A Visit From the Past

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Chapter 3

~Katniss POV~

I let my heavy eyelids drift open slowly, surveying the room and up to Peeta. Blonde curls hang over his eyes and his mouth is slightly open as he lets out soft baby snores. He's so cute. I crawl up to his face and press a soft kiss to his perfect lips. After a little while they start kissing back and I sit up and smile at my fiancé.

"Good morning beautiful." He whispers sweetly. I blush bright pink and nuzzle back down in his arms.

"Good morning handsome." He smiles and kisses my temple.

"Guess what." He teases.

"What?" I giggle.

"We're engaaaged." He sings softly. I grin impossibly wide.

"I knoow." I mimic. "We should call Effie today. Ask her to plan. And stufffff." I say, holding out the 'f'. Peeta chuckles and rolls over on top of me.

"I'd rather not right now." He murmurs before softly uniting our lips. I run my hand up his back and across his stubbly, defined jawline.

"You need to shave." I murmur against his lips.

"And do you want me to leave and go do that right now?" He murmurs against my own while they work against one another. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"No thanks." He smiles and we continue making out for a while. He pulls away after a while and smooths my hair, smiling sweetly.

"Do you want some breakfast?" he asks.

"Breakfast sounds great right now." I say sitting up. I look at the clock. "Oh my God, it's 3:30!" I exclaim. He laughs and wraps his arms around me.

"Well we fell asleep at sunrise, so." He chuckles, scooping me up in his arms and walks us downstairs. I nuzzle his neck and kiss his cheek, wrapping my legs around his waist. "Guess what." He whispers in my ear, sending tingles down my body.

"What." I giggle.

"I love you." I giggle and kiss his jaw.

"I love you, too." He sets me down at the counter, giving me a kiss as he goes to make crêpes.

~15 Minutes Later~

I dial Effie's house number as Peeta sits down in the chair next to me with the crêpes on the table. I rest my head in his lap and he tangles his fingers in my long dark hair.

"Why do I have to do this?" I hiss grudgingly. "You know I'm no good at this stuff."

"What, talking?" Peeta chuckles.

"Yes! Why if she starts going off about her newest wig!?" I growl.

"I'll take over if it gets too rough, okay?" he says sweetly. Sometimes I know I don't deserve him. He's too wonderful. I smile and press call. It rings twice before Effie picks up.

"Helloo!" she sings. She's always been way too perky.

"H-hey Effie, it's Katniss," I say, a bit nervously. Peeta smiles reassuringly.

"Oh my goodness, Katniss! It's been such a long time, how are you!? What brings you to call!? Oh how's Peeta!? You two are still together, aren't you!?"

"Yes, we are, and actually, he-" Is all I manage to get in before she goes off again.

"Oh that's fabulous! Absolutely perfect! So what makes you call!? How's Haymitch been!? I got a brand new outfit the other day and it's just fabulous! How have you been, dear?" Even Effie needs a breather, too, I guess.

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