The City

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The day is a long one without Morty. And a day without Morty means a day alone with your own thoughts. And no matter what you do, you just can't stop thinking about him. You keep thinking about what he could've done if you two weren't interrupted. All that thinking gets you excited.
But you can't help but think about how much he's changed. Morty went from an awkward, emotionally unstable, anxious, yet cute teen to a calm, pragmatic, dignified, yet seductive leader. You wonder if the bullet wound was responsible for the change.
You remember learning about lobotomies in your psychology class. Lobotomies were a controversial form of neurosurgery that would make an incision in a patient's prefrontal cortex, curing mental conditions like schizophrenia. Lobotomies, if done incorrectly, can take away someone's free will and individuality. You specifically remember learning about Phineas Gage, the victim of the infamous "American Crowbar Case."
In 1848, a railroad worker survived an iron rod being driven completely through his head. After the injury, Gage's personality changed completely. You wonder if that's what happened to Morty.
You lay around in your room in your pajamas all day, doing nothing. After about two hours, you start to get antsy. You decide to get dressed and leave your room. You grab your keycard and the money Morty gave you. Walking to the door, you notice Morty's coat on a clothes hanger and a hat in your open closet. You put them on and leave.
You walk around the capital building, looking around at random things, but you stop once you get to the front door. Without looking back, you excitedly open the door into the city. You look around at the millions of different Ricks and Mortys in the busy city. You've never been to a city this big before, so it's a bit overwhelming at first. You want to go around and talk to everybody, but you realize that you're the only version of you here. And as your Morty told you, you have a reputation as a murderer and a criminal. For your own safety, you decide to lay low.
You start hearing portals opening all around you, Ricks and Mortys entering and leaving the Citadel every second. The sounds of portals drown out everything else. Your eyes dart around, trying to see if anyone is suspicious of you. You can feel their piercing gazes going right through you, even though nobody is looking at you. You start to silently cry out of fear, and you don't know why. You start walking faster and faster before you can be seen. You look back, trying to see if anyone—
You trip and fall on top of someone. You open your eyes and look at who you fell on. You gasp when you realize you're on top of a Rickless Morty.
"W-who are y-you?" The Morty asks. Panicked, you stand up off the ground and begin running without thinking. Once you see the capital building, you fumble for your keycard and unlock the door. Once you're inside, you shut the door behind you and lean against it, tears streaming down your face and your chest heaving for air. You look up and see your Morty sprinting down the hallway, hurriedly looking around. He stops and sees you. He runs down the hallway towards you and grabs you by the shoulders.
"{Y/N}, where the HELL were you!?" Morty snaps at you. "Where WERE you!?"
Morty's outburst shocks you. You thought he loved you. You can almost feel your heart break as his yelling makes you want to cry even more.
"TELL ME!!" He demands, grabbing your shoulders even harder.
You completely break down, sobbing harder than you ever have before, even worse than your first day in prison. Your brain goes fuzzy as the only thing you can think about is how mad you made Morty.
"I... I... I... I went outside!!" You heave through your tears.
"Why would you do that!? You could've been seen! Or captured! Or KILLED!" Morty exclaims, a worried tone in his voice.
"You... were gone... all day!! I... I missed you!! I'm sorryyyy!" You sob profusely.
Morty sighs and loosens his grip on your shoulders, pulling you into a tight hug. "I was worried about you," he admits, "please don't do it again. Or tell me first. I was so scared you ran away for good." Morty looks up at you and wipes your tears with his hand. "Don't do it again, okay?" He asks, smiling in an attempt to calm you down.
"I love you."
"I l-love you too..."

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