina! And..WE HIT 1500 SUBSCRIBERS! I know it might not be a big amount of subscribers, but literally started to make videos and this makes me really happy, seriously thanks a lot. So, let me tell you some things bout me! My name is (Y/N) (L/N). My favourite color is (F/C). I'm reALly afraid of (Fear). I was born in (C/N). And I can play the (INstr.)// I really like to (hobbie). And my favourite food is.. (F/F). So that's it, I know this video's really short but, i just wanted to tell you more things bout me and thank you, cause literally i'm really happy of what I did here, And I legit want kiss and hug all of you! Ok, take care and peace out!"

You've finished your video with finger guns and a little giggle. It was still very late to edit and upload the video but you were in the mood. You went to the kitchen to do some hot chocolate and grab something warm, cause you were freezing, and (F/N) called your name "(Y/N) caaan I aaask you someeething?" she sang. I already knew by the tone of her voice she wanted something, "What do you want?" I yawned. "Well you see, I'm really close to Dan's friend, Phil and I know you are very close to Dan, and chritmas is coming so.." she was narrating, but you interrupted. "You want to celebrate christmas with them, dont you?" you replied. She just nods with puppy eyes and I do too, sighin out loud as she texted someone. "It's just.. I have to buy some more gifts" I added, "Yeah let's go tomorrow " (F/N) exclaimed "Alright" I replied.

You came back to youw room, your hot chocolate was almost cold, you sighed and edited the video, this day was oddly down for you, if you could put it in that way. All the weird thoughts about this boi who was in your mind ALL the time. You just wanted to kiss him again, but anyway, you finished the editing and went to sleep.


You woke up by some annoying christmas music that (F/N) putted to wake you up, "WHAT DO YOU WANT" I yelled at her. "We have to buy the gifts remember?" she announced. "We'll have brunch later" she added. "Alright" I yawned. "Just..let me dress up" I mumbled whie getting up. "Alright!" she cheered. Alhrough she bothered you you loved her. You dressed up and went with (F/N). "Alright lets go!" she announced .

*Time skip*
You were both in a small mall, I know, it sounds ridiculous and I know it but you just wanted to buy some Christmas gifts. You both got to a tiny shop that made mugs and lovely things.
"Hey (y/n) you should give this mug to Dan!" She pointed out, holding a mug that said "You're a hottie". You just face-palmed and said no w/ your head. You both kept on searching what could be the best gift for Dan & Phil.
You exited the shop, and (F/N) said "What do they like" as she was thinking for a good gift.
"Well, they both like Video Games and beyond, but what if we give them something that we made, that we putted our heart into it?" I told her.
"Like what?" She questioned. My mind went to blank. "Well.. lets keep on going and then we will see." I mumbled.
*Time Skip (don't kill me pls)*
(F/n) end up buying some black jeans for Dan and a really cute plushie of a really big lion. For Phil I bought some lion socks and a T-shirt with a bud pun in it, but I didn't know what to give to Dan.
"(Y/n), I know that you are struggling with Dan's gift, but you both love each other so if you something special for him, he will appreciate it." She told as trying to comfort you. "I know but.." you said, but an Idea came to you mind. "(F/N), I need cassettes ". You finished. "That's my girl." She cheered.
You both were to grunge but kinda retro store to look up for some cassettes. Paid for them and went to have brunch.
You both were home, but you grabbed (F/N)'s mic, some sharpies paper and tape. "Dont ask!" You yelled as entering to your room.
You thought about give Dan something he can remember, so, in the tapes you started writing some things. "For when you're happy", "For when you're sad", "For when you feel nothing", "For when you are confused", "For when you feel angry" and "For when you feel in love". And started talking for about things that you want to tell Dan about, but you weren't there, advice, feelings, jokes or even so, make your presence.. feel real even tho you weren't there.
*time skip*
(Y/N) WE HAVE TO GO TO DAN AND PHIL's HOUSE" (F/n) called. You putted the cassettes in a box you made with photos of Dan and you in your backpack, with phil's presents there.
"Alright lets go!" You said, looking for your glasses. (sorry if u dont wear glasses just go w/ it)
*time skip*
You arrived to their flat, and sent a text to Phil that you were there. You waited till a happy looking Phil opened the door for you two. "Hey guys!" He said while going up to their apartment.
He opened the door and sat down on the sofa, you didnt see Dan. But as soon as you step on the house an Cute Dan Howell scares you. "AH OMG NOT AGAIN DAN!" You grunted as he laughed. "Revenge" you said. "what?" He laughed. But as soon as he stopped laughing I started to tickle him. "oh no no no (Y/N) stopp! I'm sorry!" He giggled as he moved. "Fine, fine" I stopped tickling him. "Ok lovebirds I'm gonna do the beds on Dan and Mine rooms, (F/N) is gonna help me, you two put the plates on the table." Phil said, and leave with (f/n) that fast so you both couldn't say anything. Dan and you looked at each other. Grabbing the plates as soon as he grab some drinks.
//Dan's pov//
We were putting the forks, spoons ,etc, on the table and god I suddenly feel so awkward, i still want to kiss her.. And i know Phil putted some mistletoe somewhere. "GUYS THE TABLE'S READY" i yelled, and I could helar (y/n)  giggle.
Phil came and started serving the dinner and (f/n) hugged (y/n) playfully. We all sit down and wait for Phil. He had cooked lots of food, he was amazing. "Alright! Lets eat!" He exclaimed. We all took a part of each food and started to eat.
*Time Skip*
We all finished eating, and were really fool. But it was a bit early till Christmas, so I had an idea. "Hey guys, lets watch a Christmas movie" I proposed.
"Yeah that would be fun" (y/n) pointed out. We all agreed to watch film and decided that we'll watch Home Alone. (f/n) found the movie and (y/n) turned off the lights and sat next to me. I blushed a bit. The movie started and (Y/n) got closer to me. Oh Boi.
*time skip*
(y/n) and me were cuddling all the movie, she was so warm. "Guys wake up is 11:56!" Phil announced. "SHIT THE PRESENTS" I exclaimed as I went to my room to grab them. As soon as I came to the living room again (y/n) was w/ her backpack, (f/n) w/ some bags and Phil with the presents in the floor and the count down.
*3 minutes later*
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.. MERRY CHRISTMAS" We all cheered as we exchanged the presents. "Who wants to start?" (y/n) said.

