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Before I open my eyes...
PLEASE tell me...
That this wasn't just another dream.

Hesitantly, you pry open one eye to be greeted by the peaceful sleeping face of Katya herself.


You find yourself nuzzled comfortably into her chest, her arms wrapped around you tightly. You move a little and Katya's eyes slowly open. She smiles sweetly at you when she sees you.
"Mornin', hun," Katya says as she holds your cheek with her bandaged hand and gently kisses your lips, "I had fun last night."
"I did too..." you laugh a little, "I had no idea you were so good at... um... t-that..."
"I didn't know either. That was my first time..." she admits.
You sit up in surprise. "You're lying!! How!?"
"Natural talent, I guess..." Katya mutters under her breath as she sits up next to you. You two chat for a bit. You mostly discuss plans for future ambushes so history won't repeat itself. After an hour and a half, you both get dressed and start working. You do your normal work as president, while Katya finds changes in Evil Morty's portal history. She occasionally stops by your office to give you some updates and a kiss.

Is this what a real relationship is like?
With {SO's/N}, there were barely any romantic feelings...
And I don't even consider the thing with Evil Morty to have been a relationship...
I'm... starting to like this.

Katya comes by so often, you just leave your office unlocked. She stops by in the afternoon in a panic. You stand up and run over to her as she runs towards you.
"Katya, what's wrong!?" You exclaim, grasping her shoulders.
"It's Evil Morty! He caught onto our plan and he blocked me from accessing his portal gun history!" She shouts, holding her head. "The last entry before he blocked me was from eleven minutes ago. I didn't get a chance to see where he went yet."
"Well, check!!" You yell, causing her to fumble with her tablet. She looks up at you, concern in her eyes.
"The Citadel. Five kilometers south from the Capital."
You ditch your fears and anxieties and become gravely serious. "Get your gun and guard the office door."
"Right away." Katya salutes and kisses your lips before running out of your office at top speed.
You make your way to your desk and you pick up your phone. "All units, the Capital of the Citadel is currently in full emergency lockdown, threat level black. Secure the outside perimeter and every possible entrance or exit."
You grab your pistol from your desk drawer, exhibiting a kind of mental strength and stability that you haven't even seen before. The lights shut off and the blinds close, leaving you in complete darkness. Everything is locked. You're alone. There's no way in or out. You heave a sigh of relief as you slump back into your chair.

"Don't get too comfortable..."

Something damp covers your mouth and nose. Your muffled screaming alerts no one as you fade to numbness.

The President's Secretary (Evil Morty X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now