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"Aoibhin why did you not tell me that you and Alon were a thing?" I thought we told each other everything.

"I'm sorry its just that I didn't want to upset you, you had just broken up with Kyle and I felt bad. I was only protecting you! Please don't be mad," she is getting really worried. Im only messing with her, of course I'm not mad at her, how can I be.

"I don't no how I can ever get over you lying to me!" I try to do the best acting I could. "And you brought him to our room! I cant believe you Avz!"

"Look, I am sooo sorry! Please!" I start to laugh, I was never a good actress! "Wait a sec, are you taking the piss!?"

"Maybe..." I tease.

"ANNIE! You were making me feel really bad!"... sorry. Then Jade came through the door.

"OMG, guess what. Ok i'll just tell you. So I was at maths and this really cute guy was sitting on my seat so obvz I was like 'emm get up, that's my seat you know!' Anyway he apologized and told me that he only sat there so that he could ask me out! How CUTE!" She seems to think that everything is cute. "His name is JJ and we are going out on Friday! eekk!"

"Aww I'm so happy for you!" This is true but I was always the one with the boyfriend... I guess I am a bit jealous.

"Don't you have Biology now?" Avz asked me.

"Oh shit! I forgot about that. I guess its all this guy gossip"


When I walk into Bio Natasha runs up to me. Ughh I hate her so much! "What do you want?" I ask in an enthusiastic voice...NOT. She knows that I hate her so I dont pretend.

"Oh I just wanted to know if Jaymi found you yesterday?" Say what?!

"Emm why do you care?" I try to act normal.

"Its just he seemed pretty eager to see you, if you don't mind I told him where you were and I might have let it slip about you, you know, liking him?" she sniggered.

"WHAT! I certainly do not like him! What gives you permission to tell people where I am?" I could feel my face burning and I held back the tears that were about to pour out of my eyes.

"Everyone seen what you were wearing, I mean come on., it was slutty and I seen you staring at him." And there comes the snob smile. God I hate that, its not like her face isnt ugly enough! "You got what was coming to you." What did she mean? Was she in on the...rape? I hated that word and every time I even thought of it I wanted to throw up. I suppose it would be fun to give her what she had coming.

"Do you ladies have a problem?" I turned around and saw him standing there.



I don't no why I went over to Annie and Natasha.

"Yea, we're fine," Natasha sneered as she walked pass me to her seat. I notice that Annie's eye's are red. She started to walk pass me and I touched her arm.

"It's Josh by the way," I said into her ear and gave her a smile.

"Annie," she replied. I love that name.

"Did you get my number?" A laugh escaped from her and I decided that she had.

"As a matter of fact I did. Without my friend jade you would be waiting for a text from me for ages," she smirked.

"Does that mean I should be expecting a text from you sometime soon," I teased.

"Maybe," she says as she pushes past me to her seat. She is making me work for her. I like that.


When I get back home after a long shift I check my email. It was from Annie. How did she get my email address?

Mr Cuthbert,                                                                                                                                            

I attend Dr Heller's Biology classes but unfortunately I missed out on a week for personal reasons. He gave me your email address so that I could contact you and get some info about your tutoring sessions. If you need anymore information please just ask. Thanks.    AOK

I was hoping this wouldn't happen, everyone knows that you cant go out with a student, not that I am saying that we will go out... What was I supposed to say. I cant say that she cant come to my sessions because I hope in the future that we will go out. That's just fucking creepy!

Miss O'Kane,

I conduct tutoring sessions on a Thursday at 4pm. I would love to see an new face. I don't need any more information but just if this is suitable for you.     JC

Just a few minutes later I receive a reply.

Mr Cuthbert,

Yes, Thursday at 4pm sounds good. I cant make it this week but maybe we could meet up on Friday at Starbucks around say 3.30pm?     AOK

Maybe I could talk to her before Friday, I mean this gives me loads of time to get to know her properly and explain. It would be at Starbucks and I would just be finished a shift.

Miss O'Kane,

Friday at 3.30pm at Sarbucks suits me fine. See you then!!    JC


Another chapter! sorry if you think it's a bit short :( Annie and Josh would be such a cute couple don't you think? lol xox please comment, vote and share. THANK YOU!

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