Last Stand

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Immediately after you arrive at your destination, you don't hesitate in making your way down the hallway. You've been here many times before that you practically know the layout by heart. With the intensity of a soldier on a hostage mission, you speed up when you see the door to the throne room. You grasp your pulse rifle and shoot the handle of the door, causing it to swing open.
"MORTYYYY!!!" You roar, bursting in at top speed. You aim your gun into the room, but you flinch when you see Katya chained to a pole, covered in blood. She's kneeling on the floor and breathing heavily, blood dripping from her nose and mouth as she stares at the floor. Standing next to her is an android without a face. Just a bloodstained skull of an endoskeleton. Your HUD identifies the android as Evil Morty.

What the hell happened to him!?

"Get away from my wife." You grit your teeth to make it seem like you're not completely freaked out. Katya slowly looks up at you, as if she just realized you were here. Her exhausted expression quickly turns to terror.
"Wh-what are you doing here!?" Katya cries out, voice shaking in desperation. "Get out of here, it's a trap— GHHK!!"
Her plea is cut short by a punch to the throat. Infuriated, you attempt to pursue Evil Morty, only to realize your wheelchair won't move. You look down and see that your wheels are clamped down to the floor. Your rifle doesn't have good range, so you can't shoot him from here without running the risk of hitting Katya by accident. Slowly, you lower your rifle, but not to admit defeat. You reach into Katya's backpack and pull out a collapsible baton, fully extending it. Evil Morty tilts his head to the side, seemingly confused about what you're trying to do. You grasp the baton in your metal hand and place the base on the floor. You suck in a breath and squeeze your eyes shut.
When your eyes open, you're standing upright.
Katya's jaw drops open and her eyes well up with tears as she laughs in silent disbelief and pride. Evil Morty takes half a step backward in shock. You lift up your pant leg to show that you're wearing your leg braces under your pants. Using your baton as a cane, you slowly walk over to Evil Morty.
"You come into my home... you kidnap my wife... you put a fake body under my bed..." you growl, raising your voice as you get angrier, "you beat her up until she bleeds... and you think you can get away with it. You got away with corrupting the government... you got away with torturing me for almost my entire life... you got away with killing me over and over again... you got away with crippling me... but when you hurt my family..."
"A-a-ah!" Katya looks up at you and lets out a tiny squeak. Though she's still unable to speak, her eyes let you know that you can do it.
Evil Morty stares you in the face, seemingly unfazed. Without opening his mouth, a distorted, almost unrecognizable voice speaks to you. "And what are you going to do to me? Are you going to kill me? Beat me up? Or just yell at me some more?"
You flinch when you feel something push into your stomach. When you look down, you see a pistol held against you. Katya squeaks in fear when she sees the gun. You look back up at him, clenching your fist around your makeshift cane. At that moment, you do the ballsiest thing you've ever done; you pull the gun closer to your body and smirk at Evil Morty.
"And what are you going to do?" You sneer. "You're just going to kill me here? So unceremoniously? Don't you want a fight? And then what? You'll beat up a cripple? I don't stand a chance! You put up a fight when I killed you."

What the FUCK are you doing!?
Do you have a death wish!?
Oh, what's the point, you're already dead.
You may be on to something.

Evil Morty's hand trembles and pushes deeper into your stomach. Katya leans closer to you, tears pouring down her face, as she silently begs you to stop inciting him. Instead, you keep going.
"Oh, are you getting mad at me? Are you going to push me down and strangle me? I know you like breath play." You tease, putting your hand on the back of your hip. You raise your voice and lean in closer to his face. "Well, come on! Don't be a pussy! Hit me! Shoot me! Kill me! Do it! Pull the fucking trigger!! DO IT!!"
"You don't get it."
You pause and lean back slightly.
Evil Morty steps forward. "You don't get why I did this."
"Enlighten me."
"Your wife over there? Every time she said she was going to work out, she was really going to her cellar to beat me senseless. She had me chained to a pole, just like that." He points to Katya. "She even got off to it. Without me, what will she take her anger out on? You. She'll beat you like she beat me. She's a violent, heartless murderer. Do you really want to suffer through that? I'm trying to stop this."
You tilt your head to the side and smile sweetly. "Oh, Morty..." You croon, leaning into his ear, "I would've done the same to you, motherfucker."
Multiple gunshots echo throughout the hall, and you and Evil Morty both fall flat on your backs. Katya, after being unable to speak, lets out a bloodcurdling scream. She wrenches on her chains in hopes to break free.

