T W E N T Y - O N E

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Getting back to the Institute was an easy task. Seeing his sister kiss Jace Wayland was not pleasing for Justin. And neither was watching how Alec Lightwood left the main room when the events occurred.

Now, Justin found himself once again in the heart of the Institute, seeing Shadowhunters walking around or staring at monitors.

Jace and Clary were in the center talking between them, Alec staring intently into a monitor for a reason Justin didn't know and wasn't interested in knowing. And Isabelle was nowhere to be found.

That's until the sound of her whip rang through the room, the object pulling the Mortal Cup from Clary's hands. "That's pretty badass."

Isabelle smirked, handing the Cup back to Clary. "Alec, what are you doing? You can stare at this monitor all you want, they need angel blood to get past the wards. You know that," Jace said. "No Downworlder can come into the Institute."

"Not without an invite by a Shadowhunter," Izzy added. Alec turned around, sighing to himself. "Last I checked, Valentine is a Shadowhunter. The Cup is not safe here. We have to give it back to the Clave."

"Give it back to the Clave? No. Not after everything we went through to get it," Clary complained.

Justin rolled his eyes, knowing the Lightwood was correct but also knowing his sister was to stubborn to give up the Cup after everything.

"My brother is right. The Cup is extremely important," Isabelle said. "Are you agreeing with me?" Alec asked in disbelief.

Justin noticed how he raised an eyebrow in question, a gesture Justin noticed Alec was used to doing.

"I'm full of surprises." Justin nodded in agreement, giving the shorter girl a pat on her shoulder, not knowing what other kind of action to do.

"This Cup is the one chance I have to get my mom back," Clary continued. "I agree with Clary."

"Of course you do. Look, first, it's our mom like in plural. Second, are you really thinking on giving Valentine the Cup?"

"Just sto- We can't give the Cup to the Clave, not now. We need it. It's our only bargaining chip."

Justin once again rolled his eyes at Jace's words, clearly annoyed by him.

"Look, I know how powerful this Cup is. It has the power to create new Shadowhunters, control demons and even kill a mundane if they drank from it. But I promise you, I will not let that monster get his hands on it," Clary stated.

"There you go. You have her word."

After Clary left with Alec to God knows where, Justin sat down on one of the chairs massaging his temples, feeling a headache coming.

A beeping started going off, making his headache increase but an alert turned on on his head, knowing that wasn't a good thing.

Isabelle, Jace and Justin walked over to stand next to Alec who was staring at the same monitor than before. "There's something outside the perimeter," Jace said.

"Thanks, Sherlock," Justin grumbled. "I told you-" " Don't say it," Jace cut off Alex before he could finish his statement.

"What's happening?" Clary asked. "Looks like someone's trying to break in," Isabelle explained.

"Could be the Circle," Jace said. "Please don't be the Circle, I'm not in the mood to deal with them," Justin muttered under his breath walking behind the siblings.

"Told you so." "Too soon." Justin snorted at the exchange, loving how Alec waited for the perfect time to finished his previous statement.

The five of them walked out, weapons ready to attack if necessary. Jace, Alec and Izzy walked out front, wanting to make sure everything was fine for the Fray siblings.

"Don't move."

"Drop what you're holding. Put your hands up." Justin then stood next to Alec and Isabelle, pointing his blade at the figure.

The man stepped into the light, a head rolling over his shoulder, a familiar face coming into view.

Slowly, the Shadowhunters were lowering their weapons at Simon's dead body on Raphael's arms. "Oh God."

"Oh, my God, Simon!" Clary cried.

Once inside the Institute, in the basement to be exact, Raphael and Jace placed Simon's body on a table, a book under his head for support.

"People will be wondering what we found outside the perimeter," Jace started, breaking the silence.

Clary was hovering over her best friend's body, not wanting to believe what just happened. Justin, on the other hand, was far away from him.

He didn't want to be near something that reminds him how much damage this world can do. How it can ruin lives. Simon was just a boy, an annoying one, but a boy Justin came to care about even though he doesn't say it out loud.

"I'll go. I'll tell 'em we didn't find anything. Nobody will come down here," Alec said before leaving.

Isabelle walked over to Justin, offering him a small, sad smile. "I might be a vampire... but I was raised a good Catholic." Raphael looked at the hunters before making the cross sign.

"The vampires breached the Accords. Killing Simon is grounds for war," Isabelle told him, her voice startling Justin a little.

"The vampires were not behind this. Just Camille. She attacked Simon on her own," Raphael corrected.

"Of course it was the crazy vamp. You know what guys, this is too much for me, I need to go lie down," Justin said.

Isabelle sent him a questioning look, one he ignored while he walked up the stairs. He went to his room to try and get some rest before Clary comes to drag him into another mess.

But sleep wasn't something Justin was getting enough of the last couple of days.

Either it was the constant nightmares that made no sense to him, or he spend all night tossing and turning only getting two hours of sleep.

The redhead boy once again found himself wide awake, a headache forming at the back of his head. Closing his eyes, the boy tried to have a dreamless sleep,  wasn't lucky at all.

Authors Note:
I know the chapter is really meh but it's just until I can get back in the game.
I'm sorry for not updating in almost two months, but I've been in vacations and didn't have time to update this story.
I hope I can be more active but my classes started so I don't think that's likely.

Also, I have a new cover for the story, tell me what you think. It's one of my favorites so yeah, leave me ypur thoughts.

Ps, I published a rewritten version of my old story Legends, so go check it out if you want. The OC is played by Niall Horan [blond].

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