A part 2 crazy ass adventure with Olivia and Kianna best friends in the beautiful state of fucking California 🤘🏼
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Kieth P.O.V
I walked into the hotel that Kianna and Jaida we're staying out here in LA. The whole flight she didn't talk to me even after changing my flight to this morning and not last night.
We couldn't go to the house because we don't know where Petro is right now. I knocked on the hotel room door shoving my hands in my pockets.
After hearing some shuffling somebody swung the door open. "Lucas?! what the fuc-" "I told you to look through the peephole!" Kianna said walking out the kitchen in just a robe. "Sorry I thought it was the cleaning lady or something!" He said defending himself.
I look at them with my mouth ajar. "Um is somebody gonna explain to me what the fuck is going on?" I said slamming the door after walking in. Kianna looked at me then back at Lucas.
"Ok I called him, I thought we could use all the men we can get, I mean we don't have Roy anymore" she says crossing her hands over her chest. I placed my fingers on my temples massaging them.
"Kianna what the hell!" I said looking around the living room to see if she happened to invite anymore 'men'. "What? He had a good idea, we have a plan Kieth, do you have a plan?" She said cocking my her head to the side. I rolled my eyes. "Ur I do I have a plan it's uh... well it's....well Carlos-" "Exactly" she said cutting me off.
"Hey what's all the commotion abou... oh hi Keith I guess you know the new plan then" Jaida said walking out of her room, sitting down at the kitchen counter watching us. "Seriously your in on this to?!" I said groaning.
"Hey man I just want to help, when Kianna called-" "No just get out" I said cutting him off. Lucas scoffed looking at me then at Kianna. "Fine" he said moving from beside Kianna to out the door.
"Keith!" Kianna said staring at me scowling. "Oh don't be mad at me, did you really think I would be ok with you inviting your ex on our little 'mission' without asking for my permission and on top of that telling him our entire business?" I said shaking my head at her.
"Uh I'm just gonna go.." Jaida said brushing past me exiting the room. "Look I'm sorry but I just think we need all the help we can get! Olivia and Rafael are in danger, and if we're not gonna call the police we're gonna try something different!" She said her curls bouncing all over the place as she talked.
"N-o" I said to her shaking my head. "Keith, I will not let you die" she said looking up at me tears rolling down her cheeks. I immediately walked in the living room pulling her to my chest. "Babe, I'll be fine" I said stroking her back.