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Closing his eyes was the hardest since that moment. He couldn't bare the memories, or visions, flashing through his mind. He had to pushed past his own demons to make his way to the institute to catch Azazel back; after all they did let him go.

"Azazel's attacks go as far south as the Meatpacking District. And then the trail goes cold," Alec said as they all got together in front of a hologram. Justin wanted nothing more than to catch Azazel, but his mind was to fogged up for him to focus.

"It's no use just tracking the dead bodies. With his ability to dematerialize, he could be anywhere." Justin didn't want to say Jace was useless with his statement, but he was useless. Don't get him wrong, it was true, but at this time Justin was really drained and tired that he had no patience for Jace Wayland.

"Maybe we can help." The voice made him perk up and his eyes sparkled as he saw Isabelle Lightwood saunter into the Institute, a blond male following after her. She was okay, and that was all that mattered to Justin right now.

"Izzy! We've been so worried about you? Where have you been?" Clary asked, giving the girl a tight hug. The Lightwood pulled away and grabbed Justin's arm to bring him into a hug. The redhead boy froze for a moment before he relaxed on her embrace and closed his eyes.

"Looking for Azazel." Justin didn't miss the look of hesitation coming from Isabelle, but if she was not ready to talk about it with him, she was not going to push her. "This is Sebastian Verlac, from the London Institute. When the demon came after me, Sebastian saved my life."

Justin didn't know why, but something about this mysterious newcomer made him shift uncomfortably, but he tried to hide it by ruing his hand all over his face. He did not trust this guy for one second, even if he saved Izzy.

"Oh, I simply lent a hand," his British voice said, dismissing the compliments.

"Sebastian's an expert on all things Azazel," Isabelle continued.

"When I studied abroad at the Paris Institute, I specialized in Greater Demons," he explained. He was not bragging but it sure felt like it.

"Well," Alec extended a hand, which Justin eyed. "Thank you for saving my sister. I'm Alec."

"Yeah, thank you," Jace said, extending his hand for Sebastian to shake. "I'm Jace."

The newcomer smirked at the Wayland boy. "Ah, the great warrior in the flesh. Your reputation precedes you." He turns to the two redheads and his eyes instantly focus on Clary. "As does yours. You must be Clary, Valentine's daughter."

Clary smiled sweetly at the boy. "Yeah, don't hold it against me." Justin rolled his eyes at the interaction.

"Well, we don't choose our parents." He then turned to Justin and extended his hand for him to shake. Justin simply stared at it but stayed quiet. He had no rush into getting to know this man or even touch him, it didn't matter to him that he saved Isabelle's life—he didn't trust him.

"That's Justin." Sebastian nodded at Isabelle's words and tore his eyes away from Justin. The redhead felt a lingering stare and turned to the source. Finding Alec giving him a pointed look of disappointment, one he ignored.

"So, tell us about Azazel. How do we take him down?"

From the corner of his eyes, Justin saw Logan coming toward them to join the conversation. He noticed the brunet had his hair disheveled and his clothes were wrinkly. He wasa mess, for the lack of better words.

Tainted Soul • Lightwood. [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now