Chapter 1. Whats New

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Olivia P.O.V

I look in the mirror looking at my stomach. After having Joseph I noticed that I have looked almost completely different from before I was pregnant. Stretch marks wrapped around my stomach resembling tiger stripes.

I traced them with my fingers all the way up to my boobs. Yep definitely had those now and my we're they fucking huge. My thoughts were interrupted by a piercing cry. I groaned realizing that Joseph was awake. "I got him!" I hear Rafael say.

I walk out the bathroom and into my room seeing little Joey in his hand. Rafael looks down at Joseph smiling down at Joey as he rocked him back and forth.

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist . "Thank you " I whisper in his ear kissing him lightly on his cheek.

"No problem baby, daddy's got this all under control" he says cooing Joseph back to sleep. "Well his real annoying ass dad is gonna be here to pick him up in.." I check the clock on my night stand and almost scream "shitttt" I moan jumping over the bed and into my closet.

"I have to get to the office Chris is gonna be here in 6 minutes his baby bag is downstairs ready and packed I gotta leave now and meet Tianna at Fashion Dova before my managers leaves I forgot to get the papers signed " I throw on some jeans and a oversized hoodie. While grabbing my bag and brushing down my crazy sex hair to look some what decent . "Babe I don't wanna see Chris right now it's to awkward " he says walking behind me downstairs with a sleeping Joseph in his hand .

I grab an apple and turn around to look at him. "look I know you guys don't like each other but your gonna have to make it work, I'm sorry but I have to go " I say kissing him and Joseph then running out the door. "You owe me!" I hear Rafael yell before I close my car door and speed off.

Kianna P.O.V

I looked up at the doctor like he lost his god damn mind. "Excuse can u just repeat that one more time" I ask my palms beginning to sweat. The doctor smirked "Ma'am your four weeks pregnant" he repeats then continues to write on his stupid clip board. My heart starts pounding in my chest so hard I had to hold myself steady on the table. "That's impossible" I whisper out.

The doctor laughs "Yeah I hear that a lot" he says then goes on to talk about foods I should stop and start eating and other shit I would think about later. The only thing on my mind right now was Keith.


I sat down in the kitchen watching the clock like a hawk. Waiting and waiting and... "I'm home babyyyy" I turn around in the chair watching Keith walk thru the front door a nervous smile on my face as Kieth makes his way over to me.

"Hey" I say as he wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me up. He smiles up at me." I missed you " he whispers in my ear kissing me I kiss him back my hands wrapped around his neck.

He walks over to the couch and lays me down, him on top me. He begins kissing down my neck leaving love bites. His hands were just about to slip in my jeans shorts until I grabbed his hand pulling it back out. He looked up at me quirking a brow.

"What's wrong?" He ask . I sigh then push him off of me and sit next to him on the couch. "I have to tell you something " I say looking down in my lap. He lifts my chin up and smiles.

"What's wrong Kianna " he says . I look at him and chew on my bottom lip. "It can't be that bad" he says crossing his hand over his toned chest. I stand up and look down at him. He looks up waiting for me to talk but I just couldn't get it out.

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