"Oh me!" Phil announced. "Dan I got you this tiny llama that changes color with the weather." Phil exclaimed. "I can't escape from my old branding, thanks Phil" I replied. "(Y/n), (f/n) told me you really have problems with your headphones so I bought you new ones!" Phil exclaimed as he gave (y/n) her gift, she seem happy. "Thanks Phil!" She replied. "And (f/n) I bought you this pokemon plushie" Phil told her, holding her hand. "OOooOoOh" me and (y/n) sang as Phil gave her the present.

"Yeah, yeah whatever, I WANT TO GIVE YOU MY GIFTS" (f/n) announced. "(y/n), I got you this.. And you better thank me cause it was hard to find." She told her. "(y/n) opened it and it was a beautiful dress. "How?! I couldn't find this anywhere" she surprisingly exclaimed. "I know" (f/n) replied. "Thank you a lot!" They said as they hugged. "Okay Dan! I got you this black jeans that I hope you like!" She gave them to me, they were great. "Oh yes, these are great! Thank you really much!" I sincerely told her. "And Phil! I got you.. This!" She said as he gave him a big lion plushie, oh god. "Oh my god I love iiit!! Thank you so so so much!" He seemed really happy, I'm loving this Christmas.

"Okay my turn" I told everyone. "Phil ma man, I got you this sweater." I said as I gave it to him "oOoh I love it! I'm gonna put it on" he exclaimed as he changed his sweater into mines. "(f/n)! I got you this book, cause (y/n) told me you like to read, and it remembered me of you, here you go!" I exclaimed as I gave her the book. "Amazing! A lovely book to read! Thanks Dan" she exclaimed. "And (y/n), I got you this." I gave her the tiny box.
//Your pov//
I opened the box to find a lovely bracelet with tiny little things. A photograph, a tea cup and a D. "Dan, I love it!" I said looking at him. As I felt time passing by as I looked into his eyes.

"(y/n) stop looking at Dan is your turn!" (f/n) told me , and I blushed. "Um okay Phil I got you two things because if I gave you just one of these I'd felt bad" I told him honestly and took out of her backpack a bag, and game it to him. "OOooOh socks and a t-shirt with a letter! thanks (y/n) !" He exclaimed. "(f/n), ma bestie I got you this" I said as I took another bag and proceed to gave it to (f/n). "OooOOoh is this one of your deep gifts that you make?" She said as she opened little book that said 'us'. "OMG this is so cute! tells our best moments, our fights, everything!" She exclaimed. "And Dan, this is your present" I told him
//Dan's pov//
"And Dan, this is your present" she told me as she took a box with pictures of us in it. Inside there were some cassettes with things written on them. " It is something really special, that I made with my heart. And i hope you can listen to them" she said as she gave me a Walkman.
"(y/n) this is amazing! Thanks" I said to her. Looking straight at her lovely (e/c) eyes.
"Guys I hate to interrupt..but there's a mistletoe above you" Phil announced. We both look up and then to our eyes. As I hold (y/n) face and pressed my lips on hers, kissing her softly and with my true love. She was a very good kisser, I love her way of make things special, even a simple kiss, she made it unique and addictive. We separated and look at each other for some seconds, till finally I whisper her

"Happy Christmas".

2281 words.

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