I Found the Gown

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Chapter 8

~Katniss POV~

"GET UP GET UP GET UP, WE HAVE THINGS TO PLAN!" Effie sings downstairs. Neither me nor Peeta wakes up, dead asleep. "COME ON COME ON COME ON, GET UP GET UP GET UP BEFORE I COME UP THERE!" She calls up the stairs. I stir, but only closer to Peeta. "I'm coming in there now!" She warns through the door. Peeta slowly starts waking up.

"Huh?" He grunts, starting to sit up.

"I'm coming in there!"

"Who is?" He mumbles.

"I'm coming in!" I start stirring.

"Who is?" I murmur, pulling on Peeta's ear.

"I dunno," he yawns. Effie suddenly bursts in, causing us both to jump.

"It's Effie." I say.

"Come on, come on, it's time to get up! Don't make me take the covers off!" Peeta's eyes grow. I then remember his leg is off. I scramble over him to almost block his leg off and she starts pulling at the covers.

"Effie don't!" I exclaim. She almost pulls it off before I yell, "I SLEEP PANTLESS!" She freezes and I feel Peeta freeze too.

"You WHAT?" She exclaims. I nod hurriedly.

"I am wearing NOTHING from the waist down." She just stares.

"Uhm, a-alright, I'm...I'm sorry I almost exposed...that. Me and Haymitch are downstairs when you two come down, make it snappy, we have stuff to do." She scurries out of the door, closing it behind her. Both me and Peeta breathe out in relief and lay there for a second. Then I feel his lips on my shoulder.

"Thank you for that," he whispers in my ear, resting his cheek on my shoulder. I smile and turn around to face him.

"I knew you wouldn't want her to see it." He smiles and nods, giving me a kiss.

"I love you." I smile and nuzzle my nose to his own, my hand gently massaging the soft stump.

"I love you too." We get up and get changed into regular clothes. Peeta makes it down before me again so I hop down the stairs and see Haymitch and Effie at the island while Peeta makes pancakes. I hop up on a chair with the others and Peeta sets a plate of pancakes down in the middle, sitting down next to me.

"So how've you been Haymitch." Peeta says, taking a bite out of his pancake. Haymitch just glares back. I roll my eyes. But Peeta stands up and crosses to him, whispering in his ear that he slept with the leg off last night. Haymitch's eyes grow and he turns to him.

"Really?" He asks. Peeta nods, sitting back down next to me. Haymitch smirks, sitting back in his chair. "That's what I like to hear." We smile and go back to our pancakes, talking with the other two until we're all done. Then Peeta clears the dishes and start washing them.

"Alrighty, today we just have to tie up loose ends." Effie says officially. Peeta sits back down next to me. It doesn't take long, we just have to discuss that I still need to get a gown and Peeta needs a tux and stuff like that. But she never mentions maid of honor. I just stare at her.

"Effie?" I say, my voice dry. She stops talking and looks up at me. "Will...will you be my maid of honor?" Her jaw drops and I feel Peeta freeze when his thumb stops rubbing my shoulder.

"Wh-what?" She croaks. I smile a tiny bit.

"Will you be my maid of honor?" She covers her mouth with her hands, tears filling her eyes. All she can do is give a shaky nod when the tears start to flow. "Really?!" I say excitedly. She nods faster and stands up, her arms open to me. My smile turns into a grin and I stand up and she embraces me. I wrap my arms around her neck and hug her tight.

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