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You open your eyes in a dazed stupor. You look around and see a Police Rick sitting at a computer, watching a video. At closer examination, you realize that the video is from your memory. The Rick looks at you, relieved.
"H-hey, you're awake. We were worried that we wouldn't have a-anyone left to question." The Rick chuckles. You look down at yourself to see that you're strapped into a chair, wires and cords plugged into your artificial skin like IVs. You're wearing a pair of grey jeans and a black tee shirt. You try to move your arms and legs, but the Rick stops you.
"Hey, hey, take it easy. Y-you have to stay still. I-I can't even begin to understand how confused you might be," he says, looking back at the computer, "but you're in the Citadel Police Department. We're charging your internal batteries and collecting data from your memory."
The department looks empty, and you and the Rick are the only ones there. You look back at the Rick in confusion.
"You're wondering about the others?They're preparing an attack to arrest the president. I have to stay here because I'm a n-new recruit." He turns around and flashes you a smile. "But at least I can stay here to help you. I'm a b-big supporter. Glad you got out."
"Y-you're... n-nice..." You mutter, managing a weak smile, "tha...thank you..."
"Aright, you're fully charged, and I downloaded all your memories into evidence." The Rick stands up and begins unhooking you from the wires, helping you stand up. You stumble and grab onto the wall with your robotic hand to regain your balance. You stand up straight, sighing.
"Now... what?" You ask.
"We need to wait for the other officers get back." Rick sips his coffee. "You're going with them to the Capital."
You flinch. "I'm doing what!?"
"Don't worry, you'll be kept safe. I promise."
A large group of Police Ricks and Mortys walk into the room, armed to the teeth. The Rick you've been talking to looks over at you.
"That's your cue," he says, "good luck. I'll be rooting for you."
A Police Morty hands you a bulletproof vest and you slide it over your head and strap it tightly to your chest. The officers escort you out of the station, completely surrounding you. A Police Rick almost discreetly hands you a pistol. You look up at him, confused.
"For emergencies only," he says, "keep the safety on unless absolutely necessary."
You nod and hold onto the gun tightly, teeth grit with vengeance and determination.

Once the front doors of the Capital are breached, the guards immediately open fire. You stay behind two Ricks with bulletproof shields, obstructing your view. All you can hear are relentless gunfire and bodies hitting the floor. The officers advance to the end of the hallway.
"Which direction to his office, {Y/N}?" A Police Rick calls out.
"Uh— the left! At the other end of the hallway!" You exclaim, and the officers follow your directions. They disperse, checking every room in the building, while most of them stay with you and head to the president's office. The door is broken down, but the room is empty.
"T-there's a door behind that wall panel!!" You shout and point at the wall where the laboratory door is. You run over to it and move the panel off the wall, throwing it onto the floor behind you. Clenching your robotic fist, you reel back your arm and, with a cry of unbridled fury, swing at the control panel. It shatters and sparks, sending a current through your body. The door slides open, and the officers run inside with guns drawn.
Immediately, gunfire echoes through the small room and half the officers fall to the floor. You get a clear view of Morty, brandishing a large rifle. He takes intent aim at you.
You quickly lift up your pistol and pull the trigger.
Blood splatters onto the wall behind him as Morty grasps his shoulder and drops his gun. He begins running over to you, but you instinctively fire at both of his kneecaps, causing him to crumple to the floor. The bullet holes spark and spurt blood all over the lab equipment. His shaking, blood soaked hand reaches towards his rifle, so you shoot his hand clean off without hesitation.
You push past the wall of officers surrounding you and approach Morty. You kick his gun, sliding it out of his reach. You yank his eyepatch off of his face, crushing it beneath your foot. The officers run over and detain him. When Morty is pulled to his feet and escorted out of the room, he looks over at you with sad eyes.
"A-aw jeez, {Y/N}... Wh-what's going on?" He stutters, trying to manipulate you. For a second, you almost pity him. You stare him in the face and just lose it.
"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" You scream at the top of your lungs, tears pouring down your face. "ROT IN HELL, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!"
Enraged, Morty tries to lunge at you, but the officers hold him back. You walk over to him, face to face.
"You can't control me or anyone else anymore." You scowl at the pathetic boy, spitting on his shoes as he's dragged out of the laboratory.

Morty is taken to prison without trial and you're taken back to the police department. You sit in the interrogation room, drinking something from a mug. It's been so long, you can't assign a name to the flavor of the hot beverage.

What... is this?
Or maybe even cocoa?
Whatever, it still tastes good.
Tastes like victory, am I right?
Up top!!

You look over at the opening door, and a Rick walks in. It's the Rick you were talking to before you left. He sits in the chair across from you and rests his elbows on the table.
"So, how'd it go?" He leans in, as if intent on hearing more. "Heard you beat his ass."
You chuckle a little under your breath. "Motherfucker deserved it."
"Damn right he did." Rick holds his head and sighs. "I-I can't believe the protest shooting was an inside job... Thirty six Mortys and twenty four Ricks... A-and I was there."
"You were? I'm so sorry..."
Rick flinches. "I haven't even introduced myself." He reaches his hand out to you. "R-Rick, Dimension Delta-196."
"{Y/N}, C-782," you say, smiling and shaking Rick's hand with your skeletal hand.
"S-so..." Rick begins, "now what are you gonna do now that you're free?"
That causes you to think. "I... actually haven't gotten that far. I'm not sure."
"W-well, I personally think that the poster child of an equal rights movement would be good in the seat of a certain empty government seat..." Rick smiles slyly. You flinch.
"Me!? I'm not fit to lead!! I get anxious when I'm at the front of a conga line because I'm worried I'm walking too fast or too slow!" You cry out. Rick stands up and heads for the door, looking back at you.
"Well, if you rethink your d-decision, you've got my vote." Rick closes the door behind him, leaving you alone in the room. You stare down into your mug contemplatively.

Maybe you're the leader the Citadel needs.
When you really think about it...
It doesn't sound like too bad of an idea.

The President's Secretary (Evil Morty X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now