Chapter 14. Feel It

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"I love being ignored" -Olivia Peart

(Lolll you already know this is not edited 😂)


Kieth P.O.V

Jason and Carlos have been inside of The Fangs clubhouse for more then 15 minutes. "Are you sure you don't want me to just march in and find Petro" I said resting my head against the window watching the house.

"So you can get your ass killed along with the rest of us?" Roy said turning to look at me.

I roll my eyes. "Dad don't forget I was once apart of this shit just a couple years ago, I could handle it" I say while removing my seatbelt.

"Keith there are a bunch of crazy ass niggas with crazy guns who all want you dead in that house, your staying here rather you want to or not" Roy turns around in his seat after his little sermon.

I didn't open my mouth after that. I wanted to text Kianna but Carlos had taken my phone not trusting me. I didn't blame him either. A few more minutes past before Carlos and Jason finally made it back to the car.

With three other men. "Shit shit shit!" I yell Roy and I each grabbing our guns. The two guys noticed the movement in the truck and immediately starting firing towards the car.

"Fucking drive Roy!" I yell ducking from the bullets. "Don't fucking curse at me!" He yelled back sliding into the drivers seat. Roy drove off to the end of the rode then reversed opening the door briefly for thing 1&2.

"Jump in you fucktards!" Roy yelled still ducking from the bullets. Carlos flew into the truck Jason along with him. "Hit the highway there behind us!" Carlos looking in the rear view mirror.

I turned around and almost shit myself when I saw 3 Range Rovers packed with guys following us.

"We have to loose them make a left on Sydney then cut behind the factory!" I yell. Roy took the exit his driving skills allowing us to finally loose them.

"Well where the fuck are we going?" I say turning to look at Jason. He sighed running a hand down his face. "He's in La" he says I squint my eyes at him then look at Carlos he nods his head.

I roll my eyes groaning. "Oh fucking great" I say dramatically hitting the car window.

Petro P.O.V

"Bullshit bullshit bullshit-" "Say bullshit again and I'll smack you" I whisper in Sofia's ear. Unfortunately we had to drag her spoiled, annoying ass with me to La.

"Smack me in front of all these people? We're in an airport....I could make a scene" she said smiling up at me.

I narrowed my eyes at her about to say something but our suitcases fucking finally came out of the baggage carousel.

The one with all of our precious guns. "Ok let's go" I say grabbing one of the bags. Mike and Jake and a couple other guys grabbed the other bags as we walked outside of the airport to our rental van.

"Where's Jasmine ?" I asked looking behind me. "Oh she's in the bathroom she wasn't feeling well" Sofia says lighting up a cigar. I marched over to her then threw the cigarette on the ground then stomped on it.

Sofia smirked at me then slid a new cigarette out of the box wiggling it in my face. "Sofia" I say lowly grabbing the whole box out her hands. "What? You smoke like five packs a day" she said crossing her hands over her chest.

Thankfully her entire body was covered thanks to Jasmine and Mike's oversized hoodies. "I'm gonna go find Jasmine just get in the car" I say turning to find Mike.

"Stay here make sure she doesn't go anywhere" I say. He nods his head then continues his conversation with Jake. I walk back into the airport looking for the ladies room and when I finally found it I just decided to walk in.

"Jasmine are you in here?" I say checking each stall. Luckily the bathroom was mostly empty. "I'm in here" I heard her say lowly from the stall all the way at the end.

I run over and peek my head through the stall. "Are you ok baby?" I said only seeing her sitting on the closed toilet. She sighed then unlocked it allowing me in.

"What's wrong?" I asked holding her hands in mine. She looked up at me and I saw that she was crying. "Nothing" she said her voice cracking.

"Well obviously something wrong" I say wiping her tears away with the back of my hand. "We can talk about this later, let's just go" she said getting up walking out of the stall.

"Woah woah, I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong" I say turning her around. "Babe please let's just find Keegan and do what we have to do, it's not important " She says standing on her tippy toes wrapping her hands around my neck.

I cock my head to the side unsure. She rolls her eyes then kisses me briefly before pulling away. "Chris let's go, I love you" she says. I smile wrapping my hands around her waist.

"I love you too" I say kissing her. I deepen the kiss pressing her against the sink. She moaned in my mouth allowing me to slip my tongue in. Her hands roamed my chest my hands resting on her ass. "Baby there waiting on us" Jasmine laughed as I moved to her neck kissing her sweet spot.

"They can wait.." I say wrapping my hands around her neck kissing her lips again. "Jasmin- .. shit" I jumped away from Jasmine wiping her lipgloss off my lips. "Sofia I told you to wait in the car! You never listen! God your so fucking ugh" I shoved right passed her and headed towards the car.

"Woah there you ok man?" Jake said climbing out the van. I shoved him out the way climbing into the car. "Do you not know how to listen, I told y'all to watch her!" I said slamming the door. Everybody kept quiet as they all climbed into the car.

"We're going to hotel, in the morning we head out to the warehouse Keegan is in then we kill him, and anybody else who's in there" I say starting the car. Everybody nodded or mumbled a yes.

The ride to the hotel was completely silent.

Kianna P.O.V

"Did he call yet?" I asked poking my head in Jaida's room in the small hotel room. Jaida looked up from her phone then shook her head.

My face dropped and I rolled my eyes. "I'm over here scared as hell and he can't even text" I say plopping down on the couch in her room. "Kianna, he's fine" she says placing her phone down. I look up at her then look down at the floor.

"Hey how about we go out, get our minds off of this we could get our nails, I think there still open" Jaida says sliding off her bed and sitting next to me on the couch.

"They said not to leave....but if we were to leave it would be for food not nails" I said getting up from the couch. Jaida laughed grabbing her keys off the dresser. After changing we dragged Jayden off the couch and headed out to the mall.


I got tired forgive me🙄

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