"Ugh... my head..."

Laying flat on the floor, you place your hand on your forehead. You look over at Katya and smile at her, showing her the smoking gun in your other hand. "Did I do it?"
You roll onto your stomach and crawl over to Katya, who's sobbing tears of joy. You break her chains and wrap your arms around her.
"Oh my god..." Katya heaves between sobs, "are you okay!?"
You hold Katya's face and hold your thumb on her split lip. "Dear god... you need to get to a hospital."
"No, no..." she mutters, "I'm okay... We just need to get out of heee..."
She falls limp for a second before lifting her head back up. You grasp onto the pole and lift yourself up, lifting Katya with you. You hold onto each other as you slowly walk to your wheelchair. You sit down and lift Katya onto your lap, wrapping your arm around her waist to keep her still. You shoot a portal in front of you and quickly go through.

You rolled into the portal so fast, that you accidentally flip your wheelchair over, causing you and Katya to fall flat on the floor of your office. When Katya hits the floor, she lets out a long, pained wail. You sit up and crawl over to her.
"Where does it hurt?" You ask in a panic.
"M-my chest..." Katya winces when you put a hand on her rib cage. You look around the room to see that no one is there. You try to stand, but your leg braces snapped when you fell. Unable to reach your desk phone, you gently hold onto Katya, tears streaming down your face.
"H-help!!!" You cry out. "Call an ambulance!!"

You anxiously sit in your wheelchair next to Katya. She lays unconscious in a hospital bed after emergency surgery, her face covered in bandages, stitches, and bruises. You watch as Katya begins moving her fingers and tilting her head to the side. Groggily, she opens the eye that isn't swollen shut.
"You're awake..." you say, happily.
"Um... yeah, I guess..." Katya mutters, confused from the anesthesia. You roll closer to her and run your fingers through her hair, gently kissing the top of your head.
"Are you okay?" You ask.
" I?" Katya replies, looking up at you.
Hesitantly, you tell her what happened. "You have four broken ribs and a concussion. You needed sixty-three stitches and thirty-seven staples. You lost a few pints of blood, but luckily there was a donor with the same blood type as you."
"R-really...?" Katya asks. Smiling, you roll up your sleeve and show her the bandage on your arm. Katya smiles back and reaches for your hand. You hold it and sigh.
"Katya... I've been thinking. After my term is over, let's leave the Citadel together. I've done everything that needed to be done. {Y/N}s have equal rights and can live in the Citadel without discrimination. Evil Morty is finally dead. My job here is done. We could finally be the happy married couple we've always wanted to be. We could... find a new Earth in a new dimension... maybe settle down in a cozy little cabin in the Alaskan Bush..."
Katya takes your hand and lifts it up to her lips, kissing your wedding ring. "I'd love that."

And that's exactly what happened. Another {Y/N} with great ideals was voted into office three months later. You and Katya found a home in the Alaska of Dimension ε-886. Even though you live on the Shore, you commute to the city for work. Katya owns her own fish and game business, while you work as a motivational speaker for survivors of domestic abuse. When you speak about your experience, you leave out specific details, like how your abuser was the president of a different dimension and an android. You don't make that much, but you love your job either way.
For the past three years, you've finally been able to sleep soundly. No fear, no threats, no anxiety. Just love.

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