Chapter 7. Rewind

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(Barely edited )

Chicago, June 8

Petro P.O.V

I sat in my Jeep behind the bar waiting for Jason to come out twisting a cigarette between my fingers. I was beginning to get impatient so I called his phone for the 100th time and once again no answer.

"Oh my Jesus " I groan out running a hand through my hair. A few minutes later I see Jason run out the back of the club his hand deep in his pockets.

"Hey" he says opening the door sitting in the chair next to me. I look at him "The money" I say after a few minutes. He jumps slightly at my voice but then removes the stack of money from out of his jacket and hands it to me. I flip through the stack of cash quickly counting. "Thanks for taking a whole fucking day by the way" I say continuing to count. "Sorry it's not easy finding one person in a giant loud club you know" He says putting his foot up on my dashboard. I look at him then roughly shove his foot off.

"This is short by like $800" I say then stuff the money in my pocket. He bit on his bottom lip "Yeah, I know she said she would ge.." "I don't care what she says I just need the fucking money" I say taking another puff from my cigarette.

Jason looked at me waiting for me to talk. "I want to see her bring her to the house later tonight" I say putting my window down to drop my cigarette outside. Jason looked at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah I don't think so, Pet you told me the money then nothing else" he says getting mad. I roll my eyes "Fucking relax would ya I'm not going to do anything just bring her. I just want to talk" I say smirking at him while starting up my car again.

Jason pulled at his hair "Fine, but I stay with her the whole time, that's my girl Petro. So don't try anything " he says rambling on. I blink at him then unlock the car.

"Leave" I say getting tired of hearing his voice. Jason grunts but walks out and back into the club. I drive off and head back to the clubhouse. As soon as I enter the house the warming smell of alcohol and weed slaps me in the face.

Prositutes layed everywhere. There tiny sluty clothing trying there best to keep there giant fake boobs inside and not out. "Hey Petty I'm coming over tonight or are you still with that bitch" CC ( Her real name is Lisa but her striper name is CC which stands for Cotton Candy ok bye) says placing her hand on my chest. I remove her hands roughly.

"Yes I'm still with her and don't call my fucking girlfriend a bitch" I say moving her out the way to go into the kitchen.

I nod my head at some of the guys hanging out in there then grab a beer from the fridge. Then made my way downstairs to the Den. "Eh Petro your back we're just about to start up a new game" Mike my best friend since high school says.

I watch as he hands out the gambling chips sitting in the center table with everybody else. "Yeah Pet lets see if you can beat Mr. Mike over here he's been winning all day" Jake says laughing.

I laugh Mike has been gambling for years he's nothing less then a pro. "Nah I don't do that shit no more" I say sitting at the table and taking a swing from my beer.

"Suit yourself I would of won anyways" Mike says laughing throwing a chip at me.

I roll my eyes shoving him out his chair. We sat there talking and playing the game and smoked until we were out. "Yo Pet there's some cars outside" one of the guys says while peeking out through the window.

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