Preparing a Wedding

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Chapter 6

~Katniss POV~

A soft breeze wafts through the slightly open window, mockingjays singing softly somewhere outside. I'm curled up with Peeta's arms around me and my head on his chest. His soft snore drifts through the room as his bare chest rises and falls in rhythm. My sleeping fingers wander up his chest and to his neck. All is peaceful. Suddenly, there are voices.

"Stop it-would you get the hell back here!?" I'm barely awake, just barely drifting out of unconsciousness. "Oh my God, don't go in there!!" Suddenly, the door burst open and me and Peeta sit bolt upright, yelping a little. What the hell is happening. My vision is still hazy from sleep, but I can make out colorful figures hustling and bustling around the room. I'm attacked by commotion when my vision returns. Effie Trinket hustles around the room, talking to seemingly herself as she starts writing things down. I shoot my eyes to the door, where Haymitch hangs his head.

"Effie?" Peeta croaks, voice still thick with sleep. Both heads shoot our way, just now realizing we're awake.

"Oh my goodness it's about time you two woke up!!" Effie squeals, taking our hands and pulling us up in bed.

"Oh my god-" She pulls me into a bone crushing hug, squealing,

"OH MY GOODNESS MY VICTOR'S ARE GETTIG MARRIED FOR REAL THIS TIME, AHHH!" She pulls Peeta into the same hug, squealing at the same time. She lets go and he looks stunned.

"H-hi Effie," I stammer, yawning and leaning up against Peeta's shoulder as he wraps his arm around me. "What the hell are you doing here." I grumble. I was just getting use to not waking up early and getting up whenever.

"What's up with you?" Haymitch says, grouchily as always.

"She's just tired." Peeta says as I let out a growl at Haymitch's natural stupidity.

"Psh, sweetheart you used to get up way earlier than this,"

"I don't go out everyday now. Now shut up and go away." I snap, burying my head farther into Peeta's bare shoulder. He just chuckles and strokes my hair. "But seriously Effie, not that I don't love you all, but why are you here at five in the morning."

"Because we have a wedding to plan, that's why!" She sings excitedly.

"Oh joy!" I squeal mockingly. "Peeta sweetheart, I don't love you enough to wake up at five in the morning."

"Aw darn it." I look up and laugh at him, looking back at the team. Effie rolls her eyes at us, letting out a scoffing noise.

"Honestly, your manners have not improved a bit." She clucks her tongue.

"Effie, could you just give us a few minutes to shower and get dressed and we'll meet you downstairs to start planning." Peeta says kindly, fingers running circles on my hip. She beams at his orderliness and ushers herself into the hallway, Haymitch following reluctantly.

"You're so her favorite." I chuckle. I roll my eyes, not caring if Peeta's favored. No doubt he always is. He laughs.

"Does it count that you're my favorite?" he asks innocently. I snort.

"Yay. I'm my fiancé's favorite." He laughs and wraps his arm over me and he lays us back down on the bed, him over me slightly. "Now what the hell could you possibly want this time?" I say amusedly. He smiles.

"I didn't get a good morning kiss." He says sulkily. I put on a pout.

"You poor baby." I pull him down to kiss me, softly and romantically. My fingers run up and down his spine as our lips move slowly against each other. Suddenly, the door is thrown open. I spasm up, but can't live due to Peeta's weight on top of me.

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