Chapter 20. My way or The Highway part 2

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Bruh this how Petro looks right now^^^

"Please don't underestimate my crazy" - Olivia


Petro P.O.V

"Why are they watching the entrance so hard it's almost like... there waiting for something?" I said shifting my eyes to the entrance. Jake was there jumping the gate behind the guard. I looked back at the window and saw that the girls were gone. "Shit shit shit" when I realized that I didn't see Keegan in the crowd anymore. Then the doorbell rang. Mike looked at me with wide eyes. "Shit" I groaned again.

Mike grabbed the gun from the nearby desk before we quietly made are way down the steps. I gestured for him to look through the peephole but he shook his head refusing. I rolled my eyes looking through the window. "What the hell!" I said when I saw who it was. Mike looked at me confused. I sighed shaking my head. "Petro I can see you open the damn door!" Jasmine yelled hitting the doorbell again.

Mike laughed setting his gun in the back of his pants before walking up the stairs. As soon as I opened the door Jasmine barged in pushing right past me. "You have to come home, now" she said crossing her hands over her chest. "Jasmine do you know what time it is? Go back to the hotel" I say looking out the window one more time before locking it.

"No, I can't let you do this!" she said her voice cracking. "Jasmine what are you talking about?" I said walking past her to go up the stairs she followed behind me. "Petro there's some things you don't know and tonight might mess things up, like everything up" she said following me into the room.

"How did you even find me?" I said walking to the window checking the party for Keegan but he was nowhere to be found I zoned out Jasmine's voice until a pillow was chucked at me . "Petro are you even listening to me!?" She yelled. I turned around seeing her face red and with another throw pillow in her hand. I sighed walking across the room and taking the pillow from her.

"Jasmine I don't understand you, why are you so bothered by my killing all of a sudden, in the beginning you didn't give a fuck, and I loved you for that, why you turning soft?" I said holding her face in my hands. She bit her bottom lip looking at me.

"Well I haven't been honest with you Pet" she said a single tear falling. I looked at her confused "What's wrong baby?" I said looking over my shoulder then pulling her into the giant closet. I turned the light on the waited for her to speak. "If I tell you can you please just hear me out" she said wiping her tears with the back of her hand. "What is it?" I said now sounding worried. "I'm.. well Im-" "Pet!" Mike ran in the closet locking it frantically. "What's wrong?" I said my heart racing.

He placed a finger over our mouths gesturing for us to be quiet. Jasmine clung on to me like a leech. "Olivia!" I heard Keegan's voice yell, the sound of his feet running up the steps went throughout the house. "Shit" I whispered out pushing us into the corner of the closet.

Mike threw a bunch of clothes over us hiding Jasmine farther into the back. We stayed there for what feels like hours until we heard absolute silence. "I'm gonna go out there" Mike whispered said shifting to come out. I looked at him with wide eyes even though he couldn't see me in the dark.

"Are you fucking crazy, he's still out there, he's trying to trick us you dumbass!" I whispered yelled. He stayed silent for a minute then finally went back under. The sound of Keegan's heavy footsteps continued until the back door was swung open. "Petro? Mike? You still in here, look I'm sorry about earlier I didn't find Keeg-" Jakes sentence was immediately cut off , the sound of flying bullets overpowering the sound of Jasmine's muffling screaming.

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