The day we met

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Gaga texted furiously on her blackberry, her long nails making tapping noises as they scratched against the protective case around her phone, she clicked ‘send’ with her thumb and stared for a second at the screen before throwing it away, the phone almost sliding off the table “asshole” she hissed and looked at herself in the mirror, Freddie looked her in the eye through the reflection of it while gluing her long teal wig onto her head “Lüc?” he asked, Gaga nodded “-he just can’t accept, it’s over, I am so done” as her phone vibrated again, but didn’t even bother picking it up. Freddie let go of the wig and sat down next to her “so it’s over?” Gaga played with her nails and frowned “we tried, over and over, you know… you’ve been there, but he just can’t appreciate me, my work, the person I am and I am just done” Freddie nodded smiling “he’s a good guy though” Gaga bit her lip, her heart felt so broken “I know he is, we’re just not meant to be I guess” as Tara her make-up artist/best friend walked in “are you talking about Lüc again?” she asked, Gaga smiled embarrassed “he keeps texting me, it is already hard enough that I have to shoot the video for the song I wrote about him, about us” Tara rested her hand on her friend’s shoulder “I know, I am sorry, the wig looks great though-“ she said trying to change the subject, Gaga went through the hair with her fingers “the teal is back!” she smiled, while making a dramatic pose, both Freddie and Tara giggled.

Gaga walked on the set, she was full in hair and make-up but not yet the clothes that she needed to wear for the dance scene in the barn, instead she wore a simple white cotton dress and some sandals, which looked kind of funny combined with her teal wig and black eyeliner, people were greeting and talking to her, she need to sign some stuff and talk about the camera angles, she was a perfectionist and everybody on the set knew that, she was the one in charge.

“So Gaga, look-“ one of the producers said holding a paper in front of her, Gaga was waving cold air with a fan towards her face as the heat was excruciating, two of her dancers ran up to her as they hadn’t seen each other for a long time “hey how are you?!” they asked almost in unison, hugging and laughing, Gaga greeted them back with the same amount of enthusiasm as the producer looked a little irritated because she was distracted again “sorry, but you really need to look at this, we have to shoot this scene in two hours” Gaga turned her head to the producer and nodded, the dancers got the message and said goodbye as they were heading off to the back so they too got clothed and get their make-up on.

Gaga didn’t like all the technical stuff but she also didn’t like if she didn’t know precisely what was going on, so she sighed and handed back the paper to the producer “it looks good, I only think we should change maybe this, let me ask-“ as she searched for her assistant who was probably walking around, taking care of stuff, she skimmed the place but stopped when she suddenly made eye contact with this guy, he just kept staring at her, her heart started beating twice as fast as her entire body froze, literally feeling her temperature going down, she heard people talk to her but didn’t understand the words, Gaga tapped with her hand on her producer’s shoulder and slightly moved her head as the guy had already broke off their eye contact “who’s that, is that the… what’s his name?” the producer looked up irritated “I don’t know, you hired him remember?” Gaga slowly nodded and stared at the good looking man who was talking to one of the staff members, probably about his role.

“Stef, we need you to get ready now” one of her assistants said, tapping on her arm “yes, alright” she said as she let herself getting pulled away. After walking a few steps she shook her head “wait I need some time for myself, I’ll be in my trailer” her assistant looked nervous “-but we need you to get clothed…” Gaga frowned “just 15 minutes” and walked the opposite direction and into her trailer while texting Tara who was probably somewhere in the area ‘who’s that guy I hired, I can’t remember his name, I think I am in love, please come to my trailer’ and clicked send before getting in the air conditioned room, letting herself fall on the couch and staring into nothing “what’s happening?” she asked herself out loud, she remembered hiring him, she remembered seeing his blue eyes and nice physique on the picture, but this was different, it didn’t feel as just sexual attraction, it felt like more, it felt like- but her thought got interrupted by knocking on the door “thank god” she said, getting off the couch “Tara, I know it sound silly but this guy-“ and opened the door, but instead seeing her trusty friend, it was him…

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